Would Mercy players really rather see Rez get nerfed?

That isn’t true in the slightest. Top tier Ana players consistently have to decide whether it’s more valuable to save a teammate or secure a kill.

well I guess, deciding whether to heal, to dmg boost or to rez is child’s play, right?

It varies from player to player what they want.

Some players myself included dislike Valk because it’s not really a big moment. Other players like it because they don’t have a ton of pressure on them.

Some players like the ability to res players so that even if the current iteration isn’t their favorite they don’t want to see it beaten down more(Being moved to ult would be a different story). (In Quick Play where I play I’m not sure the ability has that much more give. I’m missing out on healing my teammates for a bit and making myself very vulnerable)

Some players actually do like the current iteration for the potential tactical plays and won’t want it to go anywhere.

The whole Mercy thing is a mess because of how the changes were done.

The original res at most skill levels most of the time did not provide a huge return but, it had a big potential.

Blizzard tried to match the feeling of big potential by giving Valk a wide variety of abilities and adding res on cooldown. They also had a bug that allowed bunny hopping that they kept.

This presents a significant issue. You’ve got a hero that might be a little overpowered that you added a major ability, a minor ability, and replaced an ult that’s average return wasn’t huge but could be massively impactful in the right situation.

Needless to say, the result is an overpowered hero.

I think it’d be beneficial to try and get a base line value for Mercy’s kit without the bunnyhop, rez, and valk to see how much extra power she can actually have without being overpowered at most skill levels.

Yes. If your teammate dies because you decided to damage boost instead of healing, you’re going to lose the fight because Mercy isn’t going to clutch out a point by herself.

well, depends on the Mercy but neither will Ana for that matter, either way, what was it that you tried getting from your question?

make rez only usable in Valk
this alone would send Mercy striaght down to C tier (she used to be D tier but with a meta that values Damage boost like this she’ll be at least C)
we can look at new buffs from there like an actual E

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You’re wrong, but I digress. Honestly, I was mostly interested in seeing if you’re just arguing for the sake of arguing, which seems to be the case.

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Man I saw forum dwelling Mercy mains scream against losing Mass Rez, making all sorts of arguments she’d be useless without it. Ult wipes would rule. Then every change “omg this is going to ruin Mercy.” Every time, not enough.

When the removal of 2x rez on valk and removal of instant cast rez came around, this was a big deal. Statue mode, so easy to just click head, rather not rez cuz it’s just a suicide button. Now? It’s rez on cast time is the problem!

The fact of the matter is the narrative always adapts to whatever supports it at the time, and the agenda is a reinstating of mass rez, regardless of how many people may have hated it etc etc. So the argument just evolves to be more of the times, while arguing the same thing that was argued in the begin: OMFG DON’T TAKE MY MASS REZ.

Current cast time rez, averaging around 6-10 let’s say rez’s a game, with the counterplay and interruption options available, etc, etc. It’s not bad. It’s a decent and healthy version of rez tbh. The HPS nerf, given her utility (damage boost and rez on a single character, with the mobility and survivability that Mercy has, is crazy powerful and idgaf what you say to the contrary), makes sense.

Forum dwelling, vocal, Mercy players want a SPECIFIC type of rez. They wouldn’t accept current rez getting nerfed more, like through an increase in CD or cast time. They’d lose it. The goal (mass rez) has never changed, they just have adapted their arguments.

There was a reason invincibility was given to mass rez, due to suicide and rez and all that noise. Now you want a version of suicide and rez that’s EVEN WORSE!?! Just so you might milk out a little something something with some sneaky mass rez? Cmon.

The mechanic behind rez within this game was shifted from 1 button press = 1-5 people rezzed, to 1 button press = 1 rez for a reason. That is a HEALTHY framework. The variable aspect, while I’m sure was super fun, was also problematic.

I suggest everyone start thinking of how to make the rez mechanic work in this game on a 1 button press for 1 rez type paradigm, as opposed to clinging to mass rez.

Just my humble opinion. I hope I didn’t come across as generalizing or condescending.

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ah yeah, I forgot this was a forum where you actually cannot argue, my bad

Keep swinging at that strawman, big guy.

Hey, I’m the strawman itself, what do you think you’re doing?

here you go

Would you support a similar context being applied to other ultimate’s?

For example, Deadeye gets a return between 0 - 6 for activating the ultimate than firing.

As far as I understand from the skimming of that thread that I did, what Titanium was basically arguing for was a version of 1 button press = 1-5 rezzes possible.

I’m against that type of mechanic. Therefore, I have no reason to read that thread.

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Hi there, I don’t want a revert and I also think res on a timed cooldown is her core issue. Did you play the game before her rework? If you did, you’ll remember that a team getting one single pick, accidental or intentional, resulted in a lost team fight the majority of the time. This is why Mercy has been a must pick for so long. Even the risk of losing someone early in a fight is enough to make her more valuable than any other healer, because no other healer can undo someone’s mistake.

Go and actually read it all.

Be sucked into the hivemind!!! have no ideas of your own that are born from logical thinking!

Comparing mass rez to DPS ults is fundamentally flawed. It’s completely different on a very basic and fundamental level imho. You may disagree, that’s fine, I’m not here to change your mind. I’ve voiced my opinion on the subject a LOT in the past and I find there to be no value in reiterating it. Those that want mass rez will want mass rez til the end of days, I realize that. Trying to change their mind is an exercise in futility I see no reason to engage in.

I will say I feel comparing DPS ults to mass rez is fundamentally flawed, primarily it surrounds the fact that one actually benefits as far as return on button press goes from their team mates dying and I don’t appreciate that in a game like this. I don’t see why, in this team based, objective based, game, that a team mates death should ever increase the return on an action. That makes no sense to me.

I understand many feel differently, and that’s cool. I cbf to explain myself in detail anymore than what I just did.


I’ve given several ideas for variations of rez. The main thing they share in common is that they’re an ult, rather than an ability handed out on cooldown. So this idea of “Mercy mains just want mass rez at all costs!” is flat out wrong.

Are you done trolling and acting like a child?

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