1 week of ultranerfed Brig and

It’s funny because when the changes first came out a bunch of Youtubers started calling it a buff including Stylosa. Everyone else took a calculator and went “wtf are they talking about”.

Because of repair pack dude. It has always been repair pack. Everyone hates being bashed so that pulled focus, but Repair Pack is actually the reason.

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Yet people are still campaigning for her to be deleted.

Even them sick pros :rofl:

Stylosa doesn’t seem intelligent enough to even know how to use a calculator. The man can’t even form sentences without constantly contradicting himself.

It’s a powerful ability, but I think it’s Brig extreme unkillability. You need a really, really high damage DPS to break the shield and take her down before she can get to cover.

No, you do not. She died plenty even before the bash changes.

Edit these stats were taken before the bash change and she is an easier kill now.

You still have to play a couple of very specific heroes to really oppose her in a meaningful way. In particular, she absolutely trashes hitscans and snipers.

Snipers are one of her best counters.

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I don’t really think so… most of the time you can’t do anything but plink shield. If you have a main team body able to hang on and fight her for a while you might snipe her then but still you’re not going to be much of an asset to your team the rest of the time. Brig can also instantly negate a first hit from Ashe. Dynamite is sort of slightly useful against her, but it’s just an annoyance.

You just find an angle and shoot her in the head. She’s not gonna be turned with her shield up at you the entire time.

And since they should naturally be positioned way beyond her range, they don’t die to her and lose nothing by not going in her range.

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A good Brig will be playing behind the main tank’s shield most of the time anyway.

That’s true of every healer. That is also Reinhardt or whoever’s shield she is using countering you, not Brigitte.

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Yeah, but Brigitte has that plus her very own shield. It leads to very little opportunity to shoot her.

No, it does not. Which is why double sniper worked fine until Mercy and the snipers were nerfed. Once that happened it became easier for D.va to dive them, which is D.va countering them not Brigitte. She’s a staple of Brigitte’s best comp.

She simply can’t keep her shield up to protect herself from snipers for too long and still do her job. And once she isn’t facing you with her shield, you find your angle and click her head.

If her team protects her, those heroes are countering you, not Brigitte.


Yeah, I guess two snipers can work, but that kind of strategy kind of requires two snipers and really excellent positioning and coordination.

Snipers are hard in general. They always have to find their way around barrier, just part of being a sniper.

And you don’t really need two, you just need someone to put pressure on her so you can work an angle same as anyone else.

They are seriously excellent against her. I use Hanzo against her anytime I can’t use Sombra or Pharah for whatever reason.

The fact is, tracer and genji brought us Brigitte. We had like 4 genji mains on Diamond before Brigitte
And when did Blizzard nerf him? No, they just gave us a demon called Brigitte that could counter genji and almost every hero in the game.

And now, they nerf her but didn’t touch Genji once more. So yeah, we are going to see Genji I’m every game again…

Blizzard, can you please eventually nerf Genji and other dive heroes just like nerfed Brig?

I don’t know how many hours you have on Brig, but I assure you repair pack isn’t the problem. That’s a target heal with a cooldown that can’t be used on herself. Brigitte’s kit punishes mistakes, which is why people have trouble with her.

Brigitte’s barrier makes her hard to bring down unless you team up with someone to bring her barrier down and even then, you have to ensure she doesn’t hide behind cover or her team’s Reinhardt. Not to mention if you have low DPS, she can still kill you thanks to Inspire proccing on every third flail.

One of the problems surrounding Brigitte’s supposed OPness is the fact that Quickplay is an unorganized cancerous mess where nobody really plays seriously and nobody wants to help each other out because “It’s just QP.”

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It is a massive problem. It nearly instantly reverses what would be the outcome of a fight. And if you don’t use it for that you can use it as an overheal that lowers the damage of whoever they are fighting.

Healers require 2x the effort to kill when it’s used and that is ignoring inspire.

Edit: Her shield isn’t the problem it is very straightforward to play around and she dies more than nearly every other healer. And dies more than every other offtank.

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You can’t reliably use it as an overheal. The extra armour gets removed after a few seconds if it isn’t destroyed. While it does heal 150HP instantly, it has a cooldown and can only be used on one person every 6 seconds. Moira can heal an ally for 50hp/s. Zen’s Orb of Harmony heals 30hp/s. Both of these can easily change the outcome of a fight.

The barrier is a problem, but it’s less that it’s difficult to play around and more that people don’t like shooting barriers in general.