[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018


You spelled “Hanzo” wrong.

He needs a nerf too. But he isn’t far off. Mercy is still more powerful and has been op for a year

Mercy might be too strong, but her pick rate will only screw with other supports, as she basically fits in any comp.

Aren’t these the same argument? if she’s too strong and can fit in any team comp, of course she’s going to screw with other supports. She does their job better in most cases.

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Yeah, not denying that, but she’s not meta-defining. That’s what I mean.

I’m not exactly sure if she’s too strong right now, though. Since the current meta seems to be extremely favorable.

I would argue the current meta is more favorable towards Ana. Mercy just does the bare minimum, easier, effectively taking ana’s spot.

With Ana you get:

  • Nano’s great on Rein, Zarya, Hanzo and in rare cases Zenyatta/Brigitte.
  • Anti for enemy Zen’s ult, to help melt Brigitte and to negate the excessive amount of healing with 3 supports.
  • Nade’s healing boost to increase your Zen’s ult.
  • Sleep to shut down enemy Rein’s charge, follow up on shatter and to keep him down after you break shield.
  • Hitscan to put pressure on Widow or Phara if they do try to run her for what ever reason.
  • Enough healing to make up for Brigitte and Zenyatta’s lack of.

With Mercy this meta you get:

  • Damage boost without cooldown
  • More than enough healing to make up for Brigitte and Zenyatta’s lack of
  • Res for the off chance something actually dies without the use of Grav+Dragon

I have about 200 Mercy hours. Here’s what I’d do:

  1. Remove rez from the game. This is the main reason that in comps that could work well with Moira or Mercy, I pick Mercy.

  2. Either buff Moira and Ana’s utility or healing reliability, or minor buffs to both. Even without rez, Mercy is the most reliable healer and that trumps utility most of the time.

  3. Buff Lucio. Ideas are: increase aura range, decrease cool down on amp it up, make sound barrier instant and with the big shields lasting slightly longer.

Zen and Brigitte are fine.

Basically, a really good Ana should outheal a good Mercy, good Mercys and Anas should be comprable, whose better depending on maps and compositions, and an average Mercy should always outheal an average Ana. Moira should outheal Mercy on teams/maps that favor her (grouped up), and Mercy should outheal Ana on teams that favor her (more spread out). But an average Mercy should have an easier time healing in most situations than an average Moira.

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… It takes her this long to even do the main thing she’s best at and you still want her nerfed? Do you just want her taken out of the game?? I need your logic here. She’s literally been nerfed to the point where I question why she’s even still here.


Has anyone taken the time to think…

Hmmmm… Why are 1 shot heros so meta right now.?!?

Why? Doomfist, widow, and Hanzo and sometimes hog?!?

Enter mercy. 60 hps barriers, defense matrix, no reload, corners, and los can’t stop this beam. If you don’t see a low hp target… No problem just rez.

2 potential ways to deal with mercy. Dive mercy or play heros that can do enough dps to out dmg her beam.
1.) Dive meta (countered)
2.) Antiheal ana meta (haha nvm)
3.) 1 shot meta where heals don’t matter

We’re at the 1 shot meta now.

Just had a game where a Bastion with a Hanzo 1-tap guard and an Ana buffing him was absolutely wrecking the entire team. If anything needs a “re-work”, its definitely that walking trashcan that has super fast reload, insta-melt potential, and can heal itself.

Speaking of 1-tap; the only way Hanzo’s been even getting kills in any game I’ve been in at first has been scatter arrow. Now? Its his new move. People aren’t even bothering to use his standard shot anymore.

If you think the game is dying, or want it to die, then leave it as is and wait. I know I am.

It’s impossible for Mercy to keep anyone alive if the enemy team coordinates and focuses the same target. Overwatch is a team-game where you are supposed to play as a team. If you are going for those solo kills all of the time then you better pick a target that is not getting healed.

I would argue that the OP might need to improve his/her team-coordination skills and strategy if one-shot heroes are the only ways he/she can get kills.

If Mercy is still too powerful despite the OPs poor teamwork then I would argue that the only way to deal with that is to give Mercy another rework. Previous nerfs have proven ineffective but they have made her less fun to play. She needs a rework that balances her while making her more fun to play again.

  • 76’s ult when she ults

  • Junkrat spam

  • Classic flankers still work, even more so with the new Sombra ‘buffs’ coming

  • Winston

  • Hanzo being a creep and sniping from behind enemy lines because he’s looking for the ‘Sneaky Dragon’ ult

Those are just the current ‘counters’, if you want to call it that. She’s not impossible to kill, you might just be bad at the game, and trying to disrupt the enemy’s holding pattern.
Everybody whose said, “She needs to be nerfed because she can heal too much and damage boost too much!” have forgotten that she was the original healer of the game back when it first released and we haven;t had another solo healer to compare her to. Both Lucio and Zen have defense-offense abilities, as stated before, both can heal while dealing damage. Mercy cannot. She’s either hooked to ONE PERSON healing/boosting them, or she’s shooting with her pistol.

