Yo Brigitte players, stop scapegoating tracer

They are in the backline. My team pushed in. They kill her. She melts without a shield.

If they are on the point they are as back-line as can be. Although I have seen examples of people being scared of the objective (reins who stand a few meters in front of the payload and walk backwards with their shield up, just start swinging dammit!)

She dies slower than any 200hp hero.

She cannot anymore because she cannot deal with bubble matrix anymore. If any part of her body touches a barrier, it breaks. And she can only do it from 6 meters.

I’ve been saying for years they need to nerd Winston and DVA but no one can see the light

Not by a lot without her shield, which she did not have, because I hacked it.

I’m aware. This still dose not change the fact that she doesn’t really “melt”, she is still tankier than the average dps/support even when hacked.

Then explain to me why McCree has such a hard time of countering Tracer as well, despite McCree requiring more skill to kill a Tracer than it would take Tracer to kill McCree.

Or does that not apply because Tracer has to aim?

No, she is not. She has low damage that is easy to stay away from and a big body. She is currently sitting at the third most deaths of all the tanky characters and the most deaths of the healers on ladder.

Because McCree is bad.

Still doesn’t change the fact that Tracer hasn’t had any changes to her neutral game and since his sledgehammering McCree has stayed roughly the same and still can’t reliably counter Tracer despite being able to counter Genji.

This isn’t true. (20)

Has nothing to do with how hard she is to kill, also low damage lol.

Its fairly average.

Yes, it is. It is easy to avoid when she has no whipshot and no shield bash.

Yes, her damage is low without her combo. The scenario is that she’s hacked remember? Her primary fire on it’s own is low damage.

I didn’t know you meant when hacked. Apologies.

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I’m kinda confused on where you are going with this, are you asking for a McCree buff or a Tracer nerf? cause I’m ok with either.

there you already know that this guy has absolutely no clue about this game and just wants brigitte nerfed to ground.

Ah right, forgot about that. But her damage output doesn’t change how tanky she is.

Why are we arguing about how tanky she is again? that’s not even the issue with her, its that she does so much with the player having to do very little, and since she is meant to be a tanky support it was only logical to nerf her damage.

Because you wanted to argue with my assertion that a hacked Brigitte is not a hard kill, but for some reason keep bringing in stuff that is only true when she isn’t hacked.

I think maybe you lost the thread because of all the different conversations going on at once.

Brig’s stun is not AoE and it’s currently at 7 seconds, which isn’t very short. Considering how shields and shield tanks mess up Ana, especially a winston bubble, how do you think Shield bash is going to do?

Tracer’s E requires less thinking. 1 second invincibility that is a self heal and a reload compared to a burst heal that can only be used on one target

Remind me, what makes a hero skillful? Cuz you’re making it sound like aim. This isn’t CoD where aim is the end all be all of skill.

Requires more skill than any other support ult though

Brigitte was never a problem for me, but now she’s going to be a melee hero who sucks in melee range.

All of this requires actually hitting Tracer, which is not an easy thing to do, and which is why Shield bash had such a forgiving hitbox to begin with.

Brigitte was designed to counter Tracer, to duel Tracer and win consistently. Now, Tracer is going to roll over Brigitte like she does the rest of the supports.