Would Mercy players really rather see Rez get nerfed?

I have no problem really with tying rez t o any given thing. It can be an ability, it can be a cast time, it can be instant, it can be an ult, I don’t care.

1 button press = 1 rez. That is what I feel is healthiest. 1 button press = 1-5 people rezzed opens the door to all sorts of exploitative nonsense imho that doesn’t really have a place in this game.

That’s just my opinion.

How is it different from 1 button press = 1-5 kills, though?

Ah, okay. I understand where that point of view comes from I just hadn’t seen that concern phrased that way before.

Now outside of this character that finds delight on seeing people struggle with logic, I feel you and thank you for coming forth and posting your opinion on the matter, it tends to be a problem because people who is satisfied won’t post about it so the forum just becomes filled with vile bias from these… I honestly hate calling them Mercy mains, true Mercy mains understand what the character goes through and do their best to actually play her right


The invulnerability buff is what made mass rez op.

not mass rez being able to rez 1-5 people.

invuln was an overbuff.

There is no 1 button press = 1-5 kills depending on how many enemies are in the area of effect alive. It’s not comparable. There are NUMEROUS ways to mitigate the effects of any given DPS and it is now norm. It is rare for a DPS ult to get anything more than 3 people really. And honestly, the only time you see 3 is when it involves a grav or some Genji dragonblade popping off. Or dragonstrike down the perfect hallway.

Point being mass rez’s 1-5 people effect is not comparable really to a DPS ults 1-5 people effect.

I said nothing about OP. It’s important you realize that I do not find Mass Rez OP.

The 1-5 aspect of mass rez on 1 button press simply leaves the door open for lots of annoying and exploitative forms of play. You can argue to their effectiveness, for me it’s not about how effective they were. It’s that they were possible under that paradigm.

1 button press = 1 rez imho is the only healthy way to approach rez in this game.

Pulsebomb, riptire, deathblossom, dragonstrike, dragonblade, rocket barrage, etc.

And it was rare for Mercy to rez more than 3 people in most situations.


Rez should only be available in valk but with no cast time and 2 charges. Healing back to 60hps

and I believe we can balance mass rez as it was the healthiest as an ult.

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No. See, with rez, regardless of what is involved, be it aim, sticking, fall off from proximity, etc, it’s 0% -> 100% all dead team mates in the area regardless of HP values etc etc. Instantly. There is no DPS ult that instantly 100% -> 0% all enemies within in area. Sure, they can deal a specific amount of damage within an area, typically effected by fall off, but they do not just 100% -> 0% a full health Roadhog taking a breather.

It is not comparable.


Not to mention the fact that bringing someone back is not 1:1 with killing an enemy, death on this game is a punishment, you did something wrong so you go back to spawn simple as that, Mercy was able to erase this dynamic on her whole team but… “MaSs REz WaS bEst rEz”

Insta kills are inherently bad as they leave no counterplay potential.

ults being able to quickly 100% -> 0% is different as it leaves counterplay.

we just need to give mass rez counterplay and balance it out.

which the post I linked to you gives.

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There is no way you can introduce comparable counterplay to mass rez as you have with DPS ults. DM alone basically shuts down all DPS ults. What version of mass rez do you want where DM can eat it? Some Mei like toss of some orb of light?

Meanwhile, Mei ult, Grav, Shatter, they just leave you incapable of responding. They don’t just outright 100% -> 0% you.

So what version of mass rez is required to make it comparable to the DPS ults so many use to excuse mass rez with? Should Mercy spin for 2s in place, slowed to whatever, saying “LIVE LIVE LIVE” while gradually overtime healing her dead team mates until eventually they stand up?

You really think that’s going to work out well competitively?

This actually isn’t 100% true. Mass Rez with invulnerability was done because before that it was almost a guaranteed death. She also was fine for a month after she got this change.

The part that was the problem was that there was NO way to stop Rez once it started and the only counter was to kill Mercy first and play the game properly. The other problem was that certain “pros” (if you can call them that) who may or may not be named Seagull had a famous rant about how BS Mercy was after a stream where he failed to kill Mercy 7 times due to tunnel vision DPSing, improper target priority, and his team blowing ults without proper ult economy and not either killing Mercy first, making sure they got her too, or saying “hey, Mercy hasn’t rezed in about 40 seconds. She probably has it.” They got punished hard for it. Seagull threw a tantrum like a toddler. Seagull got his way and the Devs agreed this wasn’t fair that such a DPS god who can’t prioritize targets got punished by an ultimate that literally did EXACTLY that.

Add into this the factor that Rez had guaranteed value and the Orisa patch that dropped in the same general time frame broke support SR gains making Mercy gain seriously stupid amounts of SR from having no deaths and huge Rez count; thus the birth of hide and Rez.

If the Devs had simply made a way to negate Rez once it started that didn’t revolve 100% around killing Mercy before she pressed Q, Rez would have been properly counter-able for those incapable of handling playing properly and that would have simply left adjusting performance based SR so it was broke AF for months.


What if it had a line of sight restriction, a cast time, and only brought allies back to a certain amount of health, say, 300 HP max? Then it would be comparable to D.va’s ult, which instantly kills anything with a lower effective health than 1000 within an area.

The thread I linked you literally lists ways to give mass rez counterplay comparable to dps ults.

just because you don’t wanna go read it doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

Are you really surprised I’m not eager to do the homework you just assigned me? I cbf to read that thread. It’s about mass rez, I have 0 cares. Unless you c an tell me why fundamentally why my position on mass rez is wrong. Unless it’s the “LIVE LIVE LIVE” scenario I just outlined, I don’t see how you can make mass rez comparable to any DPS ult.

Don’t even get me started on comparing Mass Rez to Dva Bomb.

Explain how it wouldn’t be comparable with those restrictions.

I’d rather lose rez and keep her healing at 60hps at this point