Why you favor mercy so much?

I’m sorry, but I can’t believe you without proofs.
As said before, it was a poor strategy that was literally countered by playing correctly. It could have been fixed by adjusting the sr gains, and discouraged by adding a short cast time or a los check.

It’s not that she is the best healer by a mile or anything. Moira is usually a better pick even a competent Ana is really powerful. What needs to happen is Ana needs both or either a movement ability or a self-sustain other than her own nade. Lucio needs some loving, don’t play a lot of him though so I’m not really sure what I would do to fix him, I think his ult needs a buff though for sure, Zen is fine and pretty much has been. Brigitte needs a longer cooldown on bash probably 8 or 10 seconds.
TLDR: Ana and Lucio need buffs and Brig needs a nerf. Zen, Moira and Mercy are fine as is.

I can’t help but agree with you. As an Ana main stuck playing Mercy because it’s whats needed, yeah, my patience wears thin. It feels like I have no choice or say so. The difference between the choices are significant enough to make a person feel rut.

As a mercy main she won’t be nerfed again, as Jeff said when Valk 2.0 was nerfed into the ground “if we toned her down, we will bring her back” She’s fine now. I can agree she is easy to use and very high rewarded.

…League?.. LEAGUE?


Dota is actually relatively balanced tbf.

I am so glad you said this.

People have the cruel sense of humor to think we’re not being mistreated. It’s just upsetting at this point.

A lot of us still want her reverted to 1.0 version with added tweaks such as needs LOS + no invulnerability. I’d LOVE that.

But no, people are so determined to make us the bad guys…

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I want to play Ana too and tbqh I find that Ana is really undertuned and heavily punished. I don’t think it’s a Mercy issue there as much as an Ana being underpowered issue.


Not really, Mercy and Zenyatta are OP.

Moira was fine before the shield blocking nerf.
Ana needs a few small buffs - CD reduction or less reload time or nano healing or something.
Lucio? I don’t know, I’ve never played him at a high level.
Brigitte is balanced - she’s just a pubstomper/punishes bad positioning.

League aint meant to be. Its suppose to be changing but compared to overwatch everything is balanced. Why does the Dota v League argument even happen here?

In what way? League and OW are both pretty mediocre when it comes to balancing.

Pretty sure the League devs confirmed that they don’t want all heroes to be balanced.

Ana doesn’t need small buffs, she needs HUGE buffs. ATM she is still a joke to fight against and I am happy when I see an Ana on the enemy team.

If they are trying to curry favor with the Mercy community they are doing a terrible job at it. Maybe flirt with the Ana community more, they are dying for some attention.

She’s viable, but you need to work twice as hard as mercy to do half the work. She’s also less consistent than mercy, while having many additional weaknesses.

Hell, ML7 and Ryujehong believes that she only needs minor buffs to be viable.

ML7 and Ryujehong are wrong then.

We’ve already seen minor buffs with her damage being increased to 75. That was no where near close enough to change anything.

Honestly, this is what truly makes me think they made Mercy the way she is for marketing reasons. Which could very easily be mistaken as favoring her, as a character.

She’s a cute, lovable character who’s an easy entry level hero that works in every elo. Blizzard ignore’s the majority of the community about their concerns and balance issues, and completely disregards the die hard mercy fan base that no longer enjoy the hero. But in all instances, nearly everybody wants her tuned down/reworked/reverted.

So why would they ignore the feedback for over a year? She appeals to the casual crowd they’re trying to pull in through Overwatch league. The same way they used Tracer from the start of the game to bring in the more hardcore fanbase.

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Oh sure, let’s ignore two of the best ana players in the world, what do they know?

It’s 70.

It’s more than enough. Ana got her 3 combo back.

No they’re right. Ana actually brings more value than mercy in this meta. Mercy just does the bare minimum easier.

