Xbox & PC Crossplay (Why isn't this a thing?)

Moira mains probably shouldn’t tell others about the “advantages” on PC. I have Overwatch for both… I prefer Xbox One X. Deal with it.

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hahaha, trying to dig at me for being a Moira main. It’s ok sweetie keep bragging about your 60hz TV nobody cares about

Opps I mean 60hz 4k TV :wink:

You know when someone is salty when they have to whine about you being a Moira main pat pat stay mad

If they can manage to do it. I’d be glad.

But don’t be looking at me if i flame a console ashe not hitting anything

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You’re plat lol. There is negligible difference in aim between console plats and pc plats.

No worries, you can just fade away when my logic stuns you… oh, wait…

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Actually, nice one. But I was actually against the buff. :sunglasses: so the jokes on you salty McSaltyton

I can already do this type of thing without that buff. It’s called gamesense you can jebait stuns and also fade from shatter etc etc. I am not 3.7k for no reason.


Here you go :slight_smile: the thread I made AGAINST the moira buff. Hope you feel like a fool hahaha.

There should be a button to check if you agree with cross or not in your queue. So who doesn’t want to play with the cross thing won’t be grouped with console or PC players.

There should at least be an option, I want to play with my xbox and ps4 players what would be fair is having a crossplay option that you can turn off and on kinda like rocket league. Its not that bad, game designers should realise that crossplay is a win for everyone.

#4 months

I was legitimately waiting for someone to make a braindead comment like this.

Thank you for taking one for the team.

As another pc player who has played on console. I wouldn’t play xbox or playstation ever again. Even if “I” was paid to do it.

I don’t settle for second / third best.

While it may expand the community and even reduce Queue times. The difference between Controllers and M&KB is to vast. If this was forced and not an optional thing, I don’t think many console players would be very happy.

If it was a thing, I’d say it needs to be optional. If there are confident console players out there that wish to try their hand at facing off against PC / M&KB users then I see no problem in letting them have that choice. :man_shrugging:

lol no thank i dont wanna play with console players…

Sony is very anti-crossplay. But yea bring it on! :smiley: Smite does it and its great :smiley: Some of the best players Ive met were on xbox :smiley:

They do now. They started it with Fortnite.

I’d only be fine with crossplay like this, if the players in XBox are using mouse and keyboard.

Which … they won’t … Not officially anyway…


the keyboard and mouse on xbox is still worse than on pc… CONSOLE SHOULD NOT PLAY WITH PC

Not for competitive, maybe for other modes though… Would be kind of boring for both parties though.

Atleast if playstation doesnt want to, allow PC <—> XBOX

so we can atleast play QP/Arcade/Custom games with our friends, eventually PS will drop crave due to peer presurre

Let players toggle it on and off in the options, off by default,

theres literally no reason why not to allow people to choose

fortnite pretty much showed that its not working… and it were the console players who complained about it