Widow Nerfs are not needed

It’s usually the team with the luckier ults, or more cheese.

Widow has the fewest counters in the game since the release of Brig.

People that say widow is a counter to widow shows you how broken she is when she doesn’t have sufficient counterplay.

The only counter is to devote multiple abilities and resources to get into position to the widow so you can then have a chance at killing her, no other hero in the entire game requires so much coordination and ability usage to kill.


Because yet again people had to create a meta known as dive to counter widow so she doesnt decide games

This didn’t do anything to widow, so she remained how she was

No, the only viable DPS are widow and hanzo at the moment. And it’s been that way for almost a year now


Oh but it’s fine that OP is a widow main himself… the double standard needs to drop :roll_eyes:


This one is the best.


So how much did it cost you?

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can we just ignore the thread?

GOATs was not a Widow counter. GOATs was a Dive counter long after Blizzard already nerfed Dive. Jeff literally said as much with Brig’s release that she was meant to counter Dive.

Grav Dragons was dominant because of the Zarya Grav changes and Hanzo’s damage boosted Dragons still being in the game. Then Hanzo’s scatter was reworked and he was a burst tankbuster that a complimentary hero worth alongside him as he deals 2-3 bodyshot with Storm Arrow is a 120 damage bodyshot Widow.

GOATs was formed to completely invalidate the remaining straggling mobile comps, the people that were still trying to run off-Dive or non Grav Dragons 2/2/2, the same exact way Triple Tank invalidated all Beyblades comps (hypermobile + burst damage) from S2 to S3.

Blizzard buffing defensive ults didn’t happen until after GOATs already dominated higher Elo, which means that GOATs was never the counter to double sniper – it just vastly outperforms everything in higher level play.


I knew there others, I just listed the ones that I replied to the most


No b*lsh**t the forums is only filled with plats and gold.
Most biggest part of the playerbase is gold so yea its understamdable anyway.


LMAO. Dive literally destroyed Widowmaker. Which means Widowmaker wasn’t OP. You destroyed yourself there mate.

And yet, sniper meta is dead. Which means Widowmaker is not a problem. Yikes.

Because of how absurdly good supports are and how much utility they have. It’s Burst or Bust, chip damage = feeding.

Thanks for proving my points.

With right hand :wink: .
Ur kinda right ill dominate with widow in plat but if its high diamond or master I fail.
People think or you have good aim or bad aim with widow but there is more in the hand with that.

You flatter me, but I’m not actually in Masters or GM. I was just citing complaints about Widowmaker from high-level players, and arguing that Widowmaker is a big reason why pro players refuse to switch off GOATS.


Ehy is that bad than I rly want to pros to swap feom goats. Couse watching people play goats is boring playing goats my self is even soooo boring!

Yeah it destroyed her, did you expect her to counter that comp? Just because she is countered by the current meta, doesn’t mean she wasn’t OP

Sniper meta is not dead, there is a reason everyone is hating widow right now

No, all the other DPS are bad because Widow and Hanzo can just do damage better than 99% of the DPS

Yep, precisely this.

Wow this discussion is shifting to GOATS XD

If something is countered and not universally good than by definition it’s not OP :smiley:

You need to understand the words you are using.

Yeah, people that can’t counter her or aim.

LMAO. The lack of logic. The other DPS can’t do damage because of how absurdly good the supports are in terms of healing and utility. :smiley:

Guys, in this situation the worst thing you can do is argue, none of you will change the other person’s opinion and you are only wasting your time.
I’m only gonna say this:

during dive in OWL Widow had still a very high pickrate similar to tracer and Genji. She was still played a lot against a comp that’s “countering her”.