Post the weirdest threads you can find

This one was weird and wrong.


I stand with you!

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My brig thread :upside_down_face:

Found one


Not really weird but i did start a rage and got a like 1 day suspension

That person is still going strong I believe they are at 1700 losses in a row now


2400 now, gotta keep up


hobbs, brigdiff or whatever other name he went by had some strange threads. usually graphic shipping ones with a lot of innuendos. think he left the forums for good? or had a thread saying he was leaving?

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For me its all the people who still post topics in support of Samito.

You weirdos


Is that a pun? Since you would be standing on your feet.

I can’t find it but a user made a thread that it would be the best for the game if streamers got 50% of the companyies’ share and all of that money for free.

Because they would provide better content or updates or whatever than blizz…

That was the …worst non-toxic thing I have read here.

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Don’t know if it’s the weirdest thread I could find, but it was one of the weirdest threads I had a hand in.

I almost forgot about this 300iq masterpiece

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i ship winston with reaper
winston is always running from reaper but its reaper who is running from winston’s love

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Be honest: who (unseriously) wondered if Mercy wanted to meet DF for pleasure instead of business? - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (

The arguments were solid, but people just kept saying this was pure conjecture.

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i had a lot of fun reading that thread. forgot about that one :rofl:

This one, obviously.

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I still stand by it.

Solace for Tired Feet