Will mercy have mass rez for uprising?

Still means it’s around. Plus they would need to change the whole game mode to try and make it balanced seeing as Legendary was already really hard and Mass Resurrect was necessary for completion of the mode. Only time will tell.

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Let’s be honest, that was nothing more than a scripted respawn with flashy lights, not her actually using an ability.


I think they would rather rebalance it. They didn’t revert Ana for the Halloween Event, which made the original mode a lot harder.

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Oh god I didn’t even think about that.

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It will [20 characters]

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They’ll probably change this, not Mercy.

I don’t think it’s a good idea to balance the main game around an event.

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I’d be surprised if they don’t well I can’t wait to be autofocused by Bastion and Orisa in the sky since I’m not behind a barrier. Just like they focus Tracer when she tries to attack them from behind. Again only time will tell.


Current mercy can create problems, imagine trying to make the A.I not accurate enough to just shoot a Mercy out of the sky and still have them accurate enough to pose a reasonable challenge to Tracer.
Unless you expect a hero to use an ult who’s biggest and probably only actual nice point is flying to hide behind a barrier in which case what is the actual point of valk (since if done right this mode shouldn’t have more then one person getting shot at at a time.

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Well, if Tracer goes behind them and Mercy flies up, who do they target?

Even if Valk is that bad, it won’t make the devs change anything.

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question is why would they not just go back to mass rez, it means they don’t have to rebalance the event which gives them more time to focus on the new event mode for Blackwatch

Or they just put current Mercy in the old game mode and focus on the new one. You’re looking too much into the old game mode’s balance.

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Or just leave it the way it was since the gamemode was actually really balanced and fun?

I’ve already shared why he is insisting. It isn’t because he thinks that is what will happen, but because he wants The old ult back.
He admitted it on another thread. He is trying to convince people it is a good idea.

To sum it up. He thinks he has the power to manipulate people into changing things…


Well then.

They don’t just leave events the same.

Well, I’m not going to get into an argument with you cause I really don’t care. They will do the right thing in the end. It just proves if they have to program the bots so that they don’t attack Mercy during Valkyrie means that the ultimate is bad design.

Trying to popularize an idea with a couple facts is “manipulation”
Tell me how it isn’t a solid fact that just throwing the old ult into the game would be easier to balance then rebalancing the A.I to not just instantly shoot down a flying Mercy.
Also I’m talking just for in the mode JUST for in the co-op mission
Clearly they have the power to swap out ultimates. For singular modes since we saw it happen for Yeti Hunt

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Not having Mass Rez would likely be as annoying as playing Ana on Junkenstein, where you had to shoot four times to kill any bot


You’re talking as if an ability’s balance is decided by how good it is against bots.

In uprising everyone has the ability to revive a teammate so current Rez would be redundant.


Again I don’t really care. I already know even without the need for bots that the ultimate is objectively bad. The only thing that is good is her base kit that’s about it. If every player can use a button and Resurrect what makes Mercy’s single target E ability any better than that?

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