The fact that it swaps Moira is Banned = Ana or Ana is Banned = Moira needs to be changed
The ONLY reason Mercy was seeing play at all is because she could just pocket Echo. That isn’t a healthy character, that as soon as the character they need to work is banned, they vanish
Biggest factor. Moira is the exception to that, but she also received some buffs to her natural recovery rate for healing.
Mercy had 60 HPS and was nerfed…because she was reworked and she was objectively overpowered until that nerf.
“for ages” - he’s been out for a little over a year. And he received multiple buffs - ones that he arguably didn’t need because he was already on his way to being meta. And again, you have to look at their entire kit. Not just one aspect.
You can’t raise a hero’s power level by buffing other parts of their kit, and ignore that it raises the potency of all the rest of their kit.
From February 2017 (When he damage was nerfed) until August 2018 (When Nanoboost had the heal effect added) Ana was the least used support with the 2nd lowest winrate in the game
that is simply untrue. Even before her 50HPS nerf, Ana was creeping back up and Mercy was loosing pickrate. If they kept the buffs to everyone and had not nerfed Mercy, Ana would likely have taken over as well.
Oh, so what about Ana and her clip size increase, being able to shoot through allies, nano boost heal and damage increase?
That cooldown buff was only 2 months of Orisa being release, that’s YEARS of her barrier being unchanged!
Ana’s nade got a buff 3 months after her release.
And it wasn’t really a change to Orisa’s barrier, it was a change to her reload, barrier still functioned the same, it was reload that was no longer cancelled by throwing barrier. It was hardly the case of “well deploying barrier doesn’t cancel reload, better increase cooldown by 25% and cut max barrier health by 33%”
I don’t know exactly what you’re referring to, sounds like a bug fix that still happened YEARS ago.
And deserved improvements, improvements that would be wrong to revert like full health allies body blocking a 1hp ally. You can’t revert things like that.
But it’s more than that, the devs have been trying to move the game away from stale states and one of those stale states is an over-reliance on barriers. Why are barriers used so much? To defend from anti-heal.
Remember before 2-2-2 you could have Rein, Zarya and Dva, all really shut down anti-healing from bionade. Now the two most dominant tanks are great counters to anti-heal and one thing that keeps coming up when anyone proposed reining those heroes in:
“You can’t nerf them! They need to have this just to stop Ana’s anti-heal!”
Can’t really say if that would have achieved balance. Mercy was a must-pick since her rework, even with just 60 HPS. They nerfed it and buffed other supports at the same time. Can never factually say, “this would have happened” in that since it’s now a hypothetical.
But, it’s not untrue that she was a must-pick up until that balance patch. She was…I was often the Mercy player.
You…do realize that I’m on the side that feels that Ana is overtuned, right?
I literally wrote all those out, fam:
My whole, “look at the entire hero’s kit” goes for her, too, and that’s why I feel Ana is overall a bit overtuned.
Damage increase was a necessity, Ana needs a way to defend herself.
But as Ana has a way to defend herself I don’t want everyone acting like she’s also entitled to mobility. Moira needs mobility because she’s only got a 50dps attack.
Ana can combo with her nade to frag 200HP heroes VERY quickly, in about 1.6sec.
"There must always be a “B*tchking”. (Insert image of Bolvar putting on Lichking’s Crown) There will always be something to complain about as “old issues” get resolved. It’s a never ending Cycle, and when they Nerf Anti-nade, they will complain about Discord Orb, or Lucio Boop. As a king gets taken down, a new one will rise to the top, and be the next target in sight.
After the rez was nerfed to its current state, Mercy wasn’t a must pick for several weeks. Then Hanzo was reworked and she became meta because of GravDragon, not because of her healing.
True. I was focusing on OWL and was being too narrow-minded with that. I’m happy to concede that point.
I actually don’t think she was garbage “for ages” honestly, though. In the timeline of the game, she’s had a pretty good amount of time in the spotlight.
It’s not because if you look at STATISTICS CAREFULLY, Mercy dropped to 2% pickrate in GM after her last rez nerf and Moira comps started dominating and then Hanzo rework created the double sniper/grav dragon meta which had no place for Moira or Ana to be used. I repeat, KILL THIS MYTH
We’re going to disagree on this because there are a plethora of statistics that contradict each other, and the subject of Mercy isn’t even the point of my post. I’m happy to concede that I was wrong about Ana not being played in GOATS, but from experience and from the statistics I’ve looked up in the past about Mercy’s pickrate post-rework, I still think she was slightly overtuned. I would have rather had a support buff or a Mercy nerf, the fact that we had both is making the whole thing even more complex. And I just don’t want to get into that because it’s an Ana thread.
My whole contention is that Ana is slightly overtuned and that you can’t focus on one aspect of a hero’s kit to compare them to reach a conclusion like that. Taking a hero’s entire kit into consideration is important. Ana’s Bionic Grenade was not buffed in a long time - but many parts of her kit elsewhere were. The person that I was replying to that started that whole reply-thread was saying that Orisa’s Barrier was the same for years, as was Mei’s freeze, etc. Someone replied and ignored the rest of what I wrote, mentioned Mercy, and that’s where that sub-topic came up.
My point with those were - those were all changed (i.e. Orisa had her barrier buffed, Mei had her freeze buffed) so that was incorrect, and that even then - focusing on one part of a hero’s kit isn’t ideal because raising the base kit of a hero will raise their overall power, including specific abilities.
It’s not that she was played in GOAT but HOW she was played in GOATS.
As that comp was all about stacking tanking ability with healing ability, the main use of bionade was to keep the +50% heal buffs on as much as possible, potentially 40% of the time. Then with Lucio’s AOE heal stacking with Brig’s AOE heal, both buffed by +50%.
And Brig’s burst heal could be combined with ana’s burst heal and Zarya’s bubble, it was really hard to kill anyone in GOATS.
The anti-heal wasn’t the main concern at that time because it went against the ethos of goats which was to stack heals, as much heals as possible.
The game is not in anything like that state and frankly the standards have changed, while something like area anti-heal would have been tolerated before it’s not going to be tolerated for much longer.
It WAS the same for years.
Orisa got that 8 second cooldown only 2 months after Orisa came out and with 900HP for that entire time until The Great Barrier Nerf.
The interaction with barrier and Orisa’s reload is ancilliary, like the interaction between Ana’s primary fire damage and the damage of bionade. When her primary fire went up to 70 it meant 2 shots + bionade = 200 damage