"Without nade, healing would be too powerful"

Good thing writing code for abilities is part of their job. They have the ability and skills to do so, I don’t see the issue. Other heroes have gotten full on reworks where there is A LOT of new code written, they just don’t want to write a code for Ana? They have shown as a new team they can write a new anti nade code: Junkerqueen. It’s just an excuse.

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I think we’ve seen enough patches in the past to realize that expecting “perfect patches” every time, isn’t going to happen, regardless how much data they get.

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By most other games do you mean rifle shooters, like CS?

Because those games often have mechanics like tagging, and have acceleration far lower than other quake like shooters.

OW has movement acceleration on sigma, Lucio, ball, zen and echo, and people don’t seem to complain because the acceleration is appropriate for the game.

Ya not expecting perfection, I’m just saying this specific example “if it was an issue” they would know how much/how little nade actually impacted all of that.

Blizz can rewrite code, but anytime you drop code into a stable environment, there is risk and something will go awry, and such experiments costs time and money. Sure, Blizz may also not want to touch nade because it keeps OW2 from becoming an total heal-fest, but until they say otherwise, the Nade heal-reduction proposal is not an option. The subject has been revisited countless times, so the fact that nade still remains a full heal block is quite telling.

Bad argument. To kill through healing, it has to be high enough DPS to negate the HPS. For example, Mei does 100 DPS. 80 HPS means it’ll take 10 seconds for her to kill someone with perfect aim.

If they change Ana antinade, Bastion sentry, and Hanzo.

Then they clears the way to win like 30+ small little reductions in overall sustain.

And predicting how that ALMOST EXACTLY turns out ahead of time, isn’t going to happen.

I’m still going to suggest it regardless. They aren’t a small company and now have the backing of microsoft. “Time and money”, yes that goes for any change to the game. You can say blizz said this or whatever, and I’m saying it’s an excuse. They have the money, they have the time, they have the technology, and they have the talent. It’s literally just an excuse.

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M8 most dps can produce 200 plus damage in a second. without headshots.

Mei being pratically an off-tank balance wise, has team value ontop of her outdoing most healing sources.

As she is over comming healing, doing damage to multiple sources that can kill say the healer in 2 seconds. Even if their dps pocket are only taking say 45 ~ 20 damage through the healing.

Also while slowing the targets. And having a free reset health/selfcleanse/ and trap in her tool kit.

The latter being able to cut most sources of healing off completely.

Not being rude but your making a bad faith argument.

Especially when we have supports that can also two tap 200hp heroes. And tanks that can oneshot.

Don’t worry – you are not alone. There are dozens upon dozens of others here making the same nade heal reduction suggestion. No results yet, but maybe M$ might do something about it… for a small fee :wink:

Hey it took years for them to just make it so Valk beam doesn’t break upon activation ad they finally did it. You never know shrug

On paper. That’s not taking accuracy into account. For example, Tracer does a potential 240 DPS without headshots. Yet WITH headshots, the best Tracer in the world is doing around 100 DPS. Numbers on paper are a lot more impressive than numbers in game.

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Arnt you the guy that could kill a torb turret in masters? I’m pretty sure taking your word for anything is kind of pointless.

Also like tracer specifically is targeting supports themselves.

which means their only every playing through a single source of healing, if that.

And if she has the attention of both supports on her. Then the rest of the enemy team is pretty easy to finish up. As their getting no healing or a single source of healing. Do the focus being on the other support and not the tank/dps.

Even then it’s not diffuclt for tracer to buld her ult, and ignore all of that. As it’s the fastest one to earn in game.

Also on another note Acc does not equal damage output in optimal ranges.

Like ya a cassidy might miss like 70% of shots at range. Not stopping him from landin a mag nade right click, roll, right click any target to death.

Forgot his name but the lead hero designer interview, he seemed to say nade would get an anti nerf/cooldown buff. But not until they add more anti’s into the game as they feel it’s an important mechanic.

Maybe all that will happen with the new support.

I think what they’re going for is let dps and hps be sky high. Basically keeping each other in check, stalemates. Then, use mechanics like nade to essentially uncap dps and give them a few moments to let those dps #'s shine and get some crazy plays. That flow is taking the place of Ults from OW1 where everyone would just stand around farming ults and then pop off. Now it’ll just happen a lot more often, but for shorter durations, via abilities.

