Winston is so broken now

all his shotgun counters do basically half damage against him

he can just dive in, have his no aim 75dps melt your suppports and then dive out

he needs a nerf


Days where you have to go Reaper are gone. Just go Zen for Orb + Bastion/Hanzo. He will be ded in the airā€¦


Honestly, heā€™s been busted for a while.


stay away from his bubble and heā€™s useless, stop trying to duel him inside of it

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We could reverse the armor change. Or try going Hanzo. Seriously, Hanzo can pretty much delete Winston.


i donā€™t really play a lot of dps but i just feel lost against him as a support

do i bother with brig? i feel like she isnā€™t even that good against him

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Brig isnā€™t very good into him. He basically counters her. Kiriko, Illari, Bap, or Ana are probably the best supports into Winston. All do burst damage. All can keep their distance. All have a potential way to escape a dive or prolong the fight.


His cooldowns are too short. Like the other day he jumped on me as I was playing Kiri and I was with my team. I suzu nothing, he is being shot, he uses bubble, I TP out he chases me. I am out of cooldowns and he already has all of his back up. Brig used to be good into him but once they buffed his damage that it ignores armor she is not that good into him anymore.


I donā€™t think that his cool downs are the problem. Theyā€™re the exact same theyā€™ve always been. Itā€™s that the armor change specifically removed all his best counters that were keeping him in check. Youā€™re seeing Winston now in a world without D.Va being a good counterswap into him or a Reaper hanging out with the supports canā€™t completely remove his value.

The question is do we keep this armor? Going back immediately fixes the issue. Staying the course means Winston needs a nerf. But you really canā€™t nerf his cool downs without completely destroying him. So maybe remove his armor piercing? Why should he ignore armor now?


Yea, you are right. The armor changes really buffed him. They also did buff his damage and bubble. His short cooldowns just compliment all of that. He is not as easy to burst down anymore and having one tank now he should not be. But he should also not be that opressive.

I mean we still come back to the same thing. Tank raid bosses and still being awful to play for Tank mains and horrible to play against.

As support, your only real option is go Baptiste and pressure him. That being said, if you are struggling with Winston as support, it is not really your fault. Your DPS are incompetent as hell and Winston is still going to roll you as Baptiste unless your other support decides to help you. Unfortunately that is like a 50/50.

Not much you can do about it. It might just be more fun to go Lucio and avoid him so that he targets the other support. :joy:


Guys stop they canā€™t know how broken Winston is, heā€™s so much fun

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Iā€™m a tank main and I donā€™t think most tanks right now are truly raid bosses. Some got seriously buffed by this patch, like Winston. Others actually got seriously nerfed, like D.Va. The devā€™s ā€œsolutionā€ impacted tanks really unevenly. And it also gave a bad impression to the community as a whole. Now ā€œtank diffā€ is even more common than ever when most tanks really didnā€™t change that much. Rein for example is a bit better in the tank trade, but actually a little weaker overall because of heroes like Sojourn being better against him.

IMO what needs to happen is a revert of the armor change and the headshot damage reduction. Then they really need to just address CC against tanks and nerf burst damage. Ironically the mid-season patch made burst damage worse for tanks with armor.

Winston isnā€™t broken, heā€™s playable.

Contrast that with almost every other Tank.

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The world has truly ended now.

We are calling for Winston nerfs, it means 5v5 is failing and so is RQ.


Do you remember the Korean Le Sserafim collab event (Dva, Sombra, Brig and Kiriko skins)? Brig was hard meta in the 3x3 limited mode and devs thought Brig was overperforming and changed the way Brigā€™s armor works, and sheā€™s weak since November/23ā€¦ These devs are clueless. So Brig was a response for dive tanks but not anymore. As a support, I just pray against Winston or any dive tank.

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Wait, so a random person on the Overwatch Forums calling for nerfs to Winston = 5v5 bad?

In that case, hereā€™s some evidence that 6v6 is also bad:

Yā€™all need better arguments lol.


i mean he cant kill moira either as long as you are aware.

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He is so broken that I havenā€™t seen him in a single game since the last patch.

Avoidance is probably the best route if he is uncontested. I have tried plenty of times to duel him as Baptiste and it makes him angry. You do not want to see him when he is angry.