The DPS Life: GGs EZ

Let me say I’m a tank/support flex player. I have about 700hrs on tank and 650 on support. Meanwhile my DPS only has about 200hrs, with no one hero over 25.

Like all other tank mains here, I am simply over playing tank. And like many supports here, I’m over tanks who throw and rage, and DPS who can’t hit a shot.

So I’ve been hard core off-rolling since I’ve returned to playing this game.

DPS players have it made. Yes, literally everyone outside of DPS thinks this, but as I’ve invested more and more time into this role recently, I’ve accepted this to be true.

For starters, it is unquestionably and hands down the easiest role in the game from a game-sense perspective. Kill or be killed, no brain required.

As a tank player, one must constantly consider positioning for yourself (and thus your team), stressfully manage cooldowns (chiefly shields or mobility) so you don’t die, protect your teammates (via shields and peeling), control and contend the objective, choose the correct pathing for your team to engage, AND try and kill enemies.

Support players must protect their teammates (via healing), correctly time the most powerful cooldowns and ultimates in the game (or GGs and flamed by team), preserve their own life with intelligent positioning and cooldown use, AND kill enemies.

DPS? Well if I just take a nice angle past their defenses via high ground or flanking and kill them first, I’m good to go.

It really is that easy.

When you examine the raw stats DPS heroes have along with their high mobility the vast majority possess (yes I’m aware Ball and Lucio exist), it’s quite easy to see why it is the most played role in the community.

On top of their simplicity of playstyle and powerful kits, many of them have very high autonomy, something almost every tank is incapable of. Many of them need little input from their supports to stay alive. Even fewer of them need impact from their tanks to confirm kills.

Then there is the all powerful counter-play game available to DPS players. The DPS class has the most potential answers and agency in regards to shutting down an enemy who is carrying. The classic example is an enemy Pharah tearing through a hitscan-less team. Just a single swap to Soldier/Ashe/Cree and she’s likely finished. It saves tanks and supports the headache of having to swap to one of two viable heroes to contend the issue in the situation.

The bottom line here is that they have 17 options to handle a problem while supports have 7 and tanks have 8. The variety of kits available seriously enable the class to shutdown carry players and effectively carry their own team in doing so.

Enemy Tanks walking over yours? Mei, Doomfist, Cree, Reaper, Torb, Sym, Hanzo, Junkrat, Bastion, Pharah, Echo.

Enemy Supports chilling for free in their backline enabling their tanks too much? Tracer, Sombra, Genji, Reaper, Soldier, Doomfist, Widow, Ashe.

Enemy DPS shredding your team? Git guud. You are mechanically incapable of contesting them it would appear.

In summation the DPS class can most easily influence team fights. While they are mostly incapable of carrying the objective, they really can dictate the pacing and outcome of team fights more than any other class with a little bit of brain power invested into target prioritization. I think DPS players get tripped over thinking they can’t carry because they are incapable of playing the objective. But my argument is they can carry before the objective ever becomes an issue by killing everyone on the other team.

There’s no wondering why it is the most popular class in the game.


add also that they remove one tank in ow 2 literally killing the role… and voila, even me who played only tank for seasons will go dps .


Funny I find tanking the easiest role in the game and support after that but I guess it’s different for everyone.


I’ve got about 2000hrs on Support.

I am getting so, absolutely tired, of these “Dps bad, bottom text” threads. “OW caters to entitled Dps mains!!!” “Tank and Support are so much harder!!!” “Dps doesn’t require a brain!!”…

I’d like to see anyone of yall who make these threads go and play Dps in comp, and climb and entire rank or two. Yall say it’s so easy, so brainless, so simple, so it shouldn’t be that hard right?

I’m so tired of these obviously one-sided “arguments.” You can’t have a debate if you don’t have someone else on the other side, or even consider what the other side is like. These threads about “I played Dps for a day and won so many QP games!!! Therefor Dps is ez!!!” are ridiculous.

You conveniently leave out that what is and isn’t hard is incredibly subjective and is ultimately entirely dependent on what games/genre’s you have experience playing.

I’m tired of people saying something is “easy” yet can’t prove it by climbing a rank with whatever hero/role it is. You just sit in QP and swear by it, it’s so easy to see through.


Each role requires a completely different skill set that cant be carried over to the other two

Each role offers different challenges that the player must overcome


No, I don’t think so

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What do DPS need to do aside from not die and hit enemies?

I’ll wait.


The fact that you think this is a plausible argument for proving that Dps is easy is laughable and I obviously wasted my time contributing to this tribal nonsense.

