Why was mass rez removed

Still no where near convinced. Sorry.

Seems that we play different game

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Basically because of your first poster.
IDEK why the heck it was removed rather than reworked. It can’t be balanced as an ability, they should’ve adjusted it to maybe only res 2-3 people max at a time.
The current ult for Mercy is excessively boring to use. At least Res was a lot more fun and required more thought other than flying around like a braindead pigeon for 15 seconds.


I know we don’t always agree on things my friend-

But we certainly do here.

It’s… intriguing? Seeing people say things like “well if they used too many ultimates and got it reversed by mercy it was their fault”

The fact that someone can say hey- you should’ve used just a COUPLE ultimates. Then let her res. THEN used more ultimates to counter that res! But you didn’t! So you messed up!

Is mind boggling.

It undermines how difficult it is to actually get THAT degree of value from any Dps ult. If they ever get a full team wipe many other things had to come into play. Either s large misplay on the recipients end, or the forced expenditure of all resources that could’ve prevented it, often necessitating other ultimates prior to do so. It also inlays contradictory implications of res. They’ll tell you how counterable and preventable it is. But thenbasically so acknowledge it was GOING to go off, and it’s your fault for over spending ults when you knew it was going to go off anyways and didn’t save anything to respond to that afterwards.

Within the real context of overwatch and how things NORMALLY went- you typically literally had a single ultimate that swooped in and reserved the outcome of multiple other ultimates. That’s huge part of why it was frustrating, and why it was changed.

Looking at your stats, it’s like you have never played comp. I last played comp a couple of seasons ago and my sr still shows up on overbuff. Yours doesn’t show up at all. Because of that, I’m assuming you have never played comp enough in order to actually have an sr, which mostly shows why that’s your position.

It sounds like you’re suggesting that some ults are supposed to be fun to play against.
”Oh look it’s high noon! This is a blast!”


Really… Referencing the worst ult in the game?

”Oh look, Deathblossom! This is a blast!”


I’m a qp only guy. :expressionless:

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That’s fine. I’m just pointing out why our opinions are different. The reality is, all of the people here are talking mostly about comp.


The original version of resurect, yet many people claiming it, never encouraged hide and rez. It was only a poor strategy which was literally countered by playing normally. Furthermore, this strategy was used by a large minority of players, since the best Mercy players understood its non-viability compared to tempo rezing.

If you want more detailed explainations, you can found them right here:

"Hide and rez" VS playing properly

This is probably why she had around 0% ~ 5% pickrate before her rework, and even less at pro play.
Please. You won’t fool anyone with this.

You are saying that “It wasn’t fun to play against”, I dare you to give me one ultimate which is fun to play against.

Could you explain how resurecting someone is a “broken and stupidly OP mechanic” while most of the heroes being able to instantly wipe a team isn’t ?

Mass rez literally needed your primary healer, one of the most defenseless hero in the game, to live through an obliterating storm of 4-6 ultimates.
If not being able to kill the most defenseless hero with 4-6 ultimates is not a missplay, I don’t know what it is.

Explain me how your “perfectly executed ultimates, with coordinated teamplay” didn’t manage to kill Mercy ?

If you were playing Mercy as you described it, you were either:

  • Playing against people who have no clue about target prioritisation, maybe against bot
  • Always dead due to enemies knowing to kill you as fast as possible

All you needed to do was surviving long enough while healing your team as much as possible in order to resurect those you couldn’t keep alive.
And that was not easy, unless playing against poorly coordinated teams.

If a team “uses many resources in the right situation” how did this team not manage to kill Mercy ?

If you wiped the team, how is Mercy still alive ? :thinking:

Like this argument of “this wasn’t fun to play against because she can undo a teamwipe” is not only false, but also distorts the reality.
If you use many ults and succeed in killing the whole enemy team except Mercy, leaving her able to resurect her team, it’s your fault for not being able to kill Mercy despite using many ults and therefore you got outplayed.
But people make it sound like “it’s unfair that she is able to undo so many ults” while they should think “she played very well by staying alive through our ults, we had bad target prioritisation, so it is fair that she is rewarded for that”.

Unfortunately, this is true, but a broken SR system is not a reason to rework a hero.

You’re right, now Mercy’s kit (except her staff & GA) have its power distributed much more evenly: Resurect is near unsuable, and Valkyrie is worthless.
What a successful rework !


“Oh look you’re bringing back everyone I killed because you didn’t heal them with nothing I can do about it,”

Nice job, you quoted a boosted Mercy. The rest of us, on the other hand, said:

”Oh. The enemy team is gonna have a few ults. Time to hide and let them waste their ults!”

Mass Rez was either a complete failure or well placed. It was a 50/50 gamble. You could be hiding and the enemy team realised this, and once in a while they would ACTUALLY counter her Rez.


you wanna see crutches? how about genjis massive deflect hitbox that only recently got fixed after 2 years of it being absurdly huge


You must be a fool or not actually played the game back then, No one was good at Ana, Lucio had weak heals and Zen was punishing. That left you with everyone playing Mercy for the consistent heals and mass rez, which was literally every game in season 2 and 3. Since I main Ana we always had two main healers for tank meta.

They left it like that so the kids who like anime and ninjas can cheese their way to an outplay.

is it really an outplay when your deflecting damage with a hitbox the size of a slightly reduced rein shield :thinking:

No Mercy main actually participated

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Well the Devs play the game…Maybe they like anime and ninjas too? wink wink

I’m more into space cowboy’s

See ya space cowboy :cowboy_hat_face:

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