You don't want Genji or Doom changes because you don't like them

if we nerf dmg, gotta nerf healing. healing cant exceed over damage or else nothing dies. sorry. health pools and whatnot can stay the same, but healing has to be nerfed or else dmg is gonna be seen as too weak again and nothing ever dies.

Besides, whats wrong with adding something so small for genji such as +1 dmg to shurikens and uppercut recovery revert? thats not contributing much to powercreep if thats what youre thinking.



Actually. DVA used to be strong against doom with old matrix against his combos. Hog and Zarya counter doom hard. Sig has a slight advantage because of accession. Ball is disrupted by doom but doom Is disrupted by ball. It’s a good matchup for both. Winston and rein are the 2 that can get kinda dumpstered by doom but if they put steadfast back to 50 percent then rein would actually be really good against doom. Orisa is pretty 50 50 against doom because of fortify and pull. I think the real problem is how frustrating punch damage is against tanks. You drop your guard and instantly eat 250. Low ranked tank players especially struggle with this. How about this.

Rocket punch
Damage from 250 to 190
Charge time from 1.4 to 1 second
(This solves 1 shot and his really annoying tank matchups, but buffs his mobility and fluidity as a flanker)
Rising uppercut
Recovery time from .35 to .2
(Self explanatory. This is an unnecessary nerf that every doom player hates)
Ultimate cost reduced by 20%
(Both to compensate for punch nerf and to give him a faster charging ultimate.)

He would play like a Brawler but instead of massive burst, he would be faster and more fluid. Ult coming up more allows him to take more frequent high risk engagements with the ult as an escape.


Scientists greatest mysteries yet unsolved when genji cant negate the dmg of a simple rock or dva eating the rock with DM :slightly_smiling_face:. But yet those two can negate lava, rockets, gravity, bullets, etc. :slight_smile:

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Dps feel so much stronger because of tanks survivability going down though. Overall, histcan has been nerfed in the damage department and yet, things are dying faster than ever because tanks can’t survive with paper shields. Tanks need buffs more than DPS need nerfs.

If you rework doom then you have to rework widow since she does the same thing doom does but with less counterplay and at range. If blizz refuses to rework widow then doom doesn’t get reworked either and just guts bug fixes and buffs instead

Pharah is better than both genji and doom currently. She just has a terrible meta to play in. Genji and doom have almost 0 meta counters and yet are completely unplayable at high Elo. Bastion would destroy low Elo 100 times more than genji or doom if he got buffed. Unless it’s a rework away from sentry, it will destroy the game.

I wouldn’t say I “hate” any hero, but Doom is admittedly one of the top heroes I’d rather not see be meta. But that’s exactly why I would want to see him get changes, just not straight and heavy buffs without also somewhat improving how it feels playing into him.

And Genji…Well, I just view him as the standard flanker experience, potentially quite frustrating for squishies but hardly out of line with his kit. But for those that do take issue with him, it’s mostly Nano Blade which his players already want a powershift on so I dunno how anyone wouldn’t be able to get behind that.


Yup. With the exception for Genji because i’m cool with Genji. It’s the truth, and i’m not even going to deny it.
I just wish ball got the same treatment.

Tanks are super hard to buff without them becoming monsters. Plus the last thing we want is a game filled with barriers meat shields that cannot be burned down. Plus put a tank able to survive modern DPS in front of modern healers and they just wont ever die. Buffing tanks isn’t the answer.

We need the tanks to get rebalanced to where the devs kind of feel they should be, give them the kits that feel right for them and are all balanced to each other reasonably well. Like Winston seems alright at the moment, Rein’s a little weak but he feels close to where he should be even if its miles behind the DPS.

