Why was mass rez removed

Sometimes the DPS told Mercy to go hide and rez.

This occasionally resulted in the enemy team using all their ults to kill Mercy’s team and then she would fly in to rez and restart the fight.

People complained that this tactic was unfun and all the blame placed on Mercy and Mercy players so she was reworked.

Muh muh me complain about DPS muh muh
Overwatch team = DPS players muh muh me brain
Muh muh
Me can’t think for myself
Muh muh me stereotype muh muh me 7 year old muh much
Mercy waifu dead muh muh

Mass Rez was liiiiiiiiit :kissing_heart::heart_eyes::laughing::sunglasses::yum::triumph::grimacing::mask:

(for those asking themselves, I made this because that’s how most people in this thread in favour of mass Rez sounds when I read them. It’s sad that you can such low IQ or be blind AF to the point where your hero gets reworked and you think it’s another hero’s fault when the developers gave the exact reason it was reworked in the first place.

No offense but you can’t possibly support a stereo type that’s been projected on all Mercy mains and then say we have the low IQ and actually mean it. None of the people that gave you a reason as to why Mass Rez was more enjoyable gave you a low IQ answer. On the contrary, most of them were pretty detailed and gave enough reasons.
I’d actually say it’s the other way around, people that are so ridiculously desperate to show how low skill Mercy is and how dumb the people playing her are WHILE there is proof that this is not the case are the ones with the low IQ. But that’s just me :thinking:


How is this fun to play or play against is beyond me. Just look in some of these clips, some mercys were dead and they were re-spawned fast enough to completely undo everything.


I can post bunch more links but don’t want to spam with’em.

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Looks fine to me.

Just the same as a Junk Rat tire from spawn, a Dva ult thrown onto the point, Hanzo’s dragon from spawn, a Dead Eye from half a map away, a Rein Charge and then ultimate.

It’s just standard hero game play.


that’s a rewrite of history

‘die on point’ is not a call to die

its that IF you die please die on point so you are close together and the ult 's usefulness is maximized.

Its not different from mercy now where you need to group up to be healed during her ult


I don’t get your first sentence. If someone has decent IQ, they won’t express themselves and give feedback using stereotypes like the “uhr uhr DPS mains kill the game”.

Second, quite a few people on this thread ( I read 130 comments just to let you know ) resumes the rework of mercy at 2 things :

  • DPS unable to chase mercy
  • the team having bad ultimate management and dumping everything like they are bronze level.

That’s what I call a low IQ answer. Anyone that knows how to play knows that a team doesn’t always use ever ult in each team fight.
I played a lot of mercy during her 1.0 version. In average I was rezing 3 persons and it was usually after tank Ults like dva bomb or grav. Or after my team got wiped by ultimate combos like 1 support ultimate + 1 DPS ult.
I remember I did a pug game with friends on the early days of ow, my team literally rushed the enemy team without using anything throwing themselves at the Lucio forcing him to use sound barrier, them they died, and I came off my hiding spot ( the plane on gilbraltar ) and boom 4 man Rez we then use our own Lucio sound barrier and won the team fight.
Dumb mechanics are dumb mechanics even when used smartly. The hide and seek Rez was the most optimal way to use mass Rez even top mercy players were doing it on a daily basis because you literally return team fights.

Some responses on this thread are good. But in the end it’s resumed at :" not everybody used hide and seek, etc it wasn’t broken"
If the overwatch team removed it, it’s because they saw the majority were using her in that way. A dude on one of the early comment said it was a minority of mercy’s. HOW ? a minority of genji used triple jump. Still got changed. Doesnt change anything.

And when it comes to mercy being low skill. : I never said that myself. Especially why would I say a hero I play a lot is no skill… She’s not. But she’s easy and that’s a fact. Shes a easy hero to get value of or to play. Mastering is different story.

You could even Rez from spawn, Rez behind walls, that ult had so much bugs that made It OP in itself I don’t understand how people can still found argument to defend it. So the entire enemy team has to go search that rogue mercy Hiden behind a wall on a high high ground and kill her and then focus her team while not forgetting she could come back from spawn to Rez. So basically always sending one person in the backline to deal with mercy just because she exist. That applys to an extent to other support but there is different counterplay to other support, not to original mercy.

