Why was mass rez removed

Im not saying #revertmercy but exactly why was mass rez removed


Dps players didnā€™t want to adapt and seek out the mercy so instead the mercy has to adapt so the dps players donā€™t have to :man_shrugging:

Edit: Enemy team would throw 4-5 ults to kill all of mercyā€™s teammates so the good mercy would hide out nearby and then mass rez them back to then have the ult advantage.

She played off the enemies making mistakes but they never seemed to learn to not over exert ult usage.


Terrible and broken game mechanic. Mostly removed because of the terrible aspect but it was still broken


Forum complaints. And like that, POOF!



mass rez was removed because it encouraged a type of gameplay blizzard, along with everybody else didnā€™t want, most mercys would hide and let their team die and just swoop in and rez, meaning any ult used from the team without the mercy just went to waste, which meant that one support ult can negate any number of ults the enemy used, along with encouraging mercy to not heal the team, but to hide. (at least zen/lucio have to ult before the team dies not wait until after)


I remember the days of Mercy players just hiding to rez or telling the whole team to die together. The good old days.


Most times it was my team yelling at me to hide even though most times iā€™d be participating in the fight but hey keep up the generalizing even though that portion of the mercy playerbase was small.


I hated mega rez when it was against me but tbh it gave the game a sense of danger and suspense, I miss the suspenseful moment when your mercy would come in with the game turning rez or youd think you just sliced through a 5-man with blade but mercy cancels it because you were dumb and forgot to get her first xD


It wasnā€™t fun to play against and encouraged bad Mercy behavior. Mercyā€™s would let their teammates die so they could rez them and also they would hide whenever they got their ult so they wouldnā€™t be killed. Meanwhile your team was without a Mercy healing them and would die.

It was just all around not fun.


Because it promoted a hide and seek style of gameplay that the developers felt went against Mercyā€™s core design.

They didnā€™t want players intentionally letting their team die.


guess we should rework reaper and genji aswell since they arenā€™t fun to play against :smile:


Reaper and Mccree are supposed to be doing dps.When it comes down to ulting donā€™t they hide but teammates dont have to tell them that.

I donā€™t understand how this game has a total of 10 ults that could result in a team wipe but 1 ult that could bring 5 people back to life is unfun.

Mercy hiding was the best option for her to pull off a rez because how else was she supposed to pull off a rez if sheā€™s the primary target to any dps


Because people refuse to properly manage their ult economy or kill the healer first then complained that itā€™s unfun to play against as if its so much fun to get rocket barraged in the face or killed by literal aim bot.

Not saying revert mercy, but since she was reworked because of ā€œfunā€, she deserved another rework to make her actually fun to play.


I never complained about mass rez back in the day. Recently however, I was watching some old vods and it was really eye opening. Every game seemed to come down to whether or not you could kill Mercy first on the final team fight. The whole match was window dressing until that one last fight. If you killed Mercy first, you won. If you couldnā€™t kill Mercy, you lost.

I am now very glad it is gone.


thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been saying my dude lol <3

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well usually killing the support who has their ult usually wins you the teamfights so yea thatā€™s not unique to mercy


Mass Rezz was a broken and stupidly OP mechanic, I Played alot of Rein back then And dear god. Did it tilt me off the face of the planet.

It was not just DPS that hated that stupid DAMNED thing.


Because DPS players had and still have bad ult economy and wanted to blow every ult they had even though one or two wouldā€™ve sufficed, and they wouldnā€™t look for the Mercy to make sure she was at least in the huge ult waste. Then when Mercy rezā€™s from the one wall no one decided to check behind, her team would have ult advantage because the other team blew their ults for no reason.

That being said, I like Valk way more, itā€™s more fun to play and it feels like it does more.


There is a dev video that explains the reasons but it did boil down to optimal Mercy gameplay was often to hide (and not heal because that reveals your location) as soon as you got ult then tell your team to die together.

There was also the double issue of 2CP. Mercy would die first but still get out in time for comfy 5man rez.

She was so valuable as a target that youā€™d often just solo ult her because she held the value of 5 players.

With a 5 man Rez, if she is viable then she is mandatory and Overwatch really shouldnā€™t have mandatory picks.

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