Will mercy have mass rez for uprising?

Wouldn’t current Mercy’s Rez still be faster than the other one? And even with her speed reduced by 75%, it’s better than being literally stuck in place holding the revive for the duration for like, twice as long.

And I thought bot priority fell to who had the most kills/damage? Wasn’t that why Pharah wasn’t all that great in the all heroes mode last year? Or why in Junkenstien, the sniper/soldier was being hard focused?

Because if it functions like that, Valk flight shouldn’t be affected. Well, unless you use Valk to go battle Mercy

I’m pretty sure it’s whoever is closest to them or whoever they can shoot at. Cause in Junkenstein Ana would always be targeted by Roadhog.

I think it was around 3 seconds to revive someone so yeah in a sense, but it never had a 30 second cooldown.

I think it was around 3 seconds to revive someone so yeah in a sense, but it never had a 30 second cooldown.

Technically true, it didn’t have a hard set cooldown, however, in my own experience with Mercy (from launch to the rework), I was still getting mass rez in about 30-45 second intervals so when rez hit as a standard ability on a cooldown, it didn’t really feel like it changed much about how often I rezzed, only how many I rezzed.

And while it must suck to not have mass rez anymore, I doubt the devs will patch it in for the one event. People wanted Ana to have that 10 dmg restored for Junkenstein, saying she would be unplayable without it but devs didn’t budge because they felt she would be fine (and I would agree with that). In this case, they’ve held their ground regarding Mercy (which has been they don’t want mass rez anymore, I mean look at what kept getting nerfed during the rework)

I guess my overall point is that we have no idea if Valk and current rez will be bad against the uprising bots. And we shouldn’t be saying it’s unplayable simply because we didn’t like the direction the devs took

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I’m probably gonna instantly pick Torbjorn or Reinhardt since they are my strongest so yeah and i don’t play mercy alot anyway

Honestly, I’m kinda over this conversation lol I’ve already stated what needs to be said.

I could get mine a lot quicker than 30 seconds especially since you charge your ultimate faster by using your pistol against the bots.

Didn’t ever say it’s going to be unplayable just said the ultimate is useless and we will see how it plays out during the event that’s pretty much it. I honestly don’t care which iteration we have 1 is going to be significantly weaker than the other and I’m leaving it at that. If Mercy’s base beam could outheal lots of damage then it would be an entirely different story but I will sit back and wait until the event happens.

Let’s put this another way
There is a high probability that if Mercy is left for Uprising as she is on live there is going to be a lot of wait times, we already saw this with Ana, a lot of wait times with people coming into games only to leave the moment they saw the three DPS insta-locked
It’s going to be that phenomenon on steroids I am almost certain.

You missed out on when Rez was Mercy’s ult? Poor soul… she was 200% more tactical and gamesense-intensive back then.



How is flying around with chain healing/damage boost, and infinite ammo not perfect for Uprising? Valk can easily outheal non-Ult damage. Even if Mercy draws aggro, most of the enemies are projectiles, so you can keep moving and dodge most of it. Mass rez was also pretty useless since there is a revive mechanic for everyone. It was really only useful if Reinhardt and one other teammate was dead.

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She would be usless tbh

The time mercy takes to solorez is the same as the other heroes bring up a downed player


Are you screwing with me? Valkyrie can outheal non ult damage? It heals the same as awlays just to multiple people, people were constantly dying in the original mode and all four ults were being used on cooldown, Valkyrie will be useless in this mode ESPECIALLY since odds are she’s just going to get shot right out of the sky the moment she peaks out from behind reintharts shield to try and fly
As for the enemies half of them wer eactually beam attacks if memory serves and bastions were freaking everywhere.
As for rez being useless
No Mercy’s CURRENT rez would be boderline useless in this mode, having an INSTANT rez was very important in that mode everyone else had one that took four seconds of standing still to perform in Uprising on a single target.


You’re delusional. You need at least two DPS focusing a Mercy heal target to outdamage her healing. To be able to heal your whole team at the same time is going to be great for Uprising.

Mercy’s not going to die the second she pokes out of a Rein shield. It didn’t happen before, it’s not going to happen now. Especially with the low DPS from the enemies, the fact that they shoot projectiles, and Valk gives her constant self heal. Bastions will be problematic, yes, but it’s fine if at least one enemy is a challenge. Besides, they announce when they’re spawning, so it’s pretty predictable.

I played plenty of Mercy the first event, and I only ever found myself needing Rez at the OR-15 section. I agree that Rez as a normal ability will be redundant if they don’t change it, but Valk is going to be far more interesting, and fun in the more open, PvE mode.

This just in: Using Valkyrie doesn’t require you to fly up into the air. Seriously man, you can stand behind rein shield while ulting. You still get the same capabilities from chain heal/damage boost.


Idrk know what they’re planning on doing. Maybe they’ll bring it back since it was balanced around that? I mean if they go with the Blackwatch Uprising as another mode for the event I’m assuming they’re going to have to rework Reaper for it too (if he’s a playable character).

Ofc they are bringing back the old event uprising since some people didn’t have the chance to experience it and Jeff said in a interview in december that they would indeed bring it back for that exact reason.

Mass rez is better for that mode Mercy’s whole point in that game mode was to be the only person who can 1) insta rez 2) rez multiple people. Every character can slow rez in uprising game mode.

But we will just have to see if old rez i gonna make a come back or not.

I expect Valkyrie to be hard to pull off in that gamemode because of the aim bot of the AI. Even bastion might be able to air shot her with his ult (maybe being the keyword). (Also i’m talking about legendary difficulty)

Everyone is still missing the point that new mercy might actually be better

We don’t know …let’s see how it plays out eh!


I think/hope they are going to bring back instant rez (current rez w/no cast time) instead of mass rez and keep her ult the way it is now.

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Same here I only ever got to play Valk I’m kinda sad I missed mass rez

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I wonder how insane Brigitte will be against those bots. All that CQC would be non-stop heals.

I don’t know what mode you were playing but Tracer was the only hero in that mode who didn’t die the moment she went out from behind Reins shield on hard and legendary modes, I spent two weeks trying to get legendary doen playing Mercy and Reinthart so you’re the one delusional if you think flying into the air as Valkyrie isn’t going to be a death sentance.

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So you’re telling me a healer who’s only real fun aspect of Valk is flying should be stuck behind a rein shield the entire game pocketing

Oh boy, that’ll prove me right so hard, no one is going to want to play Mercy in that mode, it’ll be the Ana in Junkenstein non sense on freaking steroids