Why so much DPS hate

That’s because they get skill diffed lol

There’s equal hate to DPS, TANKS and SUPPORT.
Let’s try not to create a victimized hierarchy of roles.

The forums are mostly hate.

Making posts like these creates more hate.

I mean look at the aweful conversations this post started

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The only tank hated on these fourms is Hog lol

it’s not that support sucks at lower ranks it just the mentality low ranks supports have which make the role suck like more healing= better and it’s not the supports job to do dmg

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Stop creating more negativity, there’s already plenty





Why don’t the devs cool it down? You cant blame a bunch of starved addicts for lashing out and cannibalizing eachother. I assure you if OW was deleted today this world would be a better place, even if just by a smidge

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So it’s the devs job to be your parent now and guide you through moral decisions?

No it really sucks in low ranks.

The problem is either you have to play them as worse DPS, or you play them as support.

But, support just act’s as a multiplier for the other heroes, and the amount you are multiplying isn’t very much.

Tanking is the same. You make space which isn’t used or really needed.

When I had some old low ranked support accounts, the best way to get them out was basically to just ignore the team and DPS my way out with them.

Trying to support my way out wasn’t a happening thing, and that is a problem.

In low ranks you have 3 roles, all are DPS, and 2 of them are worse at it.

In mid ranks, the Tanks / Supports start to be useful, reaching an even point around the Diamond / Master boarder.

But, almost all of your playerbase is below that rank.


no it wouldn’t since very little of the world play ow lol

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in my low rank supports account doing both was the best way i would get 12k per 10 heals and 10k per 10 dmg on moira

No, its is the devs job to cultivate a good environment though, to not produce digital coc aine that has all of us sitting here yelling at each other over a dead 5 year old game.

Right, but you could drop the Healing and STILL get to plat trivially.

Just murder their backline and split each fight. I know, because that is exactly how I get them up in ranks.

But the other way round isn’t true, and yes, low ranked supports DO spend too much time trying to heal. But that doesn’t make Tanking or Supporting fun in low ranks.

We know that people hate it, because they have a higher leaving the game rate, which is why the DPS queue times have increased over time.

Literally, all the proof you need is the DPS queue times get worse. You can argue all you like, but people voted with their feet. You couldn’t keep them playing the game because it wasn’t as fun.

OW2 is making the bet they can get and keep the support players, but I am not seeing it. They didn’t manage to get DPS playing Tank with Ball, They didn’t manage getting DPS playing support with Baps.

I’m expecting 30 minute - 1hour DPS queue times or more.


Well countless matches have been lost because you lack the basic amount of aim to have every left bots. But we will never be able to truly know because they took the match stats away because of the crying.

Then you are constantly buffed in place of everyone else literally destroying the balance of the game and/or making every buff to supports/tanks have to mesh with your role.

Oh and when we where finally rid of you we got 2-2-2 and long wait times/tank nerfs left and right as a reward.

But no hate. None at all. None.

Personally I just find the DPS hate in-game the most annoying. You’re always the first to be blamed for some reason :thinking:

(Although it’s still very common to be blamed on tank too, support is always last, I can be doing nothing, just a bit of healing and I hardly ever get blamed)


Again , it isn’t hard to see or read all the hints and changes the devs do. It cant be any clearer.
With goats, moba kids trying to cheese and abuse game mechanics so they never die. Blizzard fixed this as, the game isnt meant to be played to have 5 minute team fights where nothing dies and both teams are melee’ing each other.
Of coarse you were happy no DPS were played, but again that isnt how the game is intended to be played. As proven by the devs implementing 2-2-2 to further cement the point.
If the game was meant to be played this way then nothing would have changed.

And there is no reason to speculate, Blizzard themselves have said multiple times …very clearly that OW is meant to play more like an FPS than Moba. I mean multiple times.
Before the game was released, during , and even making further tweaks for OW2 in that very direction.

What exactly does blizzard have to say to make it more clear. Im curious to know.

Its funny you wish to rid the game of these evil dps players, but in the end you have to re-evaluate what kind of game you are actually playing and maybe they are not the ones that are in a game they dont belong in.

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It isn’t that we don’t know they are making it clear what kind of game they want with OW2.

It is that we can’t see how they intend to do that without blowing the DPS queue into the sun.


Every game that has classes to choose from, the dps class is always the most popular. This isnt an OW problem and its not something that can be fixed.
It is what it is and will always be.

Right, but some games have a DPS queue times of 10 minutes, and some have a DPS queue time of 2 hours. (FFXIV, I’m looking at you)

Blizzard choices will determine which we get. I’ll still queue for 2 hours, since, I do other stuff in the background, but I don’t think others will be so happy to see this.