"Without nade, healing would be too powerful"

If the balance of the game hinges on one hero, the game is broken. They should be able to remove any hero from the game tomorrow and still have the game be balanced. This is the same logic that leads to decisions like giving a support a stun on 5 second cooldown to stop dive or not nerfing hog at a 55% winrate because mauga “has solutions for him”


Also, considering they can hotfix patch the game every 5 minutes, if they want to.
I think people are blowing out of proportion how difficult it is to do some basic nerfs on survival/sustain.

Just make a rough guess on what needs to be lowered, do it. Then patch rapidly to fix the gaps.

They don’t need to predict the future exactly.


I find that statement weird when Mercy/ Zen has a possible 80hps single target that cannot miss at all with 0 downtime/ reload yet people don’t think that’s enough healing for the damage coming in


Tbf, not nerfing a hero immediately after a rework because the want to see how the hero settles actually makes some amount of sense. Hog’s usage rates weren’t high enough to suggest he was drastically warping the meta, and 55% in GM isn’t that much higher than the typical GM average of around 52-53%.

I disagree with, “Well, mauga counters so it’s fine…” but I do generally think that there’s an argument to be made that Hog needed time to settle.

Agreed. It’s also why I was so frustrated to see Ana’s kit get buffed after Kiriko’s release with them literally saying, “because Ana has a counter in Kiriko, we’re comfortable raising her power level.”


My favourite time this has come up is when they said something along the lines of “we can’t add movement acceleration because otherwise we would need to rebalance hitscan heroes”.

It’s wild. Add movement acceleration AND rebalance hitscan heroes please.

Idk blizzard don’t like balancing things or something. They’d rather the entire game hinge around broken elements over taking a bigger picture view at balance.


Well, they could fix that.
Bastion Sentry could have 1.5x headshots, a tighter spread, and less damage.
Hanzo Storm Arrow could do… HALF the damage it currently does, but give Hanzo a better Lunge.


Because it isn’t enough to out heal damage, every DPS does much more than 80 damage per second.

Nerfing healing and damage is the only way to balance this game right now.


Come on, auto-target healing should outheal damage? What do you want? A game whoever holds the button longer wins?

I guess you didn’t read this part…

Op said it can out heal any damage, I’m just pointing out that it actually cannot.


I think a single DPS or support should frequently lose to a support + DPS combination.

The single DPS or support should feel afraid of trying to take on a 2v1 instead of encouraged and ballsy to take it on.

This kind of the state we are in now where if you have a support trying to heal a person under fire from 2 people, that person is generally going to die.

The idea of healing in most cases is to let a person stand out of cover long enough to actually do something, then survive long enough to get to cover. Remove fire, heal, up, then try again.


If equally skilled, absolutely.

Except you’re twisting the quote into something they never said. They said that it exists as a tool to limit the power of healing

I think Kinda, the issue is with that though is how many times are you not going to get healed, if you’re a flanker attacking the backline in which case you definitely are going to get 1v2ed, but what then what are you going to do? If you get another person to flank they might still lose because it’ll take a lot of coordination to pull if an assassination especially if the support in question is one that can straight up teleport out or just kill you.and if you need more then 2 now it’s a full on dive comp you have to play all because of one support peeling

Removing stuff, huh?

It’s on the top of my tongue…oooh…what was it again?

If nade was removed, everything could be balanced around it. (But we can’t, because it’s been her kit for a long time.)

Supports could get passives to increase healing under circumstances without it being completely nullified, and dps people could get “counters” to that passive (ie status effects).

I dunno, maybe I’ve been playing too many matches of “scream as health gets to 5, spam abilities and recover with I frames”, but I think having checks and balances within roles and not just with one hero is a good idea(?).

Let’s say with Genji:
Shuriken has a _% chance to puncture target, decreasing health recovery by external sources by _%

And Lucio:
Amp it Up increases values by _% if used in enclosed areas (ie hallways, rooms).

Then if the conditions for the inherent “buffs/debuffs” are always visible, it offers more strategy.

This is treading more into PvE territory, but options are always nice…I guess.

This gameplay loop simply isn’t possible with the amount of incoming damage AND healing.
We’re in this situation where there’s too much healing and damage at the same time and now we’re also starting to get to the point that there’s too much invulnerabilities going on.


Yeah, when they said that, I realized I was right - they did balance the game around anti-nade.

Until they nerf that and adjust the heroes that were balanced with nade in mind, we’re screwed.

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A simple way to look at is does 8deaths per min feel good enough? 1min15sec avg life span.

U forgot Ana nade also amplfies healing .


Society should also be perfect. Doesn’t change the fact that having perfect balance in anything at all is extremely difficult to accomplish.

I’d argue we go to that point when Bap got released.

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