You don't want Genji or Doom changes because you don't like them

You guys hate these heroes and despite them being bad, you are scared of them getting changed. Read the title. Change my mind


i met a few people who dont want genji nor doom changes, but to want all the better heroes nerfed to a similar level as them. That i can work with so that they can be useable to that extent. Other than that, i dont see that happening since thats a huge overhaul so small buff and bug changes to both wont hurt them but make them useable at least.


I mean, i dont like just one type of genji players, hero on its own is not that bad, and could use some changes yea.
But yea, doom part i agree. I mean, i want changes for him tbh, reworks, like making his ult an ult not escape ability, and making him less of the punch bot in lower ranks.
Can be done by getting rid of Akande for starters, i dont like him in lore in general, just like i dont like to see him in my matches.
Then lets go to the changes in doomfist kit.

Stay boosted! Genji player! :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:



It wouldnt happen though. The problem is that the only heroes that people want to go down to their level are hitscans. They’ll turn their shoulder to bap, mercy or ball who are somehow fine. I’d rather buff tanks and then buff flankers. Hitscans get substantially weaker, flankers get better and tanks get more fun. Supports get to stay strong and maybe the weaker ones like Lucio and Moira can get attention too. Win win for literally everyone.

By flankers I mean genji and doom btw

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I don’t think their bad. If they are bad it’s only at the top, so it’s a nonissue for probably everyone discussing here.

Doom is just bad design for this game, sorry. Rework him so he doesn’t destroy the game for people.

I’m not scared of them being changed. I’d only be upset if either of them were to become oppressive in the ranks I play in.

The burden of proof is on the claimant


Genji: I kinda want him changed, not because I think he’s massively OP or anything, he’s mostly balanced right now and a super fun kit. However I think the current balance is awful and would nerf like half the DPS, so saying I’d nerf or at least not buff Genji isn’t singling him out.

Doom: The issue he has is a track record of being a monster after buffs. A combo based fighting hero in a moba FPS is great and I love that the dev’s tried it, but that’s never going to be an easy fit. So yeah while he isn’t great (not terrible mind you) I’d be very hesitant to change him as I know what that’s looked like in the past. Heroes like him, Sombra or Hog have to be balanced very carefully as its a fine line between garbo and monster. This is not to say you can’t change Doom, just I’d rather no change than try anything too out there.


im assuming your a big fan of egaryn?

And yet I see almost 0 people contesting buffs or changes making actual suggestions for these heroes. It’s always “doom is bad for the game he can stay bad” or “genji is picked a lot in low rank so he’d ruin my games” those arguments make sense but I never see legitimate changes to address those problems.


Idk about others.
But I personally do think Doomfist needs some buffs.
His punch is slow, his uppercut doesn’t react in time and while some people hate being a punch bot. I do think the intendent design for Doomfist was if on high ground then seismic slam would be better but in any other place use punch.
But the idea of roll outs just destroyed him making the punch problematic for low ranks but the seismic slam op in high ranks…

Genji is really fine, both in low ranks and high ranks I see a lot of people including myself doing really well with him…

If for some reason he indeed gets a buff the most it should be is increasing fire rate from 0.75 up to 0.7 sec but that’s about it…
The hero is in a perfect spot.

I will not hide my bias. Doomfist is a terrible design, doesn’t belong in the game, and I hope he is never a viable hero in his current design.


sounds about right. supports are good except lucio and moira who are suffering. bap only needs a small heal nerf. tanks except sig and ball need buffing, they need different nerfs imo. rein needs his dmg buff removed and need more shield and speed because rein’s problem is getting in without being deleted. genji and doom need buffs along with some suffering dps heroes like reaper. but nothing too much. hitscans need a nerf across the board in terms of fall off dmg. echo still needs some dps nerfs because she does too much dmg @_@. and uhh think thats it.

Where have you been? I’ve made suggestions a lot for genji :joy:. Well, i dont know much about doom so im not a “specialist” in that regard heh.

:frowning: >:( >:(

This one in particular is because most people do not have the time or training to make a complete rework idea for him.

(Sorry hit post too quickly… stupid keyboard)

Doom was only meta due to circumstances. He was high b tier before double shield and didn’t need to be thrown into the trash with 3 Giga nerfs. I’m fine with doom being low a b tier hero but he’s c or d tier and completely outclassed at the moment. A simple uppercut revert and bug fixes are all doom players want and people STILL contest it.


same with us, we would ask for something so simple such as… “can we add just one more dmg to shurikens and call it a day for a while?” and people are quick to yell at us.


Doom is an issue because he is almost impossible to deal with as most of the Tank roster but he’s laughably easy to counter as a DPS. That being said, I like his design and am not sure how to make it less oppressive against tanks without just making him not himself.

The real solution is that we need more tanks who are good against characters like doom/mei/reaper so that those characters can be stronger without being a big “NO!” button to most of the tank roster.

I’d be okay with making it so there’s more LOC on his moves like there used to be because that mostly just effected squishies. I’d also be okay if his ult was better than it is now because it’s really honestly terrible. But in exchange, I think his gun would need to be reduced in damage slightly so that it’s not as punishing to larger hitboxes.

I mean the people that contest the changes. Trust me. I see all the threads you and all the other genji and doom players have made <3

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I don’t hate heros. I hate how much damage is there in Overwatch. Tanks gets melted in half second, and here are people asking for more buffs for dps. It is like funny.
Let’s nerf hitscans instead :slight_smile:
Or let’s buff almost every tank, every barrier, Lucio, Moira, Brig and then we start buffing dps again. And of course, we start with Bastion (and Phara), not Genji or Doom :wink:


There is a /s for sarcasm so I doubt it.

It’s just small.

I’d mostly agree there. I’d maybe put him in A tier before the nerfs, but B+ would be reasonable and he deffo did not deserve those nerfs. Also yes he’s not F tier right now more like upper mid table and again that’s not a bad place to be, but yes he is getting outclassed.

I just think the answer is nerf the guys out classing him. Like I said with Genji, the issue now is DPS balance is terrible and so many are OP. The last thing we need is to start buffing the guys who are mostly fine. Its nerfing Hanzo, Echo, hitscan as a whole (possibly even down to 76), Echo, Reaper, likely Torb, maybe Mei, Pharah Genji, Tracer and Hanzo again, even Sym or tbh Doom could maybe use some tweaks too. Throw in Sigma, Ball, Bap and Moira and I think the game would be in a better state, as would Doom.

Basically my thoughts are we need Oprah with a nerf hammer, everyone is getting one.

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