Would Mercy players really rather see Rez get nerfed?

It shouldn’t be, but that’s what you’re trying to make it into. Rez as a standard ability takes up too much weight in Mercy’s kit. The solution is not to reduce the weight of other parts of her kit, it’s to reduce the weight of rez.

What are you talking about? Mercy pushed out other heros in other class?
You mean mercy enabled so many heros like pharah, widow, genji and couple weeks ago, mercy even enabled a stupid hanzo who presses Q into a grav. That even a zen ult can’t save???

No, they shouldn’t because Mercy isn’t healing during 99% of the game, that’s a hyperbole and you’re completely negating the fact that she CAN do dmg and dmg boost AND rez

it’s very easy to overlook all the things Mercy can do, so you’re fine

Mercy’s damage output (including damage boost) is several thousand lower than every other support’s.


The solution is to open up space for other heroes, Rez’ weight is perfectly fine

and have you wondered why? oh, maybe because you can milk out a ton more value out of mindlessly right clicking? she’s the only character with 3 weapon modes, the gun is there for a reason, if you don’t wanna use it that’s on you

It’s not, though. Rez on E and valkyrie are the only problematic parts of Mercy’s kit.

You seem to have forgotten the part where I said including damage boost. Even “mindlessly right clicking”, Mercy contributes several thousand less damage. It’s pretty clear you really don’t know much about the hero though, so I’m not sure why you’re even trying to discuss this.


finally one thing you get right, you might know a bit more about Mercy than I do, even though I do play her quite a bit, she’s by no means a main of mine, however, what I DO know is about game design, there’s quite a bit of theory out there and I encourage you to find it instead of posting about your bias on a forum

I was considering damage boost while making the post because you have to decide whether or not to heal or damage boost, but if you want to nitpick instead of putting forth an honest argument, be my guest. Healing/damage boosting is what Mercy is doing for about 99% of the match, using her pistol is incredibly niche, and resurrect doesn’t happen all that often.

I’ll ask again: would you disagree that the hero who, for all intents and purposes, only heals/damage boosts should excel at healing/damage boosting more than resurrecting? Why gut a kit that was widely regarded as balanced in favor of a mechanic that lead her to being a must pick for a year?

You clearly don’t know as much about game design as you think you do. I’d recommend taking your own advice.


I have but there’s not much one can expect out of a clearly biased audience, which is why I tend to not talk to “your” community, once again, proven right

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again, no, she should excel at rez just like Ana excels at antinade and sleep dart, and lucio at speed boost and boops

The only biased one here is you.

oh yes, my bias is that I hate mercy and want a Mercy-free overwatch, disregard my hours on the hero but yeah that’s private

Ana excels at burst healing and long range healing at her core. Antinades and sleeps are what separates good Ana players from bad ones, that doesn’t make them the core of her kit.

Ironic that you keep throwing out that word, when every one of your posts is overflowing with it. The only thing you’ve proven right is that you’re not the kind of person worth trying to have a reasonable discussion with.

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I only want for mercy to be balanced and fun.

I dislike the devs wasting time on nerfs that wont solve anything.

yes I agree, but also, Ana spends “99%” of the game healing, shouldn’t she ALSO excel at it then?

More accurately the average ana spends “99%” of the match missing healing shots.

Neither are you, read my first post in here

And again, yes, my bias here is that I want Mercy to be non viable, even though I use her quite a bit, I’m the devil or something