Why is everyone complaining about anti-nade now?

It’s been the same for YEARS. And she was a garbage healer for years too with that anti-nade. And it’s so easy to block, doesn’t have a huge radius, and rarely are nades followed up on. Literally the only reason anyone is saying it’s oppressive is because Ana is the top picked support right now. Any support that has the highest pick rate is labeled “oppressive”. Same thing happened to Mercy, Moira, and Bap. Then 2/3 of those supports were stripped of any play-making ability they had. Would you be happier if supports were just heal bots with 0 play-making potential, only the ability to heal your teammates?


Because ppl complain about one thing then just move onto the next.


Most Anti nade complaints are stupid anyway. Even if you nerf it to 75 or 50% that still negates every healing in game besides zens ult. Like being healed with 30hps instead of 0 would make such a big difference when a team pushes up on you. What they need to do is return 60hps to Mercy so instead of being Anas occasional off healer she becomes Anas competition again.


Because she is a top pick on overbuff. Anyone who is a top pick on overbuff needs a nerf apparently.

So they pick her most annoying ability and say it needs a nerf.


powercreep ? time to slow it down, what about 50% less heal then non-heal at all ?

Anti-nade is the most OP ability in the game when you think about it.

Once it lands you are left to do NOTHING except die. At the very least a friendly Ana should be able to overlap the enemies anti-nade. She already has a no miss ULT that gives someone Ultra Instinct.


Yes, I agree that what they need to do is buff the other healers instead. Like I said, Ana was garbage for a LONG time with the same nade, but with other healers being nerfed to the ground, she became the best support.

One thing I think they could do is buff Bap’s immo field cooldown. It was a decent counter to anti-name before they destroyed it


Ana may not have changed, but when every other support faces the nerf hammer, Ana’s lack of nerfs makes her stronger by comparison.

Besides, Anti has always been OP, but now that she’s in the spotlight (for seriously 2 years) people are thinking maybe she needs some nerfs too.

Or buff other supports, but that would go over like a lead brick on these forums.


If it just reduced healing, I would survive as my sweet fat of the Hog after getting anti naded. This is the true reason I am a turncoat.

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The hivemind just wants another victim.


Just throwing my two-cents in this as someone who loves playing Ana.

She was a garbage healer for “years” (it wasn’t that long) because:

  • Dive was the meta, then GOATS - she wasn’t optimal in either
  • Her damage on her rifle was nerfed
  • Nano’s speed boost and damage resistance was dialed back
  • She had bugs that were detrimental to her gameplay
  • Other healers were overpowered at that time and outshined her
  • There were hero-specific changes that had yet to be made to help her (i.e. healing through fully healed targets), etc.

These things collectively caused her to fall down to the bottom, but now that she’s been buffed a lot, she’s back to being dominant - and by a pretty significant margin.

Most people have always had a problem with Bionic Grenade. It’s the fact that it’s the only thing in the game that denies 100% healing. The duration, although not that long, is pretty significant - and not a lot of things outside of individual abilities that force you to retreat, help cleanse it (the exception being Zarya’s bubbles).

As long as it’s the only thing that denies 100% healing like this with little to no way to cleanse it, it’ll always be a problematic part of her kit. I’d rather it nerfed to be a 75%+ healing reduction. Still enables it to be very powerful without being a confirmation that you’re screwed.


As a 300 hour Ana main, I claim all Road hogs as my personal play things. You will get slept, naded and farmed for ult charge and you will thank me for it.


People have complained about anti-nade for years, what do you mean?

Also lol:

She’s consistently been a top tier healer since shortly after her release when they buffed her clip size.


This is a little disingenuous though. Ana has been meta at most times since her release excluding a few times when there have been blatant balance issues. For example Mercy rework, initial 222 balance issues and bap being overbuffed.

If you have back pain at 10, and neck pain at 5, after your back pain is better, you get the neck pain looked at next.

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That is just not true. Ana has not been trash since ages. She was not meta for a while, but she definitely has not been trash.
Also nade has always been complained about when Ana saw a lot of play.
Simply because it is a way too strong ability in an already strong kit.

Nah, there was a period when she was considered literal garbage. It was a long time ago. I think it was around moth, but do not quote me on that. All I remember was that professionals cried about it and Youtubers rushed to the rescue and then it created a huge sentiment on the forums.

People rejoiced when they buffed her again. Parades in the street and whatnot.

Power creep?

An ability that has literally remained the same since February of 2017 is power creep???


Ummm. Reaper wraith, Zara bubble, Moira wraith, immo field, ice block, and just backing the f up can all take care anti-nade so saying getting hit by a nade is assured death is nonsense. If you have decent positioning, anti-nade won’t be that big of an issue.

There are other abilities in the game that are far worse. Flashbang is pretty much assured death. Dynamite is Aoe and can almost kill a squishy (175). Rocket punch has an incredibly short cool down and can one-shot you easily.

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From Februrary 2017 until August of 2018, Ana was the least used support with the lowest winrates of any support

Then she dropped out of meta again when Sigma launched in August of 2019, and only just came back into meta as of Baptiste’s gutting in Janurary of 2020