Maybe because they unleashed a rework against the Mercy community and kept balancing it for almost an entire year of undesired moth Mercy metas and lots and lots of Mercy nerfs without anything changing, while systematically ignoring all feedback from the Mercy community. Oh, wait, that’s not favouring the Mercy community at all…

Mercy doesn’t need more pointless nerfs. She is straight bad design because valk has been designed for removing all Mercy’s weaknesses and making her incredibly easy to play, while E rez contradicts the character, encourages bad game from everybody and it’s too powerful and also bad design too. Nerfs are not a solution. Buffs are not a solution (but buffing other supports could help them a bit too). Leaving her alone is not a solution. She needs a rework or a revert. Choose one. Rez can’t be an E ability nor be removed, so the only place to balance it is her ult.

Any other character in the game, because we HATE her current situation, fyi being op =/= being fun nor good design nor healthy for the character nor the community nor anything. It just mean that she is op, and we hate that. Sadly, this “rework” is based on two old bad designs from the past, and until they are changed she will remain the same, no matter the nerfs.

They already have nerfed her more than 10 times in less than a single year, between direct and indirect nerfs, much more than any other character in the game by far.

If they liked so much the Mercy community, she would have been reverted or reworked many months ago.

That’s a lie. According to polls and different sources, like t500s and many others, mass rez was almost never a hide and rez thing. That was just an exploit of her broken SR system, as even the pro player Taimu admitted. It was a very lesser problem that only required QoL changes to mass rez and maybe an E ability (but not rez). Never a revert back to the two Ow’s worst designs ever.

Okay… she was almost balanced before the rework, excepting that lack of an E ability that wrecked her design in pro ranks. This current Mercy is unbalanceable by design, so you have two options. Go back to 1.0 and start from that point, or try a new rework knowing that you must place rez as her ult somehow because you can’t keep it as her E nor remove it.

Rez can’t be removed because it’s 1/3 Mercy’s identity, 100% her signature together with the “Heroes never die!” voice line that can’t fit with valk. It’s in her lore, sprays, potgs, poses, real statues,… It’s the main reason of why she is so well known out of the game, being a great advertising claim for the game… It would be a stupidity, more or less the same stupid as removing Rein’s shield, Dva’s mech, Shimada’s dragons, or (going to another Blizz’s game) Lich King’s Frostmourne.

Then she would have these problems:
1- Extremely easy to play and good for every situation and comp because of lack of weaknesses.
2- No E ability. Lack of mid game utility.
3- Valkirie being used only because of rez, something that Blizz made clear they don’t want.

As I said, that’s not possible. E rez needs to go, but rez can’t be removed. Valkirie as an ult needs to go. Rez needs to be what it was supposed to be: an ultimate. It can’t be balanced in any other place, and it’s too important for Mercy for being removed.

Keep that multiple rez, so you can make good plays once more with either tempo or huge rezzes, but without hide and rez as a rewarded strategy. Add an E ability (not rez) that fits with the character. E rez doesn’t fit there because it contradicts Mercy as a mobile support.

It was performed by a very tiny minority of the playerbase, and it was easily countered if you were skilled enough. That’s why Mercy was not picked at pro ranks. Once you learnt to deal with her mass rez, she had no mid game utility.

Everything screams the opposite. She is bad design. That’s why she is so easy, has no weaknesses and has always so ridiculously high pickrates. E rez was a terrible mistake. Valkirie is a mistake from the past (pre game’s release). Nothing of that should have happened.

Ana’s problem is a tricky one, because of her need of aiming her targets, something that makes her a really bad pick in certain comps or metas like dive, where mobile characters are everywhere. I don’t know how that could be solved, because it’s a design’s issue, and she has not had any other btw. That being said, I agree that maybe she should have some help.


It’s weird because Ana was dominant for like a single season and they were super quick to nerf her.

Lucio has been getting nerfs left and right since the game started.

Mercy… they don’t seem to care? It’s all so slow with her, but they had no problem nuking Lucio’s ultimate for no other reason than “Genji’s ult should be different”.

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What ?Moira is outshined by mercy too it’s proved statistically and gameplay wise