"Without nade, healing would be too powerful"

As a game dev making a living on contracts and my own work, working from home in a nice house. I can safely say it doesn’t. You just a troll I can make fun off.

So where in this did I say he made Tracer unplayable? You quoted something that proved you wrong. It’s crazy that you guys are all so confident while literally owning yourselves. Wild.

Buddy, you are Plat at best. I don’t care what you do for a living. You aren’t good at OW, which was the subject of the discussion.

This is my last reply.

The several post acting like you can’t do anything because of his spam, tanky turret, his health pull. And more.

calling him an easy hero, when like all his power is in a hard to hit projectile.

You arguing tooth and nail over this, and commented the most on my thread their.

Aahah like that matters anywhere. Other then a comp match.

Like not being rude, but engineers are not nascar drivers. And Nascar drivers are no engineers now.

just because you a have a different skill set then I, does not make you better then me.

From their I wish you great day now.

Yeah I get that but op specifically said 80hps can out heal anything which is an exaggeration and this is also a poor argument.

The real question is, why would you try to kill a double pocketed target on your own in the first place? Surely it would be a better use of your time to go after the other two targets that have no healing at all?

Don’t need a double pocket to get 80 HPS. Several heroes can get close on their own. Bap does 75 iirc. Ana alone does 90. Ana with nade making it around 135. Illari does 120, and Moira does 70. Kiriko does 130.

I know but op specifically mentioned a double pocket of mercy and zen. Criticising people who say that isn’t enough, which is true with the current high burst damage. Which is why I said if they nerf healing they would also need to nerf damage

I personally care more about the healing than who/how many are doing it.

The most common Support comp is Ana/Kiri right now. That’s around 220 HPS double pocketed, which jumps to a whopping 330 for four seconds when Nade is up. That’s just…too much. I think we agree on that.

Yep my original reply to the op actually said as much.

"Nerfing healing and damage is the only way to balance the game’

That’s how I think balancing should start, instead of relying on one ability to balance around.

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To pull up your own argument for a second.

Supports can miss to, Kiri isn’t auto aim and ana can have some major down time if focused doubly so if someone say is good enough on tracer to force ana to self nade.

it’s not exactly consistent unless your pushing it specifically to the tank, and that can fail if the enemy uses tools like DM and or winston bubble in close range. Same goes for Mauga’s ult.

Which I doubt is going to have any major changes outside of length.

Like don’t get me wrong it’s more consistent then damage, but your not seeing those max healing numbers either outside of very specific instances.

it’s not, click some some support heads with Illari, zen, or bapt. will quickly turn the game in your favor.

block an ult with lamp, play flanker with moria, or play keep away with brig.

Like you have some decent options for keeping the enemy from doing much. Outside of nade. And those options tend to be more consistent then just the one offensive cooldown.

it’s really funny watching mauga get whip shot and ult like 5 feet away from his outside his ult radius.

I’ve never seen such a massive ego on a masters player. It’s insane. :laughing:

You were GM3 on console. You’re masters 2 (I dont know why you’re trying to present yourself as m1 and you’re a diamond average player to begin with).

You are losing your mind my dude. :joy:

Didn’t they try and say the same thing about Vanilla/Classic WoW’s code?

No idea… had to quit following WoW when my youngster was born 11 years ago. Both wanted all of my time, and the youngster won :smiley:

i agree but you have to solve the problems in order.

you dont remove or heavily nerf ana’s nade from the game before you fix the sustain issue.

better yet, do em at the same time. nerf sustain, revert some of the dmg creep that followed, and also nerf ana’s anti heal effect.

this is a bit disingenuous because its alot easier to ‘aim’ healing then dmg.

the hitboxes for heals is really large, so sure you can technically miss but the amount that’ll actually be missed is pretty low past a certain threshold of skill.

you have to look at it from a high end perspective, the healing is so high and so easy to land because the average support player has bad aim

but when the support has good aim they might land 80-100% of the healing on the target.

if healing had a hitscan bullet’s hitbox, low elo players wouldnt complain about “nothing dying”.

in masters+ we have the mechanic’s so that we can focus fire ppl down and bypass healing entirely (which btw is a terrible feeling gameplay loop) but in plat and lower, where most ppl play, that healing has a much higher up time then the incoming dmg

not only is it easier to land, but they have more ammo so they can heal for longer before needing to reload.

so if the low elo players are also having issues with healing being too high, then something needs to be done to those numbers OR make it require good aim to heal.

from a QoL perspective keeping the hitboxes as is then nerfing the healing numbers and uptime is a better choice.


I dont know what game are people playing where there is ‘‘too much healing’’. Unless you are trying to kill a tank being double supported, I dont see how any DPS hero that isnt Symmetra or Mei can struggle to outheal most healing in this game.

But then again whiners also complained about Illari’s 35 hps low range and destroyable zen orb.

I guess that when you are used to abusing easy heroes for easy wins like Soldier and Sojourn but you still have 20% accuracy with them, the most minimal amount of healing is going to end up ‘‘stealing your kills’’.

Because they have much lower reward, often having only between 25% to 75% of what damage can do, even within their own kits.

And you wouldn’t like it if it was equally hard for the same reward that damage.

Let Mercy instantly Rez someone from 50 miles away for landing a headshot. I am sure that the people that hate supports on this fictional ‘‘but muh skill’’ lie will totally not be mad about it too. /s

So my last sentence in that post did cover that fact.

And was just pointing out that ana/kiri were not pumping out like 200~300 hps every second now.

Aint that Mauga’s whole kit?

no it doesnt because you make it sound like its only slightly bigger.

healing hitboxes are massive, they are so big that if someone misses several back to back it becomes impressive.

ana+kiri does infact pump out alot of hps, but its not 200-300hps

kiri’s burst healing is 130 but her over time is like 75

so realistically they burst heal for around 200~ hps then they are healin around 165hps consistently this doesnt include the +50% on someone thats hit with her nade.

if someone is unironically missing kiriko healing thats a skill issue. to give you an idea of how easy it is to heal with kiriko, they dont even have a healing accuracy stat in her profile chart.

bap has a healing accuracy stat, ana’s healing accuracy is mixed in with her dmg healing stat.

when people tell me supports are missing heals, its a massive self report on their own lack of mechanical skill.

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I mean yes and no?

It depends on the supports, keep mind tho most of them also have the issue of needing to split their time between damage and healing.

And damage bit can be forced onto them as a measure to defend themselves.

So unlike DPS that are attacking all game, supports are only healing for about half or so. While the other half is damage and or damage boost.

Or that their trading high damage/utility for low heals over time like with zen/lucio.

TLDR supports are not pumping out as much healing as their damage that is being thrown out over the course of the match. Or have the uptime to do so.

which is more or less what I was pointing out. And ya it’s a big difference over the course of the entire game at least.