To be fair, I have only ever seen one other person use the term properly. The Overwatch community uses power creep as a chameleon phrase to justify whatever opinion they may have.
The problem with most of those things is that it forces you retreat to cleanse it.
Zarya Bubble is the only thing that your teammate can provide to you to cleanse it. Immortality doesn’t really cleanse it; it just sort of keeps you from dying, hopefully while it’s active.
But Wraith, Cryo, Recall, Translocator, Primal Rage, etc. all force you to either disengage, or in Winston’s case - use his ultimate - to counteract it.
Which isn’t wrong that it forces these things. But it’s evidently problematic because even these things you suggest aren’t enough to contest her or bring her down a notch.
It was during moth. That said Mercy was crazy levels of broken and if took Mercy being that broken to unseat Ana then it says a lot more about Ana than anything else really.
I mean i’ve hated anti nade since the start of overwatch. It’s just so stupid that if you’re not playing hero x, there’s nothing to be done except hope your zarya has a bubble.
The only thing i want is for allied anti nades to cancel out enemy ones. give it a counterplay.
Ashe’s buffs are power creep
Echo’s release is power creep
Moira’s orginal 80hps AoE healing was power creep
Ana’s grenade being weaker than it was when she launched, and not touched for almost 3 full years isn’t
I don’t think that’d fix it, honestly. That’d just reinforce her must-pick status.
IMO I’d rather see the anti-nade’s affect duration to be decreased, or making it a massive healing reduction (i.e. around 75%+) instead of a flat 100% healing denial.
Oh is that why Moira was considered trash tier for most of her life in higher tiers?
Comparing singular abilities or aspects of a hero’s kit is…really not ideal. You gotta take everything in a hero’s kit to compare them.
Lots of things have been the same for years.
Orisa’s barrier was the same for years, still got nerfed.
Mei’s freeze was the same for years, still got nerfed.
Remember the game is in flux, only about 10 months ago the game suddenly went from GOATS to all that comes with 2-2-2 role lock.
Brig used to have the best burst-heal in the game and that got nerfed HARD, now Ana is the only hero with a burst heal remaining.
Slowly over time all the other healers have been nerfed but Ana has so far conspicuously avoided the same moderation other heroes have.
Her bionade is a target as it’s not a high skill part of her kit, so it goes against the “but you’re punishing me for skilled play” argument.
yup. they nerft every other supports in all kind of ways, while ana nerft with the heal hps down to 60 and then they buff her back to 70hps. sleep never had changed, nade as well. time to balance her annoying kit.
That’s not how it works but okay?
Before Moira’s launch, the MOST AoE healing you had was Zen’s ultimate, then Moira launched with her basic heal being 80hps AoE. That’s what power creep is, because now that’s baseline for AoE healing, the next AoE healer has to compete with that or be better; and Baptiste was before being nerfed, and then later gutted.
Plus Moira had to compete with Moth Mercy when she launched, and then Ana before Double Barrier
Pretty sure people have harped on Anti everytime Ana stays meta/dominant.
It’s probably her best and worst ability. It sucks to face, it’s great to play with, no healer can do anything to help once afflicted, better pray you’re running a hero that can cleanse it or are in a position where a friendly Zarya will give you a bubble, or that your team is providing enough pressure that Ana’s not yeeting it at you and is busy using it to save herself or try to save her allies.
With the exception of TM where Sleep chaining could get you kicked for inactivity, I think Nade’s Ana’s most disliked ability.
Neither of them have, though!
Orisa’s shield was buffed multiple times - cooldown, the fact you could deploy it while shooting, etc.
Mei’s freeze was buffed to allow chain-freezing and cause a significant delay if you were even tapped by it before it wore off
Ana’s overall kit was buffed pretty significantly. I don’t think people realize that. Just because one aspect of a hero’s kit wasn’t changed, doesn’t mean that their overall power wasn’t.
Most of its counters have been slowly removed (armor packs from Torb, Sym shields, Brigs armor, etc)
I can kinda see why people want it nerfed, even though theres counterplay to it…
Orisa’s barrier was buffed many times? From the duration, to its HP, to its Size, to the cooldown.
Mei’s freeze has been buffed different times as well; from the amount needed to freeze being lowered, to being able to freeze more than 1 person at a time
Just saying, those are poor examples
I’m curious. What is your solution to Ana currently dominating the support roster?
Cause it both hurts and benefits tanks.
Yeah, that’s pretty much it.
A nade thrown onto a group of ally tanks make them receive more healing from any sources, allowing them to stay in combat longer. But it also denies any healing if the nade land on the enemy tank. A purple target is an incredibly easy target to walk over.
If anything, I have half expected any nerf threads on this forum to either be about silver Genji getting rekt or something negatively affect tanks.
Giving Mercy and Baptiste MUCH needed buffs?
Mercy has needed SOMETHING for almost 2 years at this point
And Baptiste was gutted into the dirt, and the small buffs he got were a step in the right direction, but he still needs more, especially in relation to his Immortality Field.
Moiras heals have been the same for years. yet got nerfed
Mercy had 60 HPS for years, was nerfed
Bap was considered bad for ages and everything about his kit was nerfed
Given Blizzards recent balance decisions it seems as though healing buffs are off the table entirely. Would you be for significant utility buffs so they can truly rival Ana?