Widow Nerfs are not needed

So lemme get this straight, y’all wanna nerf a hero with a negative winrate until diamond, when none of you are even in diamond?


The people who want her nerfed are the people in Masters/GM where each game is decided by the team that has the better widow


The problem is widow is godlike and even can be game changing in the right hands

Also not everything is the same in each rank


There are a lot of master and GM players wanting her nerfed and making nerf Widow threads. And I, as a master player, agree with them.


Your opinion is biased due to you being a Widow main. You disagree because Widow is most likely your favourite hero. Even in Platinum, there are games where Widow dominates. Widow nerfs are definitely needed.


Citation needed. Very few threads are actually made by Master/GM players.


Masters and GM players are less than 8% of player base and you mean to tell me all the threads are made by them?


There are few threads by master/gm players but they are pretty much the only ones that don’t die and get pretty popular. Go to them and see their profile or what they have written.


Most of the megathreads are, lemme list a few


Widow smurfs are just hell. Any smurf is a pain but atleast you have a fighting chance.


As all heroes should be.
Except people want trivially easy heroes for themselves, because they don’t want to put in the work that it takes to get that good on Widow.

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What I meant was game changing, will edit that in for clarity

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Hahaha, two Junkrat mains and a Doomfist main want Widowmaker nerfed. What a surprise.

Widowmaker is fine, she is not OP. People need to get good. If Widowmaker was OP, you would see everyone in OWL play her. Yet, it’s nothing but GOATS.

Stop demanding nerfs to characters just because you can’t counter them / your main is countered by them.


Your first example is literally from 2018.

Not doing yourself any favors here.

Mains really have no relevance, so people really need to stop bringing it up

You also are leaving out the fact that GOATS was created as one of the only counters to widow. Last year before goats was even a thing people were playing double sniper every game


I’ve played plenty in Master rank. I’ve seen lots of godlike Widow players. But in my experience, the team with the better Genji always wins.

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I posted it to show how long the widow hate has been happening


Widow hate has been happening since Closed Beta. Blizzard’s player population is comprised of a heavy amount of casuals and casuals hate sniping.

Casuals hate all burst damage.

Widowmaker is one of the only true skill heroes left in the game. Nerf her and it’s no longer an fps.

In CSGO the AWP is a oneshot body shot, and there isn’t any shields to block you or lack of movement acceleration.

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Yeah they do. The only high elo players demanding nerfs to Widow so far are Bastion, Junkrat and Doomfist mains. Characters which good Widowmakers counter.

Stop claiming this nonsense. Why was Widowmaker not dominant before? Is the constant the problem or the variable that changed?

Brigitte and the buffs to the other supports created the Burst or Bust meta. Supports define the metas. Stop making nonsense up. Also the moment, Mercy’s interaction with Hanzo was nerfed, Sniper meta died. It’s been nothing but Goats since then because DPS are not viable.

This ridiculous myth just won’t die.