Just my guess.

You’re both kind of missing the mark on this. Pure dps numbers fail to take into account effective use of cover, abilities, missed shots etc on top of healing. The extra factors, such as good use of cover, positioning effectively to abuse fall off, rotating abilities etc is why the issues with supports primarily come from the highest ranks.

So while on paper damage can chew through heals with little worry it doesn’t consistently happen due to other factors that make the actual numbers unimportant unless somebody dies instantly. Damage does sometimes overpower heals, but not consistently as players tend to not put themselves into a position where that’s going to happen. That’s called feeding. The issue with support is their abilities that negate the feeding.

What kind of comment is this :thinking:


Dumb thing to say, but I suppose I should’ve expected that from you. This is not an opinion. This is math, and done with the #1 Tracer’s stats on Overbuff. My own accuracy is lower, and about 96 DPS. The average Tracer is far below me as well, at about 75 DPS.

Zen heals mean Tracer is doing 70 DPS. Making her TTK including reloads around 6 seconds. That’s lethal for a Tracer. One source is enough to negate her.

While this certainly isn’t as extreme with other DPS, it’s still present.

Needing an ult to kill through mid tier healing is ridiculous. On top of that, Tracer’s ult is the fastest to build because it’s the hardest to use. OWL pros average only a 60% stick rate, and they can make T500s look Bronze. Not even a REMOTELY fair thing to say.

Tracer very rarely shoots outside of her optimal range, so this doesn’t affect her. Nice try though.

You don’t understand the issues healing is causing. Sustained damage is becoming less and less viable, which reinforces a hard burst damage meta. Because burst is the only thing that gets kills. That’s a very obvious problem, and if you can’t understand that I’m done here.

guy was arguing tooth and nail that torb basically made tracer unplayable. And that tracer could never kill his turret in any situation. And any buff to him would kill tracer. Even tho tracer was still one of the best DPS when torb was at his peek.

And somehow is also a master tracer player.

yes and no, healing gets peeks and drops depending if they have things like barriers and los breaks to create down time to heal around. And if they have the resources to pump into such in the first place.

Be it also doesn’t stop say a tracer from just pulse bombing an ana out of existance.

Cassidy killing someone in two shots. Illari doing the same, both of them together with body shots making up for the lack of headshots.

the fact you have 5 damage sources and mostly only 2 (maybe 3) healing tools on the team. (soldier/mauga)

Like a moria for how bad she is, can toss a damage orb and cut most supports output in half if not down to like 5hps.

opening up windows for dps to just playthrough such without much issue. Doubly so if that’s helping a winston out as you basically doubling his damage output with such.

You don’t play tracer for her raw damage, your playing her for the fact you can dance around the enemy backline.

And force the enemy to split their focus between you and the enemy team.

your probably now the most survivable flanker now that sombra got her TP nerf can can’t instantly leave an area, while lacking tools to dodge say a mag nade. Be it that is debatable, as that’s up to how well a flanker can read the situation.

Then can instantly make an engagement a 5v4 vai a well timed pulse bomb on a target of your choice. And camp a mercy rez spot to bait and counter her in the process.

Like not being rude, but like what your complaining about has been the core experience of OW since launch.

(also read the rest of the post, it applies to you as well)

Awww, that’s cute. Never said that. Try again.

Currently, the #1 Masters Tracer on PC, with a GM3 peak and a 57% winrate in Masters 1.

When you’re not a lethal threat, you can take no space. That’s Tracer’s entire job.

Clearly, you aren’t good enough to understand the problem. That’s fine, but don’t talk down to people that are better than you at the game.

Ya you did I have the screenshots if you try to change you posts.

Cool, doesn’t make you a game designer.

No your not taking space, tracer has never done that outside of cleaning up kills where other dps can’t get to.

You can defiinitely hold space. But making it is not your job, that’s like exclusively a tank bit or a sniper. Maybe some DPS with ults were their such a threat that you have to move out of their way and or take all the focus to deal with.

but like flankers don’t take space they get around and survive in spaces other dps can’t get to.

Quote it.

It makes me better than you, love. That’s what matters here.

And that’s where I’m out. You’re trash. Not worth reading your replies when you know nothing about the game, trying to lecture me. When you get some actual skill and game knowledge, we can resume this discussion. Until then, I’m out<3