I Hate Widowmaker

I just wanted to say it. I really hate Widowmaker. I hate when people act like it takes her 3 years to charge a shot. I hate when people act like she is immortal. I hate when people act like she doesn’t have a team that can peel for her. I hate when people act like staying behind a wall the whole game is viable. I hate when people don’t at least try to kill her. I hate when people think landing a shot with her takes 3 billion iq. I hate when people think landing a shot with her only takes 5 iq. I hate when people defend her by saying hitting a tiny head is hard when she also has a tiny hitbox and the difference between you hitting her tiny hitbox and she hitting yours is that she has a scope and when/if she hits yours, you die. I hate that the best counter to widow is a better widow.

So, uh, in conclusion,I hate Widowmaker.


I also wanted to say it. I really hate Genji. I hate when people act like it takes him a decade to pull his combo. I hate when people act like he is immortal. I hate when people act like he doesn’t have a team that can peel for him. I hate when people act like staying behind a shield the whole game is viable. I hate when people don’t at least try to kill him. I hate when people think pulling a combo with him takes 3 billion iq. I hate when people think landing a shot with him only takes 5 iq. I hate when people defend him by saying hitting a tiny head is hard when he also has a tiny hitbox and the difference between you hitting his tiny hitbox and he’s hitting yours is that he has hyper mobility and when/if he hits yours, you die. I hate that the best counter to genji is a better burst hero.

So, uh, in conclusion,I hate Genji.

(This is satire but I also felt like it was relieving to say this for once don’t @ me)

As for widow I think she is infuriating as well. But I also don’t think she’s op, so i just gotta sit here and fume about how the both of them can just wipe you out so easily.


Forum Widow would trash owl widows any day, every day.
Forum Widow is invisible, immortal, spawn camps goats solo.
Forum Widow seen only in killcams.
Coming to a game near you.


Yes, release it. It feels better.

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They should revert the un necessary buffs they gave to her charge rate years ago.

She can be super annoying if the enemy plays around her and she’s popping off, but other wise, I just play my corners better than normal.

Good thing about healers is we can heal around corners.

Sucks when no one will shield though.

Only if she gets that dank bodyshot damage back.

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dude I just died laughing looking at this idk why xD

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Now this is a widowmaker I can get behind.

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