Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Mercy also has a LOS now
Mercy also has a cast time on her ult now (rezz)
2 nerfs for a minor buff that both stops mercy saving her ult for a teamwhipe (omg unfun) and hiding (omg double unfun)

You gotta think of it from a broader perspective, it’s not just black and white :stuck_out_tongue:

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you have to have los to activate the ability but you can break los during the windup.

its basically soft los requirements.

That’s why she has the added cast time. She cannot move during casting rezz (from my point of view anyway) so it’s not like she’s gonna peek around a corner hit Q and then hide again

This is why I call it a bit OP. Not only it resurrects dead teammate, but it also burst heal all living allies as well.
This will make her even more of a must pick than Mercy 2.0. No healers can outright revert death and then prevent it afterwards.

And beside, if this is the case, what is the point of picking Lucio over Mercy now?

You know… If you use the Ult just for the burst heal You better use Ana, which has 100HP AOE heal on a CD or Zen which has 300HP/s over multiple seconds. Lucio is not effected by that because the 150HP is not overhealing, it just fills up the HP of heroes to 100% max. So if Reinhardt is at 450HP, he only get’s 50HP. Not more. And Ana can counter that hard with her nade.

The burst heal is not crossing the working space of other supports, it just makes Resurrect a bit more consistent, without overpowering it.
And the fact that you can use it at any time makes it only harder to use, especially with a cast time (which is not stopping her movement in any way).

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new video from aria rose talking about your post <3


PLEASE DEVS, LISTEN ! This is by far the best thread about mercy i’ve ever red in the forums! As always Titanium u’re amazing!


For me, old Mass res is already consistent (somehow?). I do like the burst heal on the concept, tweaks will be needed, but for now, it looks promising.

excuse me but when?

That’s for their rework ideas.

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I REALLY love the Pacify concept: perfect for Mercy, good to reduce the probabilty of a big wipe without ult. The possibility to Mercy to use Resurrect without dead allies it is perfect imho. So you can use it as a burst aoe healing instead waiting the all match to use your ult, but none die.

I would really like to see Pacify, really.


It’s part of the rework. Mercy doesn’t just rez dead allies anymore when she casts her ult. She also heals nearby living ones (as well as Mercy herself) for 150 HP.

This shifts rez towards being a midfight ult, and takes pressure off Mercy to “let teammates die” in order to get the best possible results with rez.


Nobody tell him about the no-cd discord ability which increases all damage to a single target for 30%…

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thanks bruh

ur right i think it should be 40% i mean pacity

He is not yet ready! Its already an honor to be seated at the council at his age, its never been done before!

I say “more consistent” because in some cases back then, during the animation of res (1s), teammates which were still up might died right after the res because of that missing 60HP/s. Also, old Mass Res had the issue of beeing way to situational, something which encouraged hide&res. That would not be the case anymore.

It’s also more in line with the description of res… It’s regenerating energy, radiating away from Mercy. Why should teammates which are still alive not get a piece of that?

It also encourages midfight use and discourages hide&res even more.


Basically what Silawatsi said. Also, as someone who plays Mercy, Moira and Ana this is how I feel it should be:

  • Mercy for consistent single target healing with some utility
  • Moira for strong multi-target healing with damage
  • Ana for inconsistent but strong burst heal and amazing utility

I was talking about more mobility in general. Even if there was no rework.

Talking to a brick wall mate.

You make good points.

But the devs did not listen to your previous threads. They did not read the megathreads. They ban videos of that girl who calls them out on their BS.
You are also using common sense and fancy words, and that is just all very uncomfortable and they’d prefer it if you shut up.

It’s basically the same behaviour of RL dictatorships.