Would Mercy players really rather see Rez get nerfed?

I am seeing this sentiment a ton. Assuming Mercy to be nerfed somehow, is this where her players would like to see it land? Does anyone prefer the healing nerf to a weaker or valk-only rez? If all of the Mercy players really would rather lose E-rez or at least see it weakened, rather than lose healing power, maybe it should be reconsidered…

I just want Mercy to not be overpowered but if all of her mains would rather see that change instead, maybe it should be considered. Power can be subtracted anywhere to balance her, after all. Maybe it should be reconsidered, an awful lot of Mercy mains say they would rather lose or weaken rez than heal less. And as long as she’s balanced in pickrate and winrate any fix is fine for non-Mercy players.


Rez doesn’t need to be nerfed, it needs to be an ultimate. Valkyrie (or at least the multi-beam aspect of it) needs to be removed entirely.


Any other nerf to her kit thats not rez would just make her less fun to play, as well as feeling like you’re making less of an impact.

So yes, I would much rather like it if they nerfed what makes her a must pick in the first place, instead of slowly sucking away already fine parts in her kit.

However, thats not what they like to do despite the backlash. My guess? Damage boost nerf next.


Mercy’s current problem which is being identified now is that her mid-game power is too high with Resurrect as an ability. However, this doesn’t mean Resurrect is the out-of-place ability. Resurrect as an ability gives Mercy the potential to make big impact plays and sustain her team in a unique way, but before she had this, her mid-game consisted only of really good and consistent healing, topped with reliable damage boosting. The problem isn’t Res, it’s the combination of all three abilities allowing her to do too much. This is because, originally, to make up for her lacking mid-game play, Mercy was given two strong forms of support, but that isn’t needed as much anymore.

I’d rather see her healing or her damage boost get nerfed before her mid-game res. I think Resurrect is fine where it’s at, it’s not an ability that Mercy can just toss around too easily, it encourages team play, and it’s nice to have some kind of counter against those one-shot abilities that sometimes feel a bit cheap. Her healing and damage boost are very easy to tweak without disrupting her too much, so I’d rather Blizzard target these areas before going after Resurrect anymore. Those are the easiest and most guaranteed parts of her kit, they’re also the easiest to adjust by just numbers.


Oh no, you think they are capable of using logic? what they want is a revert at all cost because you know, they know better… or something


Rez needs to be gained through building up an ult like mercy 1.0 used to do, good mercys who has good position and game sense stay alive and build Rez faster, bad mercys die a lot build Rez slower or can’t rez the right target.
Rez should never be an ability on cooldown, it makes players feel non-rewarding, not fun, and makes the enemy feel unfair to play against, that’s why mercy is OP and unfun, and there are so many brain dead mercys out there.
Valk needs to go, the self regeneration is too strong, mercy is hard to kill with good positioning already, she is impossible to kill during valk, that just feels horrible to play against. For mercy players, valk feels really stupid, yes I can’t die, but I’m in the sky watching my entire team dies, and if I try to battle mercy, maybe I will kill 2 but my whole team died, then what? 1 v 4 as mercy? It’s just an useless ult.


She doesn’t need nerfs or buffs right now. 11 nerfs in its clearly not working, this may be controversial to say but she either needs to be reverted or reworked again.


I honestly find it hilarious that mercy mains keep counting how many nerfs she’s got, it’s not like people count how many nerfs other champions have got since Overwatch launched but I mean, it is your Mercy and your bias, right?

the point is that shes received aton of nerfs but yet is still op and boring.


Go ahead and count other heroes’ nerfs. Try and find one that’s gotten as many nerfs with no buffs. Now try and find one that’s gotten that many nerfs and still has people crying for more nerfs.


If they intend to keep rez on cooldown but want to bring Mercy down from a must pick, they’re going to continue to nerf every other part of her kit. Which does nothing but make her more of a bore. I think people are just tired of having the fun stripped from her at this point.


Actually I don’t play mercy, I used to play her a bit but yeah go ahead and assume I’m a mercy main. 10/10

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and if she’s still too strong she’ll keep getting nerfed, that’s how balance works, in other news, salt is salty

It doesn’t matter, they have taken a slow approach to bringing Mercy in line, if these “11” changes happened in one patch you would probably have an aneurism

Can only speak for myself, but absolutely yes. I like Mercy’s base kit so it’s sad to see it getting nerfed to balance around this ability that no one seems to enjoy.


The point is that if this many nerfs hasn’t fixed her, it’s clear that they’re looking in the wrong areas. They’re nerfing for the sake of nerfing instead of addressing the actual problem. Whatever though, it’s pretty clear what kind of person you are, and that kind of person isn’t worth trying to have a reasonable discussion with.


They are very clearly nerfing the wrong things in her kit.

the problematic things still remain in their problematic states which are rez on e and valk.

This is what I love about balance, you don’t need to look for the right “area” value is a conglomerate and as such any and all feature is on the table in order to bring the character to an acceptable level, Rez itself has gotten way too many nerfs already so picking something else is not only the best approach but also stays true to the very nature of the character, whether you agree with this or not that’s on you but balance is not something that can be dictated by the community

They nerfed both of those instances as well, because now since your heal is slower you need to be even more careful for the timing of your rez or your value of mitigating dmg is thrown completely out of the window and Valk was also nerfed because it now charges slower and the branches also heal less

What is it that they are clearly nerfing wrong again?

Increase rez cooldown more,

turn mercy’s chain beams into a single target beam but double its effectiveness in healing and boosting.

that’s what I believe they need to do.

60 hps mercy was fine.

That’s literally wrong though. Not every part of a hero’s kit has the same weight. In order to balance, you have to actually balance the weight of each part of their kit.

Pre-rework hanzo is a great example. It was pretty widely accepted that scatter arrow was too powerful, and also that despite that, Hanzo as a whole was too weak. The solution isn’t to widen that gap even further.

The same is true with Mercy. If one area is problematic, you don’t start looking at other areas to change, you change the one that’s actually the problem.