Widowmaker is so oversexualized it is cringe

Seriously does everything she wear have to be skin tight? I don’t need some 12 year old crouching near my butt while waiting for every other match to start.

It’s not even that i have a problem with any body exposure, but why does every skin have to be so awkwardly flattering for a game that kids also play?

Call me a prude or whatever, doesn’t matter to me. I hope i’m not the only one who feels this way.

If you had any recommendations for a more appropriate skin, what would you want? For me it would be a Solid Snake-like tactical suit. Let me know

EDIT: Just found out Blizzard is releasing its own Reaper-themed NERF gun, you’d might as well stop with the “this game is not aimed for kids” comments.


Huntress is probably your best bet for that

I like it, anyway


It isn’t a bad skin, just disappointing that it’s one of the only alternate options.


Kids shouldn’t be playing this game. It’s rated T for teen, which means the people that play should be going through puberty and know how the birds and the bees work.



PEGI rates it 12+ in the UK

Other: Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB

Oh. You learn something new every day.

My point is that just because someone who’s not supposed to be playing the game does doesn’t mean we should change the game around that minority.


I mean…that’s how ballerinas dress. They wear skin-tight leotards, and a lot of her stuff is ballerina/ballet themed.


Widows costumes are mostly skin tight to keep her appearance accurate to her small hitbox, D.VA and Tracer get the same treatment. On the subject of Solid Snake: he got all the booty, I dont know why you think a skin based on him will be modest?


Even without the online interactions of kids doing what they do, Blizzard is still responsible for the skins they put out. And even if it is a game intended for teens, who is to say that every person of age wants to play a hero that’s dominated by Rule 34?

It’s a fictional world anyway. We have a bunch of characters that don’t have the best equipment to go on a fight. Symmetra default attire looks like something you would wear during a cocktail party.


I just meant with that kind of gear padding just maybe in different areas

Ah yes, because one of the most clothed characters in the game (Mei) has absolutely no rule 34 made of her.

Just too many pesky clothes to figure out those curves.


its an entirely online game…

also its parents fault if they LET their kid play/watch it.

you realize that wanting to play ah ero has no connection to the fandom of said hero right?

I am a Mercy main…pretty sure out of ALL hero’s she has tons mroe than Widow.


My point was, if a complete stranger to the game had to guess which hero had Rule 34 written all over them, they would pick Widow.

It’s how she likes it, read her lore.

She is the perfect Assassin, but she enjoys looking really good, a sense of pride.

Jelly loves Widow❤️


I definitely noticed people looking at my character’s butt while waiting for a match to start.

It might be a miniscule glimpse of what women deal with on a daily basis, but I feel I’ve gained some perspective of what its like.


I’m not sure what you’re suggesting.

Yes, finally a comment like this! #feminisim=#good