Torb is an oddly over nerfed hero

It’s fast enough to put your crosshair right in front of them. I’m a hitscan player primarily and I can easily aim with Torb. It’s not hard.

Yeah…no. Wrong.

No, it’s not.

He literally is. He does the same amount of damage with more health and less aim requirement. Plus a tanking ability if he’s fighting a close range hero. Reaper WISHES he could be even half as good as Torb.

Even though the hardest heroes in the game are ALL part of Dive? Riiiight.

It’s not skill and situational awareness. No flanker has an actual counter to Torb. They have to rely on their team to break a stupid deployable. At least Sym’s turrets are flimsy enough to require skill with the placement, and her weapon is actually difficult to use well. I don’t have a problem with turrets. I have a problem with tanky turrets on already easy all-rounder heroes. I have a problem with the easiest DPS being solid A tier. Meanwhile, heroes like Junkrat stay useless on nearly every map despite requiring ACTUAL skill. It’s bad design.