Doomfist STILL Needs Changes BTW

Rising Uppercut:

  • Recovery time reduced from .35 seconds to .2 seconds.

Rocket Punch:

  • Wall impact damage lowered from 150 to 75.
  • Charge up time reduced from 1.4 seconds to .9 seconds.

Hand Cannon:

  • Tightened spread. (idk how the degrees and stuff so ima just generalize that change I want with “tightened spread”)

Meteor Strike:

  • Ult cost reduced by 20%.

To answer questions.

Make his slam uppercut his main playstyle (hard buffs to the uppercut and tightened spread) and make punch more about mobility and less about damage (removed one shot and turn down charge time + increase range).

No he will not be meta, all his counters still affect him the same way.

NO he will not be broken, this is a powershift. No more OHK, but an actual decent combo.

Also #BringBackCrouchSlam


The punch nerf seems way more then just a small buff to uppercut and spread, which is the weakest part of his kit

Don’t worry I’m sure there’s another bug fix for his highlight intros in the next patch


Not really.

He gets more mobility with punch and his combo is more reliable.

Yall need to move on from the uppercut poop. And lowering his damage without increasing it elsewhere is just going to get him further dunked on by characters above 250 hp

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mobility won’t do much for the fact that he just gets stunned every single time he uppercuts even if you bring back recovery time

AGain, not really.

His combo becames exceptionally better. He can do more headshot damage from a bit further away due to a tighter spread. No doom player cares about his one shot. As someone who one tricked him to GM I will GLADLY take more mobility over OHK and a better combo.

And keeping ohk wont do anything either.

These look like pretty standard doom changes
I approve.


We don’t know that. Blizzard barely even know what the changes they themselves make will do to the hero. They thought the hog buffs wouldn’t be problematic and he completly changed the entire meta around him.

That’s basically the outright changed his damage numbers…

That is COMPLETELY different from what I’m suggesting. Especially when the damage numbers I DID change are going DOWN.

Literally the ONLY time doomfist WILL EVER be meta again, is if all his counters are pushed out of a meta (double shield making every other character useless)…

This is not that.

Honestly when I read the hog changes I though… “Meh, okay?, doesn’t look anything special” and oh boy was I wrong. So I look at these and think “Meh, they seem okay” and who knows what happens.

I doubt anything would change.

It’s like genji getting his ult nerfed but his base kit buffed.

Power is taken out of rocket punch and slam uppercut becomes the main combo that it ALWAYS should’ve been.

I have one question though, any reason for hand cannon over slam, do you think it’s just consistently better, or more useful overall to doom, etc? I wouldn’t know too much considering I main mercy and not doom.
Referring to 20m slam

I’d rather not touch on extended slam range as 20 meter slam was a bit busted with 80 damage indicator slam, but then things like 17 meters wouldn’t even help all that much.

I’d much rather take tighter spread to benefit better aim, and help with better headshots.

Cause right now the only way you can get an all pellet headshot is if you are quite literally merging with the enemy character.


Did you get banned again?


I got banned before?

You didn’t post from Paerzonic for awhile. So I just assumed you got banned.

Oh nah that’s cause I stopped playing overwatch for like 4 months.

I just occasionally swap accounts on here.


I don’t agree.
How about nerfing hitscans instead?
I mean, they have been nerfing tanks, Brig, now Zen…
Why should they buff Doom?

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Cause he’s… not good???

I don’t think you understand, the problem isn’t his counters are too strong.

He literally is just bad.

His only reliable kill is a rocket punch, his combo is slow and unreliable, and his survivability is garbage. Nerfed brig STILL dogs doomfist.

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