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no one says a cast time wouldnt maybe have been good ,or something

but what those vids you posted dont show is the mercy’s being killed when trying to swoop in to ult

I have been booped,hacked, charged bu a rein, blocked by a mei wall and much more before an ult

just PAY ATTENTION to who’s still alive,and if its mercy,expect her to come!

the only thing blizz needed to do was give her a cast time maybe,LOS or some other tweaks

5 man rez like you show there was extremely rare especialy in competitive


You don’t seem to understand.
If Mercy is hiding, you are in a situation of 6v5 which you can win without burning all your ultimates. Then if she comes and rez her team, you only have to use the ultimates you kept and the fight is won, because you have basically the advantage of being the first to shoot.


Poor argument. Even Inna 6v5 you can still trade equally. Let’s say it’s a dive 5 Vs dive 6. Tracer in the mercy team kills the enemy zen and winston. But the team of Winston wype mercy team. Mercy goes for mass Rez. Boom you won. And thats saying both team don’t use ults.

Unless someone is sent to a flank mission to kill mercy it’s a 5v5 with the mercy advantage. I play mercy as well. Weak argument is weak.

a mass rez was NOT a guarantee for a win

if the enemy plays well they can counterplay even a massrez

I know cause it happened to me OFTEN


Every ultimate has counterplay. Mercy mass Rez has less than any ultimate because the only counter possible was to kill mercy or delay deaths from the enmy team which is practically impossible to do without a complete mastery type OWL players level.

Or basically hope the mercy messes up. Like when people complain about tracer being OP : she’s o the only time you can counter her it’s when she messes up. Same goes for mass Rez.

people didnt like how mercy would go hide away during huge teamfights while her teammates would bait out something like a grav combo or earthshatter just for mercy to fly in and rez all of them, people hated it and im sure you can understand why, but this was a very interesting change but i dont think they are going to do anything about it, shes just gonna be even more boring now but oh well i suppose at least she balanced now

Didn’t Mass Rez have the same counter play as EMP?

then they had to tweak the mass rez so it had cast time or some other requirements

Reworking her was stupid

look at current rez ,the ability was so strong its still a mini ult ,stronger then her current ult they had to nerf it so hard and give several exceptions only mercy has. (no reset on death i believe)

There were so many options to tweak mass rez

maybe she shoulda had smaller range ,very small
and she could EARN range by staying in battle,like a zarya charge but for healing

there are much more varied ,better ideas then the rework that had to be nerfed so often because rez as ability is just plain stupid


Is disabling enemy abilities the same as reviving enemy from the dead? A single Rez on 1 person can be critical to a win.

Comparing Rez to emp makes close no sense.

I thought we were talking about counters not what ults did?

i do agree with that EMP needs follow up and it also doesnt impact each hero the same

but emp itself has no counterplay in essence

You talk about Ults balancing like you talk about hero balancing.

The game isn’t a game of 1v1 same as it isn’t ultimate Vs ult. It’s a team fight game where it’s team using ults Vs team using ults.
Comparing ultimate without considering what they bring to the team is pointless. Mass rez is the best ultimate the game has ever had if you don’t count broken Valkyrie because you bring players from the dead? I don’t think I need to explain the impact of a single player on a game in a team game.

Blizzard encouraged the hide and seek gameplay through the Personal performance SR system which valued big ults the most.

That’s a rather bold statement that’s arguably false. If Blizz was rewarding for large ultimates, then it sounds more like they’re encouraging accurate and timely usage of ultimates, not a detrimental version of gameplay. Mercy running away and letting teammates die was never a good thing, because you could never guarantee that all 5 would die within the same time frame. This would mean the neglection of hero duties in order to exploit the system, and Blizz wouldn’t have wanted that, so I don’t believe they encouraged it, it was more of a really bad side effect.

However she was not a must pick.

As someone who typically tanks and heals, I can say this is mostly false, and for two big reasons. First, people would complain (well… I’d use the “B” word here to be more accurate) if they didn’t have a mercy on the team, if I picked any other healer. They wanted that Rez, they wanted the ability to be brought back, and would again complain (with a “B”) if they died and couldn’t b brought back because you dared to pick any other healer. Gotta love being constantly told how to play the game by people who give zero healer protection. Anyone, reason two is something I already told you, and you didn’t supply sufficient evidence in your argument against. Negating several ultimates at once. You example was entirely that Mercy’s fault because McCree ulted first, and she decided to Rez anyway. Having the ability to be detrimental doesn’t mean it is detrimental. Plus you forget that it doesn’t just negate other ultimates, it brings back heroes who may have their ultimates in tact, ready to counter.

Everyone knows Ana’s original healing potential was too powerful, as it’s always preferable to never have your team die to begin with than to just bring them back. Nevertheless, every game as a healer, there was always too much pressure from either your team, or the logic of getting a large rez, to play Mercy.