Yo Brigitte players, stop scapegoating tracer

Until they get bored of higher rank go smurfing with Tracer or Genji and steamroll everybody in lower elo. I guess people can also smurf with Brig but it’s a lot slower pace, and people have a chance to disengage and see her coming.

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Oh yeah, shes more tanky than a lot of other heroes because of the amour she always has on her health bar.

She dies more than the other healers on average even with her shield up being pretty good. She certainly dies easier when it goes down. And that’s because I can ensure she does zero to very little damage to me, while doing damage to her.

The same isn’t true of others who can maybe have better aim than me and force me to backoff.

Tracer is more oppressive the bridgette ever was. Facts. Brig was never a problem for me and im a crap player. Yall just cant adapt and now shes nerfed to the ground. Way to go.

Wanna know a better itony? Dive and tracer are among the most complex and hardest comp to pull off, and doesn’t have ult fest combo as win condition. And to counter all that, they release the most brain dead hero ever in the entire OW history that can single handedly destroy the majority of the roster.

You got a source for that?

So much of this is wrong that it’s a pain to read…


Single target

If I remember correctly, it was a 5 second cooldown? It’s clearly less than ten now

Has a pretty huge cd so yeah, you don’t have to think to use it, but if you use it on the wrong person you will cause the death of a teammate that needed it.

I suppose you’re one of these aim junkies, who think that aim is the only skill that matters. Surprise, a character with no mobility and no range needs to think about positionning.

Which is good for some things, worse for others: you cannot save your teammates from burst like you can do with lucio, so it’s better in long fights, but it’s worse in ult scenarios (which cause most of teamwipes let’s be honest)

Even there you’re wrong, she is not getting nerfed because she is oppressive, she is getting nerfed because people are giving her the hate treatment. OW has been out for more than 3 years. People don’t enjoy it as much as they used to and therefore unconsciously associated brig to the phenomenon.

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Overbuff. Just write down the average deaths of the supports and make a list. The only one that dies more is Lucio, and it is very marginal difference.

Lucio average deaths per game 8.12
Brigitte average deaths per game 8.06
Zenyatta average deaths per game 7.77
Ana average deaths per game 7.71
Mercy average deaths per game 7.26
Moira average deaths per game 7.20

But do you have a link?

Click on each individual hero, it will tell you their average deaths per game. From there you write it down and make a list.

This honestly makes a ton of sense because she is less slender than most other supports, so she takes more damage from pellet based weapons than they do. And because her position is more dangerous.

Scapegoating is what this forum does. Literally 0 surprise.

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Well yeah, but in the situation where she is with her back-line on the point she is in the same position as the other supports, where she will be tankier than them.

But she has a far worse weapon and a bigger body.

So far Sombra, more of her pellets will land and do damage. And she can stay completely out of range of her flail.

Hence me saying she has is easier to kill when hacked than they are to kill. She has to fall back to get to the safer spot, her body is bigger, and she cannot kill the Sombra trying to kill her.

Which goes back to my original statement. As a Sombra player, I’d rather fight her than Tracer.

Tracer can be very exhausting to hack, because her blinks can sometimes break hack for no reason.

Lets not misconstruct false ptemises here.

Winston with his defensive buffs enabled dive and gave it life. What kept dive going and so successful was the dps who could follow up with the two dive tanks.

Genji and Tracer who didn’t get touch the entire time was king. Yet touching Grnji or Tracer’ mobikity would kill then especially Tracer’s with her lower health pool.

If they touched their CDs that would have ruined the character still as much of their mobility and versatility were in their abilities.

Nerf their damage and the low levels would have a hard time learning these heros. So they tried touching up just a bit on areas that wouldn’t break the character.

Which resulted in instant flash mobs and player still having issues learning these two complex yet highly fun heros.

So what were they to do? Revert Winston? Blizzard never reverts anything! Nerf Dva to oblivion to reduve the dive tanks? She’s one of thee most popular heros besides Mercy and Reinhardt which would mean PR nightmate. Nerf the most mobile and fun dos classes anyways? That would still demand a huge public outcry.

So they rode up on hero hype and designed a hero meat specifically for denying dive since the current roster didn’t have anything the crowd wantee to utilize. Not Torbjorn. Not Symmetra. Not Mccree.

A hero who could do all three roles for a trouble backliner 200 hp hero ally. Someone who could cover prevebting damage healing low health in a pinch and punishing an enemy flanker.

Which we got Brigitte. Now Broggite’s getting nerfed because she was meant to stop dive because no matter how they rolled it we turned in a ravrnous mob because “Oh! They touched Tracer the poster girl of Overwatch!”

Or “They touched Genji! The memes are dead!”

We need to figure it out already because dive has ruined so much. Two horrible reworks. The release of brigitte and unnecessary buff that make DF something he shouldn’t be. The release of Ashe whih is being used against softer targeys more than her intended usage for release.

It feels like it’s all going to shambles just because they wanted to protect their problem child Tracer.

Fyi she ruined the hots scene ommediately upon her release. She gained the largest amount of critisim with the community since beta and only then thay was silenced wince Brogitte came out. It is as many predocted. Tracer will dictate the game’s direction design and the meta heavily just because her potential is probably the highest in the game. Because she has so much freedom.

Which has nothing to do with how tanky she is.

It’s not that big, shes not mercy/widow level skinny but its fairly average.

They both suck to fight has Sombra.

lol yep love it when hack breaks when she just blinks so fun so fun


Brigitte is oppressive everywhere.

Tracer is “oppressive” at Plat and above on PC.

Yes. It does. Because the less damage I am taking, the less likely I need to translocate, the more likely I am to secure the kill. I am not talking about her hp numbers, I am talking about how easy she is to kill in actual practice. Someone who can’t fight back is easier to kill than someone who can.

It is pretty big for a support.

No. Not really. It is only when she she’s supported by a whole comp. But then any coordinated team sucks to fight.

I guess?

Yeah, but there are more than just supports in this game.

At the end of the day I think this is more an opinionated thing and there isn’t that much point arguing about it.

Brigitte desperately needed a nerf due to how infuriatingly difficult it was to deal with her and what that meant for the game. Yea, you can make the argument ‘go to her counters’, except…
…her counters don’t take an account for her team backing her up.
She hard counters everything that gets within her fighting range, and that’s because killing her isn’t as easy as killing as her. Her 150 dmg combo insta-gibs Tracer (a character that takes significant time to actually be effective with) without actually needing practice whatsoever. (Trust me, she’s my 5th most played hero).

You can use herself to counter her, but isn’t that when it reaches the mute point of overpowered? When you have to have her on your team to deal with her?

She’s not fair to anyone who plays the game, and needed these nerfs.