Why is experimental back?

I just noticed experimental is back and im not sure why? Didn’t they already try 3-2-1 and no one liked it? so why is it back?

What do you think its purpose is at all?


What does experimental mean to you?

Idk i haven’t seen anything talking about why its back. Plus isnt this what the ptr is for?

experimental wasnt just for 1-3-2, its for potential balance changes in general


If your not aware of how it works


There are patch notes for it somewhere.

I didn’t get a game update nor see a post or something talking about it

they dont want to do that on ptr anymore for a few reasons.

  1. there are more people playing on the live client, usually after a day or 2 you would have trouble finding a match on the ptr.
  2. now console players can actually try these potential changes since they never had a ptr

The game doesn’t need to update for the experimental card to be there, it’s directly on the server

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Experimental is, much like the name suggests- there to let the devs rapidly try experimental concepts.

The ptr isn’t necessarily for experiment.

The ptr is there for the developers to test new code that effects how the game will play, and they want to test its stability before pushing it live.

Experimental will have less radical changes from a coding perspective- and typically be more along the lines of value changes.

It also lets them have console players try out the experimental aspects, as they can not join the ptr

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Ik thats why i said i didn’t get an update because usually thats when you can see patchnotes. Beyond that im not sure i can see them. Also it doesn’t seem more accessible to me with these 23+ minute que times. Like jesus Christ im still waiting to get into my first experimental match of the day

Yeah I’m not sure how people found patch notes, even I don’t know where they are and I know quite a bit about the game

Its very likely the PTR will only be used for new hero releases, and Reworks from now on, and balance updates will be going to Experimental

Since its harder to patch in a new hero to one mode, than some updates

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Give me one second and I can get you the Experimental changes


Are you serious? In announcements. Smh

i assume you are trying to queue for dps like 90% of the queue since all but 1 change is to dps

Where were you looking? Do you not just go to all categories and find it there?

No, it literally says “find patch notes here!” And it directs me to 2018 patch notes I use the client itself to look for it but they messed that up cause it shows the false page

Why it shouldnt be back?

They said that it wont be only for the 321 did they? They literally said that they’ll test balance changes aswell there. I dont get why it’s so hard to understand about why it’s back.

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