Reverse the roles in what you said and see how pointless and comically over-simplified it is. You’re obviously not anywhere near high rank and it shows.

The only reason rank matters here is because if something is so easy, then obviously you’d have some sort of evidence to back it up. That if it’s so easy, you’d of won so many competitive matches that you’d be high rank.

But the fact is, what you’ve said is so over-simplified that you can’t be anywhere near T500. What is and isn’t easy obviously shouldn’t be determined by hard stuck mid-low ranks

These tribal nonsense threads are a reason people think the forums are a waste of time. Just Plats circle-jerking that playing Tank in Plat is so much harder than Dps… an absolute joke.


This forum has a hateboner for DPS, it is extremely weird.


I think the forums is a pool of hate full stop, barely anyone on here are nice to each other


You also have to take position which combined now gives you the exact same responsibilities that the tank player has.

As someone who has over 1000 comp hours across multiple accounts on Tank (and I suspect by now less on DPS but I am not adding it up again) Support is the role I would no interest in. Tank has generally been my favorite role to play for most of the existence of OW with the sole exception being during double shield periods (because double shield is just not fun for a tank player).


What’s more important, threads about discussing balance and the state of the game, or threads about “My job is harder than yours!!! …end of thread :)”

Role/hero skill tier lists are a joke, nobody worth their salt would spend so much time trying to convince others of what is and isn’t hard.

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the forums has been a constant hate filled mess it seems forever.

its shocking seeing positivity. its like DPS players killed everyones families and OW2 is some war crime.


You haven’t addressed any of the comparisons in the OP regarding what tanks and supports must balance and accomplish vs what DPS must do.

It literally is that simple- don’t die and hit enemies.

At the highest ranks, the role doesn’t change.

DPS still aren’t doing what I have stated supports and tanks must balance and accomplish.

At the highest ranks it truly is a battle of mechanical superiority. It’s why cheaters can install an aimbot and one trick Widow to Diamond or Masters with little game-sense.
It’s why heroes like Doomfist and Genji who have insane skill ceilings can be easily outplayed by point and click Ashe/Widow/Cree.

DPS is the most mechanically inclined class with the most straightforward responsibility- don’t die and hit enemies.


I don’t think this, and only a few shine through, rest are buggy or underpowered.

Positioning, mechanics, game sense, all require a brain, I think you’re just salty.

DPS do most of the same things, minus a couple like correct pathing, you’re nitpicking.

Sounds like you just do bad things in game then come to forums to cry when the team flames you for it. That’s a sad reality.

Tell me how often that actually works above Plat. In Diamond and above, you are dove if you’re high ground.

Most played role because a lot of players are from games like CoD, Battlefield, Battlefront, etc. Your takes are bad here.

I do it all the time as a tank or support, you have to PICK your battles.

So the two most impactful roles have less heroes available?! You don’t say!

Mei is nearly useless, Doomfist dies as soon as a hitscan looks at him, Cree has been neutered, Reaper is a shell of his former self, Torb turret dies faster than Bastion, Sym is very situational, and hardly works once you’re being rolled, Hanzo has to outflank and outplay the tanks to even get to them well, and even then he’s dead meat if a dive tank like Winston or D.Va jumps on him. Bastion literally has to be double shielded, Mercy and Bapt pocketed or he’s useless.

You have no real sense of anything with this game and it shows. You can go ahead and pull what you did yesterday when you tried to claim IF is good for the game, and claim that I’m just “big mad” and talk down to me, but it won’t work like it did on other people. I do not care what the likes of a crying child about the game has to say.


If you find tanking the easiest role in the game. I mean no disrespect in any way, but you probably aren’t doing it right. Same for support. People think Mercy, Moria (especially those two) are easy to play and they are… easy to play wrong. To play either of them correctly. Managing their cool downs, keeping their team alive, keeping themselves alive. Actually HEALING and not being bonus DPS players? You see it far less often than you see great supports.


DPS is hard though, if you lack the mechanics you are literally useless.


Im confused.

Are you a Smurf, or Samito hiding on an Alt?


Hard to say where your knowledge gap lies if you are indeed level 96.

And if you’re just another person hiding behind an Alt to preserve your name, how about manning up?


The guy who says Dps is “brain dead easy” thinks Diamond/Masters is high rank… Goodbye :raised_hand:

You should close this thread honestly, it’s embarrassing.


Seems like you’re the one big mad this time. Looks like your failure of a troll post didn’t land as hard as you thought it would.

You’re literally a Bapt main who thinks he’s not overtuned or overpowered, and that anyone who thinks so is stupid.

You’re a forum troll and everyone knows it. Good day, sir.

Incoming rage post from Sombermako.