The attitude alot of players have is funny

Notice the word “ALOT” in the title.

There is this attitude where DPS players, even up in masters seem to think they got superior aim and mechanics than everyone else. Then when you go into a 1v1 against these DPS players with a DPS character they lose the 1v1 over and over then proceed to call you profanity.

If you are going to talk trash, don’t whine and complain when you lose the 1v1 against a support main.

Likewise, so many support mains seem to think they don’t got to heal their other support or heal DPS. They feel entitled to not heal someone cause they said “I need healing!” with a voice line once or twice. They only heal tanks, only stay with tanks, then complain when DPS isn’t killing enough even though it is partially their fault cause they will not heal said DPS.

Tanks well… They fit two extremes of either always normal-to-chill or extremely toxic, angry, and upset all the time. Unfortunately majority of the time you run into the latter. They don’t recognize when they should be doing damage, or they positioned badly, or hitting W at all half of the time. 3 picks pop up in our favor in the kill feed, don’t sit in the choke forever. Don’t blame support when you yolo charge or winston jumpack into a far back line without communicating your intentions.

Like seriously, you or I being bad isn’t everyone elses fault, likewise winning and losing isn’t always within our control. With hackers and smurfs being rampant, the only thing you can control is what you do in the game.

That is not actually a word.

It’s a basic human survival trait. Lack of confidence in ones own abilities could result in lack of motivation to try and lowers survival chances.

unfortunately in a video game where none of this actually matters it just turns into blame throwing.