Perhaps damage mitigation during Rez or decrease the amount of time required to complete a Rez. It can’t be where she flies in and cannot be killed, but it also can’t be where she can cast it as soon as she’s in range. There has to be a balance of opportunity for both Mercy and enemy team.

If she does have Invulnerability or Instant cast, then perhaps have Rez only restore all revived heroes to 50% HP to reduce the overall effectiveness.

I never found Mercy to be that much of an issue in all of her variations. I dislike her play-style now. I actually used to main the old one.

I have no idea why you people still brag about Mercy when Moira is effectively healing more in quite a few scenarios while countering flankers better than dedicated DPS heroes in your teams.

To the people saying Mercy is fine. I would tend to disagree, if the OW team decided to put every support in the game to Mercy’s level of effectiveness, well the one shot meta would be the only viable one. Ana is useless against barriers, Lucio is only here as speed booster and budget genji, Moira really lacks utility and Brig is pretty much a counter-pick rather than a real choice… Only Zen and Mercy are good because of how impactful they are and you’d be wrong not picking them, it’s just shooting yourself in the foot.

They just can’t buff the other supports to her level, it would break the DPS/TANK/SUPP equilibrium. They should just bring back Rez on ult and put Valkyrie as a standard ability with a shorter duration. Maybe buff Lucio’s aura range, add a slow to Moira’s damage orb… I dunno, things, stuff to add while keeping it minimal. At the moment Overwatch is becoming Powercreep City.

“Mercy is fine” 4Head

I am sure you are right at bronze.

lol, probably because Moira has a crap ultimate, no rez and her healing is bound to a resource.

Ah so instead of saying that “Dive was run at every level” you said Dive was played at “nearly every level”.

O)h I’m sorry that I missed such an IMPORTANT distinction as that.

Except, no, because Winston NOT being played at the lower levels was specifically what we were talking about. There was a 30% difference (at least–sometimes more) in use between his presence in the highest levels and the lowest levels, leaving him with only 10% usage at the lowest. And that’s still generously assuming that out of that 10% he was paired with Zenyatta and/orD.Va.

That isn’t “Dive not being used effectively”. That’s just Dive not being used.

Which was never a part of this conversation and never important. Next.

I bet you do.

No what I specifically asked you to do multiple times was to drop the smarmy attitude and just explain what the hell you were saying in plain godamn English. But apparently, that’s too difficult.

Anyway, what you’re once again arguing is that you said only a SLIGHT variation from what I said you did. Your argument is that “Zen and Winston are the core of Dive” directly implied that you were saying those two heroes were all you needed to build a Dive meta comp awhile every other hero only “strengthened” that comp.

but anyway, we’ve established that you just don’t know how to word things correctly and get super offended when people ask you for clarity. So whatever.

Yes. Enough to know that Pharah and Widow have both fallen out of pro play for long periods of time.

I’d welcome some actual statistics to prove me wrong instead of just more smartassed BS.

No it doesn’t. The discrepancy of Winston’s pickrates are still consistent at every level and have nothing to do with the BS you spat about “experimentation” or whatever.

But sure.

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That was literally your entire argument, you misreading something, but alright stroke that ego. Low elo’s like bronze and silver don’t change a thing in pickrate as the average overwatch player is in high gold to mid plat. Your personal experience does not mean a thing. If you scroll down in those links you sent, even they tell you Winston and Zen were some of the most picked hero’s on average even during temporary meta shifts that only lasted long enough to find out dive was still the better option.

No, it pretty much explains everything.

It’s not my fault you can’t read. I said it multiple times, and now that you finally realize you’re error you’re trying to save face with

English is hard for you, I get it.

Nope, i never said that once, and that does not imply what you think it does. I did say zen and winston were the core of dive, which doesn’t even imply, it quite literally means they are the only two hero’s you need to make dive a possibility. Not once did I say they were the entirety of dive comp. You’re creating another strawman. You made it up to continue arguing, again.

English is hard for you, i get it.

Phara and widow have always been nearly must picks on specific maps in the pro scene, I have no idea what you’re even on about. To say otherwise is just dishonest.

I’m pretty sure you don’t know how to read statistics properly given the conclusion you manage to make make from the links you’ve sent me earlier, so it would actually be pointless to even attempt it.

Bronze and silver don’t matter, your personal experience does not matter. I could play Ana and Zen in bronze and silver and carry because that’s how much of a disconnect those elo’s have from anything remotely competitive in overwatch. They are basically quickplay, and even then I would argue quickplay has better coordination most times. The majority of the player base is in high gold to mid plat. You’re in the bottom, what is it now, 5-10% of the player base?

Don’t bother replying again, I’m not going to answer. You’ve only proven you’re actually just arguing to argue at this point. So much so you’re making up and misrepresenting arguments intentionally to do so. There is no meaningful discussion to be had here.

You’ve even proven your original point wrong with the sources you’ve given.

Have a great day, and have a donut or something, cause donut’s are pretty great.

OWL was a terrible idea, and the nerf Mercy threads are the perfect example. The entire game is being analyzed from a perspective of what’s fair in a professional setting rather than what’s fun in a game for everybody.