Prepare for the the throngs of people to come in here and explain to you at what points DPS have had their hayday. The truth is every role at some point has a dominating point and relies on the others in this team game.
-most heroes
-everyone wanted to play them in the open queue days and not switch off or go tank/support
-people think they are entitled
-tons of dps one tricks
-perception of dps ruined the game. though it might be tied with brigitte hmm
so i can see why people hate them especially on the forums since this is where people go to complain
doesnt make me stop playing them tho lol, dps is a hot fun role to play. i do like support equally sometimes.
forget tanking, thats like stepping on a nail or something
Dps players have systematically pushed out tank and support players, as evident by the absurd queue times. It’s not a stretch to argue dps players, and the devs that cater towards them, have killed this game.
It’s the inherent design problem around OW. Dps and tank/supports cannot coexist, as they exist to undermine eachother’s work.
The two warring factions want diametrically opposing things, and it’s Blizz’s fault for making a game that puts all these players together.
Is it really Blizzards fault? Or is it the group of the player base that thinks OW is an fps/moba hybrid.
And refuses to accept that OW is mostly an FPS with some moba and fighting game elements sprinkled in.
I dont see how this can be all blamed on Blizzard when they have told the players base what this game was meant to be before the game was released.
Have told the player base what this game is after release.
And have told the player base that for OW2 its even going to be more fps.
Certainly it isnt the fault of anti-fps players that have their own vision of what OW is and what its meant to play like.
Based on nothing but their own imaginations.
If they wanted a fragfest game like CSGO, Valorant, etc, then they should have never even made tanks/supports. IMO. they bit off too much and created a game with two opposing games in it, failing to strike a balance.
No one is saying that. If this was the case believe me DPS and Supports would be flipped in turns of power level and the 4 best supports everyone wouldn’t mind atm