The real reason people hate Brig

She has some of the lowest damage, elims, and solo kills in the game. Her shield is easily broken and is the worst barrier in the game, bar none. She dies more than most other healers and more than all the other off-tanks. And her hps is some of the lowest in the game.

Rally isn’t bad, but it’s not hard to burn through unless a team is going hard in the paint with damage blocking and healing.


She has cleave and can’t miss. She is the strongest 1 v 1 hero in the game outside of tracer. She has the highest sustain in the game, her shield never breaks, she is the hardest hero to kill in the game. Her aoe is OP because she can’t be killed until most of her team is dead. Her pack takes people from 10 health to full and goes thru shields across map with no aim requirement

she is the easiest hero in the game by far and defines the meta.

Hi, support main here, that is a scurrilous lie. “She’s a support so she’s fine” yeah no, just because I am a support main does not mean I like brigitte, and you should never make those assumptions.


Expect she wasn’t meant to be an off tank DPS she wasn’t meant to be a tank Healer hybrid she became an off tank DPS because of how easy it is to kill anyone that isn’t out of her range.

Also I think this is going nowhere. Everyone in this thread has been proving you wrong yet you still persist. There isn’t reasoning with you, you have you mind made up and nothing we say will change that.

Most people I know that actually main support agree with me /shrug. They aren’t a hivemind.

She is subpar in 2/2/2 and most ladder Brigs spend all game feeding their brains out instead of actually helping the other healer. She’s only good in GOATs which is unpopular across all roles.

Tank players have also literally always thought she was dumb, bash change or not.

“Stinky DPS mains” is a bad take Martha

No, she is not the strongest 1v1 hero in the game outside of Tracer. She can’t even fight back in many heroes normal play range and instead has to shield up.

From ranges 40 to 10, she automatically loses because she can do nothing. So ofc she’s strong once you get in her range.

The strongest 1v1 heroes are Tracer and Widow.

As for hard to kill

No, you do not. She died plenty even before the bash changes.

Edit these stats were taken before the bash change and she is an easier kill now.

No, she really is not.

Her shield doesn’t break much because she’s naturally behind Reinhardt and using his shield, not because her shield is hard to break. It is the easiest one to break of all of them. And if you can’t hit her because Reinhardt is protecting her, that is Reinhardt countering you not Brigitte.

I’m not sure why you are bringing up Repair pack, I already said it was op.


A ‘good’ Brigitte only flashes her shield to block important damage and CDs. And she only has to hit someone once every 6 seconds to never stop healing. She wins 1 v 1 by attrition because she can always block the important damage and always heal through everything else and has enough shield and sustain to walk 40m up to you and kill you once she gets there, which of course she can because she cannot miss and everyone else can.

Everyone hates Brigitte because she can run into the middle of your team and not die lol. She can be cornered by 4 people and escape. It takes a whole team to kill her.

And meanwhile, someone who has never played a video game before can pick her and contribute in GM if they just stay with their team.

No, she didn’t become an off-tank dps. She’s off-tank healer hybrid.

Off-tanks are good at peeling and you have to respect their space, because they are very deadly in it and will probably win. All of them are good at 1v1s, all of them. But they lack the tools needed to be consistently used as dps.

The other thing besides peel that Brigitte concerns herself with is healing and sustain be it burst healing with Rally or looking for opportunities to proc inspire when her team isn’t brawling.

Those are all healer things. She is a part of GOATs to offer peels for the healers and support of the main tank (off-tanking) and for the huge boost in sustain (off-healing).

The actual dpsing mostly comes from the Zaryas, D.vas, etc.

brig is an incredibly simple hero that managed to completely turn the entire balance around on its head
she’s hated more for what she did to the game, not for her playstyle or anything (though she is fairly boring)

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If you and your team let her walk 40 meters to kill your Widowmaker without breaking her shield, you have failed catastrophically.

She dies more than most other healers and tanks. It is not that hard.

You are conflating GOATs with Brigitte.


Oh yeah brig is balanced ish in 2-2-2. She’s still too easy for the insane value she brings making it all guaranteed which itself is broken.

But GOATS is brig.

sometimes, sometimes it’s more difficult like getting slashed from above by a genji nano blade, or getting flashbanged mcrightclicked, or getting sniped by 2 snipers from 2 angles, or getting bombarded by explosives, or getting anti-naded, booped off a cliff, yeah somethings are hard to fight even for a brig.

it’s just that her kit is pretty good and gets a lot of value by just being left alive.
and to an extent she does survive pretty well considering she’s usually with the tanks in the frontline when she’s not trying to peel for the backline.

No GOATs isn’t only Brig. It is the synergy those heroes have with one another. Dumpstering her to not work anywhere by pretending she’s always gonna have GOATs is just setting her up be the next Bastion.

For example the speed with which she can close in is Lucio’s doing, her barely having to use her shield is Reinhardt’s doing, etc

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That’s about as logical as my idea that the DPS mains (and Blizz) hate supports who are women heroes. They never have issues with Zen or Lucio after all.

Goats exists because that is the most resources you can build around utilizing brig. There is no goats if you delete brig. Which they should.

There is quad tank and triple tank without her but there is no triple support and tank heavy comps are very counterable.

They should not delete any hero. They should instead work on decreasing the synergy.


If a hero is broken by conceptual design they should be deleted

i’m not sure this is relevant but zen goats consists of 3 tanks, one that have shield and can stun, the other is a mobile versatile threat, the last one is more of a dps tank.
the 3 supports a tanky support with a shield and a stun, a mobile support that’s very versatile and a dps support.

i just thought it was an interesting observation, what do you think?

She isn’t broken by design: which is why she’s a nonissue on ps4, did not take over until the support patch, and more or less fine in a 222.

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or ana, but i’m sure that will be written off as something something aim elitism