Why is DM a problem for people?

Why is it a problem that a tank has the ability to soak up damage, yet Genji has an ability that can not only “Soak” up any projectile(ultimates too) but also can shoot it right back at you???


D.Va can use defense matrix to eat most ults in the game. She can do it at no risk to herself and from around corners and such. There’s also no visual cue for when she has it and when she doesn’t whereas it’s very clear when Genji has just used reflect and won’t be able to do so again for a few seconds. DM can recharge enough to eat another ult in less than a second even after it’s depleted.


Genji can take almost any ultimate and throw back in your face.

And there’s a pretty good visual and sound cue. It’s basically three big green rectangles in your face.

Sure, it’s a quicker CD but she’s also a tank, she’s meant to efficiently soak up damage


Yeah, it’s clear when it’s on, but not when she has it ready to use. You know it’s safe to shoot ults at Genji right after he uses reflect. Before this nerf, it was NEVER safe to shoot one at D.Va. There was a reasonable expectation at all times that she had enough DM charge to eat it.


That was a good part of the game. destroy the mech before using your ult. I think they just made it easier to spam ults to win.


Nobody should be considered a counter just because they exist, though. Every other ability in the game has some reliable counterplay to it. For example, it’s common knowledge that you don’t use Death Blossom while Ana’s sleep dart or McCree’s flashbang is up, but you can bait those abilities out and KNOW they’re on a set cooldown before they can used again, which gives you a window to use it. With D.Va it’s “Don’t ult because D.Va exists”.


sorry to remind you but its fairly easy to de-mech dva before u ult. whether its melting her down, using actual teamwork to team up on her and catch her off guard, or baiting it out so she runs out, turns her back, and flies away, it is and was possible. even with a 1 second cool down.

ppl were just mad that they actually had to think about how they approached her so they cried to get it nerfed (again). plain and simple.


This is a gross misrepresentation of the ability.


Would you say it’s more reasonable to have to deal 600+ damage against a flying, armored, probably-being-healed killer robot or to bait out a single ability?


bait it out. it seems like a lot of non-dva players dont understand this, but dm is also used to keep her alive as well as block ults and protect the team. with a crit box wit her size, its is fairly easy to hit it and melt her down, so she (meaning myself in this example) has to flicker it even with normal fire to keep from dying. this means if ppl bait it out by focusing her, she will have to fly away eventually to stay alive. and there’s your opportunity, once she turns her back to run.

its not feasible to expect a healer to pocket her all game when she has 600hp.


I mean, if you want to be disengenous about it and ignore the fact that she’s taking double the damage at all times… then no.


Genji’s deflect has nowhere near the same effective range DM has, nor he can use it as much as D.VA can use DM.


Why is she taking double the damage?

I’m not going to justify your stupidity with an answer. You know exactly why.


One should consider that DVa has (or rather had) a 1 second cooldown. Genji has an 8 second cooldown, plus it’s area of effect is much smaller, shorter (almost none) range, and does not have a resource meter. DVa can also eat your stuff when you’re not shooting at her, whereas with genji you can just shoot elsewhere and be fine.


Doesn’t it also go through walls?

Defense matrix is pierced by beam weaponry. You know, the most picked off tank’s primary fire pierces DM.


she’s a walking critbox


Alright I’m bored. Time to figure this out.

Ana - No
Ashe - No (Can DM around BoB I guess, for 2 seconds out of 10)
Bastion - Only 2 seconds worth of 8 (25%)
Brigitte - No
D.Va - No
Doomfist - No
Genji - No
Hanzo - Yes
Junkrat - No
Lucio - No
McCree - Yes
Mei - Yes
Mercy - No
Moira - No
Orisa - No
Pharah - Only 2 seconds worth of 3 (66%)
Reaper - Only 2 seconds worth of 3 (66%)
Reinhardt - No
Roadhog - Only 2 seconds worth of 6 (33%)
Soldier - Only 2 seconds worth of 6 (33%)
Sombra - No
Symmetra - No
Torbjorn - Yes
Tracer - Yes
Widowmaker - No
Winston - No
Wrecking Ball - No
Zarya - Yes
Zen - No

Final Tally?
17 Hard No’s
6 Hard Yes’s
6 Eh…'s (She can partially block them, but never completely)

Objectively, no, she can’t eat “most ults in the game”. Even if you count the gray areas as just a general yes, it’s still 12 to 17.

There’s never a visual cue for when an ability is up and ready.
Like, you literally just described it for Genji. It’s not like he glows blue or something when his Deflect is on CD, you have to pay attention to what he’s doing, play around when he uses it, and act in the opening.

DM, along with literally all other abilities, works the same.

Except that’s not what actually happens, because it goes on CD regardless of how much of a resource she has left.


I play a lot of D.Va, too. You could at least check my profile before you assume that I don’t. She’s my third-most played this season with a 71% win percentage in masters+. I’ve played her frequently at the highest levels in most seasons, which is why I know that it’s impossible to ult with many heroes when D.Va is in her mech and anywhere near the team. I purposefully don’t use up my whole DM when I don’t absolutely have to. I’d rather rely on LoS and my healers so that I always have some charge when I need it. It’s really not hard to keep a little bit of charge and, even if you use all of it, it takes less than a second to get enough back to block another ult. It’s easier than most D.Va players realize and it’s expected at the highest levels. That’s why the change was made. Now it has a two-second window for counterplay.