Winston is so broken now

It’s just Reaper in a bad place right now. He needs his spread tightened and a finishing move.

I’d remove his stupid teleport and give him that grenade belt he had in that one mini-movie… or give him complete invulnerability throughout his teleport from the moment you press it to the end of the animation.

“You can kill winston if he jumps without his cds with no support”


I just take out the Reinhardt and start smacking him around with my hammer. He’s fun to play against imo. I don’t think he’s broken.

Brigitte can still play against Winston, but you have to really stop him mid air before he lands. Brigitte’s ability to provide repair pack through shield to another ally bubbled or have inspire buff stay with someone through bubble is still valuable. Abuse high ground whenever you can to force to leap upwards rather than downwards upon you.

Its simply you never want to be the jump target as Brigitte and you still have some tools for it. Whip shot tank → 180 degree shield bash still does work and messes up where he wants to stand and gives you plenty of distance.

Its just much harder to stay alive now since he cuts through armor and he got a DPS buff. The guy who suggested Kiriko is like half accurate since Winston is Kiriko’s worst tank match-up other than like Ball. Kiriko does literally nothing to Winston because bubble is too thick. He has too much HP himself. You can only TP away from him and his cooldown is shorter than your own. Healing can’t go through bubble. He does AoE dmg while Kiriko only does single target.

Ana is actually still useful against Winston to a point. Nano, Sleep dart, and bionade hurts him. There really is no good support against WInston and the best way to counter winston is sadly straight hard CC and high dmg output like Cass, Roadhog, Bastion, etc. His armor only lasts so long and you get to whittle down bubble very fast with a strong enough team.

Winton is fine. Just go mauga and laugh as he’s forced to be mostly irrelevant.

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As a support player, I would like to see less of him. :upside_down_face:

There’s just so little you can do now. The armor changes are dumb. The fact he ignores armor is dumb.


i will admit he has become a mega annoyance just like people who spawn camp

As someone who mains Winston, he is not broken unless your team has bronze aim. You can’t jump in freely and get away with anything. He has the perfect amount of survivability. You have to be cautious, but you can push up a bit.

It’s not like he’s Doom or Ball. Those are the heroes that can dive without consequence because their cooldowns are short.

There is plenty of counter play for him.

I don’t think you realize how many bloody buffs Winston has gotten since OW2 came out.

  1. Stealth buff of an undocumented -1 sec to a 5sec leap cooldown
  2. Gains health.
  3. Gains knockback resistance.
  4. Gains additional armor buff.
  5. Lowered shield cooldown.
  6. Gains an entirely new ability.
  7. Gained extra total white hp multiple times.
  8. Ignores armor on his primary fire.
  9. He has the headshot resistance.
  10. Got a large DPS buff.

There is a reason Winston is a highly picked tank this season. ALl I think he needs is a damage reduction from 75 → 65 or 70. He’s gotten some of the beefest buffs even ignoring the universal tank buffs. However, his individual power over DPS or supports is getting quite high.


All the tanks are too strong now. Winston and Rein got the most benefits recently and are both broken. They are zero fun to play against as dps or support as they just won’t die (and then there is always mercy there to rez them if they do - most broken ability in the game by far with tanks this strong).

Reaper wasn’t doing anything to him before the patch. It’s almost like these “Tank-buster” heroes weren’t actually the problem :thinking:


Once again, the problem is 5v5 meaning there’s no second tank to peel and scare him away/punish a bad engage, while before his problem was not having a second tank (DVa) to help him dive without being obliterated.

We warned everyone that this was likely.

Imo, killing his TTK will make him far less fun to play. We shouldn’t want that no matter how unfun we find them to play into.

Honestly, if we’re sticking with this absolutely awful situation in general, then the tank passive needs to be different for dive and non-dive tanks, plain and simple. And even then, I think there should be a case by case basis. (or we should just…only have the boop passive of 30% on Reinhardt)

6v6 is fine and will remain the superior format. Winston never needs nerfs he along with Tracer are the most balanced characters in the game and shouldn’t really be changed ever.

Remember, any “problem” 6v6 had wasn’t a problem with the format itself. It was the total refusal to nerf the support role that caused 5v5 to even happen, but it doesn’t matter. You hate OW and would never want to see it improve for some odd reason.


Problem here: the reason support became problematic was Tracer and not being willing to nerf her. Brig was a nuclear option as a result and a lot of power creep ensued with and following her release because of this, on all roles. But the problem did not start with support heroes.


Tracer doesn’t need nerfs and never will. If she isn’t good the entire game isn’t good, that’s how it should be.

However, Mercy and team rez still existed and caused half those issues back then.

Cass deletes monkey pretty quickly. He’s the new tank buster.

Tracer is blatently OP right now. No hero should be so strong that they’re in every game.

Not nerfing tracer is why they released brig, which is what led to goats, which is what gave us role queue, which is what led to people being so unhappy with the game. Nerfing tracer years ago would have let us avoid a LOT of pain in this game.


Junkrat is one of his better counters after the armor change, imo. Hog, Doom, and even Mei can ruin his day also.

I swear, winston is kind of the reason I’m half turned against 5v5.

Whenever I see the winston/dva come out it’s like: …welp, time to play kiriko/moira/lucio (incredibly mobile support) or I’m going to get jumped by a 600/700 hp tank every 5/4 seconds. Boops don’t do anything to them either.

But thats what it kind of how it has to be like though.


Yeah you’re not biased at all lol

Flawed logic right here. I can say hyperbolic BS too but that doesn’t make it true.

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I also play other roles. I play almost as much support as tank these days.

Let me ask you, did you think that they were raid bosses before the mid-season patch?