Xbox & PC Crossplay (Why isn't this a thing?)

I’m surprised that you own both and haven’t figured out that you can plug it into your TV yet lol. Or were you just trying to brag about your TV?

Judging by Destiny 2 getting some semi-crossplay support that they said was impossible before they left Activision, I’m betting Activision is part of the reason why crossplay isn’t a thing. Also crossplay wouldn’t really work in multiplayer because console players would get romped. I’d like to be able to use my profile on other systems though without having to restart everything and it’d be great if we could do pve content crossplatform.

CoD is under Activision, and I hear the new CoD is getting crossplay🤨

It doesn’t look bad enough. People seem to be just discussing your topic.
And same, this topic is very entertaining.

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yeah, dont they understand that you are closer to a monitor than a tv so it doesnt matter. and you can get monitors that are 4k with <1m/s input lag and a 144Hz refresh rate

I will accept console players to PC as long as there is an option in the menu to block console players being on my team, so I can get ez SR hahaha.

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Lol, the plotting is real🤣

cod is the perfect game for crossplay. even if your idea is an opt in system. cod isn’t competitive at all and i can play with the 300 who buy cod on pc

It’s probably the deal they had with playstation then that got cancelled when they left Activision. Which could mean it was partially Activision’s doing if they decided to do it for extra (but unnecessary) money.

I may have not made this point understood enough from the 88 times ive mentioned it, but Ill say it again, lol, i dont think crossplay should be a thing for comp😳.

Just for quickplay, arcade, and event based missions

perfection you’re understanding the topic now

even in quick play people play competitively, i have seen people rage after losing quick play on both a friends xbox and pc. but cod is soo casual people who dont play much video games can pick it up and play

Yeah i can see that perspective. CoD, to be fair, differently is no overwatch… not near as much skill needed there.

And yes, there are people out there who are fairly competitive on quickplay. And since we live in the awesome home of the overwatch community, there will always be ragers. Bit that doesnt mean we let those ragers stop the awesomeness that is crossplay. No, we will not let ourselves be silenced :smirk:

you know whatwhy not, ragers are always fun to laugh at especially when its a mode with no stakes at all

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I wouldn’t want to be playing with or against people fumbling around on dual sticks.


Get this guy in GM, he gets it. woooot woot!!

gasps in Spanish

20 characters


The biggest reason people have an advantage with KB&M is due to the range of motion, full use of the arms and hands compared to someone on a controller who only has use of their thumbs primarily and a few fingers secondarily. People on consoles have a greater challenge learning the game mechanics than someone on PC with custom set keys and a $50+ mouse built to eliminate performance issues.

You’d think, by default, that those on console show a better display of skill given the fact they’re mastering a disadvantage but for some reason everyone automatically assumes the reason KB&M is superior is “skill”, when it’s not, it’s better hardware. That doesn’t equate to better skill.

I use Xbox, I prefer Xbox. It doesn’t mean I haven’t played PC, it doesn’t mean I don’t have one, but to put console people down as unskilled is completely ignoring the fact that it takes more skill to be good on a controller than it does on KB&M.

There’s a reason most good FPS games were made for consoles. Call of Duty/COD is a well-known example of a console FPS that most people look at when discussing an FPS, yet everyone who’s so quick to denounce console as being inferior (or worse, not good enough to participate in OWL) completely ignore the fact that the Call of Duty World League tournament has been and still is, played on console, not on PC. These are people just as dedicated to a FPS as OWL players are, but they’re doing it on console and anyone here who knows anything about a FPS would argue these world champion COD players would have no issues out-playing some random person on a PC. In fact, Activision just announced that the newest Call of Duty: Modern Warfare game will be crossplay compatible between console and PC.

All that aside, there are games that support crossplay and do it well, the top three being Dauntless, Fornite, and Rocket League with all consoles and PC, but digitaltrends has a list of over 30 games that are well known and highly played that are crossplay compatible listed in their all-cross-plaform-games article (that the forums won’t let me link).

It’s not impossible, but Blizzard is never going to do it while there’s still this hard divide of naysayers. Sony and Microsoft aren’t what’s holding Overwatch back from this, if they were, they wouldn’t be so open to supporting and releasing brand new Title A games straight out of the box with crossplay.


I feel as though I was just present for sermon.

Preech dear Xbox brotha, preech🙏

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nice, but yeah kb&m are better hardware no-one says skill is better. and cod is a game that was popular on console with more console sales than pc sales so it makes sense why they would use consoles for league play. both peices of hardware have skill gaps and if you take an xbox player and put him on pc and vice versa it would be the same since they are not used to the hardware. hardware is the reason why people are arguing, a controller needs aim assist because sticks are not precise there are always benefits and cons to an option

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