The tank sweet spot should be the yard stick, nerf everything that’s over it. That will be an easier task than trying to buff 6 tanks to match current DPS while keeping the heals appropriate. Like seriously what can you do to Dva to make her as good as Hanzo right now? Bomb goes through walls maybe.


yea i can see that. personally i dont like going against very good genji’s or dooms but if the statistics say they arent performing well then they should get a buff. they have to be careful tho we know what happened last time :stuck_out_tongue:

start with a small buffs first or qol changes


well i did this for starters. small steps back on his current buffs, small steps forward with his reverts :slight_smile: : A condensed Genji Change Patch (1/24/2021)


Dude if they literally just nerfed Sigs shield to what it is now, and nerfed Orissa halt to what it is now, double shield would have been fine. Tanks being buffed is important to make tank fun and keep damage in check. They need to have survivability buffs. That’s all

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2 tanks have survivability in the current sate of the game. Ball and Sigma.

Orisa barrier is pants, fortify is fairly easy to focus down and Orisa is to slow and low dmg to deal with that, she only works because Sigma exists. Rein works but it’s a very fine line as he has survivability but takes a lot of pressure and is really easy to focus down so slight errors or miscalculations get heavily punished.

Dva, Monkey and Hog are just ult batteries without enough hard survivability and Zarya is an obese DPS. We can all agree these guys lack the tools to absorb enough dmg in modern OW.

That leaves you with 3 choices, buff heals massively so it doesn’t matter (which is dumb as now your totally healer reliant), blanket nerfs to dmg levels to rebalance this or buff every tank to the level of current Sigma and ball who are clearly too good.

For all we talk about how bad double barrier is it actually represents what tanks look like when you scale them to current DPS. 2 independent defensive abilities plus CC or huge hp, CC and hyper mobility.

No DPS wants to deal with a world where that is all the tanks but no tank wants to deal with the current role imbalance. That means you have to look at targeting dmg in a big way or say current Sigma is fine and the other tanks likely need to outpace him, which is madness.

Mercy is fine, any perceived issue with her is entirely due to hitscans, and specially Ashe, being out of line. Dmg boost is entirely fine on every other hero that isnt a hitscan.

Bap is a hitscan support, and the issue isnt Bap’s supporting, but his hitscan damage.

More than half the tanks have been overnerfed due to how poorly balanced the DPS roster is.

When their counterpicks arent allowed to be good and they excell at saving their teammates from hitscans and Tracer, its not wonder high ranks only picked said tanks. Why should anyone NOT pick Sigma when hitscans dominate everywhere, and Sym, Doomfist and Mei arent allowed to be good, ever?

And instead of fixing the dps roster and allowing for natural counterpicking to happen, they just dunked on tanks until they couldnt work on their own, like Orisa.

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Buffing Genji in any way shape or form WILL ruin the game, game dynamic, your mental health in every possible way. It’s literally mathematically proven that he in fact ruins the game. It’s absolutely the worst decision and the reason they refuse to buff him again. That’s an Egryn guaranteed.

I know. I don’t have any ideas on it. I don’t really play Doom that much, so I am not confident in suggesting a change. I just know that, to me, he’s extremely problematic from a design perspective. I wish I could offer solutions, but I can’t.

I think clicking heads consistently is harder than memorizing Doom roll-outs, but I’m not opposed to reworking Widow a bit, but I honestly haven’t found her to be as oppressive as often (as often as Doom was when he was undeniably busted)

I don’t really agree, then. I think we can rework Doom without touching Widow.

On topic, the biggest issue with Genji and Doomfist is that they have unnecessary aspects that dont match their intended role as flankers

Genji has a team wiper ult as a flanker, and too much training wheels survivability while the heroes that could ever punish him are almost all garbage or have been nerfworked into free kills for him. There is a reason he literally became a bronze meta pubstomper the moment they buffed his damage. He needs to lose something to get flanker buffs.

Doomfist meanwhile is this mix of mobile flanker and tanky brawler that sincerely doesnt work in any cohesive or balanced way. Blizz needs to pick which one he should be because as it is, he becomes too broken when unnerfed. Design-wise, that his only weakness is ‘‘big hitbox’’ is insane and not balanced.


Gonna keep saying it.

Zero reason these changes shouldn’t be implemented.

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