Widowmaker is so oversexualized it is cringe

I used to play with people who complained that she was so skinny. She is a sniper. Small hitbox to make a harder target to hit. If she was zarya sizes it would be unfair cause everyone would be able to shoot her.

maybe bcuz she looka gooda


Replace Widow with McCree lol

Please be a bait post


Widow is the only one? You’re telling me that Tracer, Mercy, D.Va, and Symmetra aren’t bait too?


How DARE Blizzard create female characters that look nice and attractive! They should all be morbidly obese, as it’s the only realistic beauty standard, right… RIGHT?


And we love you jelly

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The SC2 Spectre. This guy looks waaaay scarier than Widow. :dizzy_face:


I’m honored🤭

Thank you❤️

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Odette is repelling to most people.I like it tho.


I think Blizzard has done pretty well with Widow skins considering she’s a over sexualized character. Her most recent summer skin was one where she was in a swim suit and she was half covered.

Plus fan art will always be made no matter how they design a character, there’s a whole subreddit dedicated to “art” of the characters from Splatoon


Pretty sure every female character in this game likes to look good on the battlefield. After all, appearance means every thing in war. Have you played TF2?


What about some of the male chars running around 1/2 nekkid? Whatever.

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You do have to realize there are some even worse games the kids play. For one GTA Online, with straight up nudity, Any COD game because they just HAVE to play it. It’s not Blizzard’s fault for making you think she’s oversexualized.

Widow was brainwashed into becoming the perfect assassin, meaning she had to be able to deal with anything. In her short she was shown to take on multiple guards easily, and then had to hang upside down. If she were to wear something a bit baggy, it may catch on to something and cause her to fail at her mission. The skin tight suit is also tactically smart, since most men would more than likely be distracted by her form.

TL:DR, The skins show what she is, a beautiful assassin that uses everything she has to carry out her job. Even the Huntress skin is still tight on her to serve the purpose.


Widow is a fatal woman, this is her personality … and i think that we all know that IRL 95% of women like to show themself when they know how hot they are.


In a game where people kill each other sexuality is where you draw the line.

Also this game is rated T for teen and up


Ghillie suit Widowmaker would be great. To uphold the whole sexiness thing and make clear she’s a lady she could be like Cousin It and wear a bikini over the ghillie. We could call it Swamp Thang.


Remember this game is targeted towards teens, mostly. Teens are cringy. Thats why you get cringy overly stereotypical characters like Widow and Reaper. In fact, is there an OW hero that is NOT cringy?
Her starcraft based skins arent so bad anyways, Nova and Kerrigan skins.

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Tbh most of the time it’s a joke when people crouch by your butt. Either way I don’t see why it would bother you so much.

I mean, I’d probably just use the Talon or any of her ugly skins like Huntress. (OPINION ALERT.)

I’m a 19 yo grill,and I flirt with Widowmaker players in-game.