Why is DM a problem for people?

The pros were sad because they had to aim their gravs at walls :’(

Right. After you’ve managed to break his barrier, it goes down on a 3 second cooldown. :slightly_smiling_face:

It also starts recharging after 2 seconds of being down.

How different would the game be if Rein’s barrier was stronger but he could only hold it for a certain duration? If like a Genji deflect, you knew that Rein couldnt shield for a window of time after dropping it?

Rein’s barrier goes on a 7s cd if is completely broken, and starts rechaging after 3 secs regardless.
It also gets melted down in mere seconds, so you either have to drop it and wait or let it break and wait, which, either way is almost no different.

Incorrect. Rein’s Barrier goes on a 5s cooldown on destruction, and always starts recharging 2s after not being used.
Similarily, DM can’t be used for 3s when it’s depleted because it needs 0.5s of charge.

the ability itself its okay but its too spammable

the 2 second nerf is fine now, most dvas cannot just use it whenever they want to, they need to think critically like zarya before using it

because not only is DM STILL A AMAZING AND POWERFUL ABILITY, but Dva can fly, use rockets, never reload has good burst damage, and 600HP of tankiness with 200 armor, PLUS even after you kill mech she can keep fighting and technically have a lower respawn (mech wise) then most people if they die, respawn, and walk back

We still complaining about dva here?

Guess I’ll wait 6 months till dva is nerfed again. Zzz

Nothing is enough for the anti-dva crowd.


As I’ve stated many times before, I would rather have her original version of DM back with her old armor (400/100) than have a glass cannon whose only purpose is deleting a few ultimates and charging them up for the enemy team while taking double damage from the front.

Her post-nerf/rework kit absolutely sickens me.

“Oh but she’s enjoyable to play for that 1-2% of the playerbase that actually knows how to utilize her!”

Cool. The whole game is being balanced in their favor and that’s why people are leaving onto other titles.

I did post from my main account and it’s not hidden. You have to click the PSN tab. The PC account is new.

It’s not private. You have to take two seconds and read something before getting all triggered over someone not agreeing with you. Click the PSN tab.

Whos to say red team cant use actual teamwork to peel for their god damn dva?

Dva countered 99% of the cast. If the enemy had: any other offtank, any hitscan in the game, an ana, just about every projectile hero, a zen, a moira.

You could pick dva and hard counter ggez

Dva can soak up everything in a massive cone. To be fair i dislike genji as well.

D.Va is better at challenging the high ground and creating space. A tank shouldn’t be able to do that effectively according to some people. Tanks are only allowed to be walking barriers and ult batteries I guess, but barriers are OP too according to some people. Basically everyone is a whiny baby towards something or another.

Eating ults is a big excuse to nerf a tank’s only means of defending their team; think about how often you actually see D.Vas eating gravs and other non-channeled ults that can wipe a team, and then think about how often a simple Rein right click (or any other barrier) can completely block something like a D.Va bomb grav combo with almost no effort. The amount of skill needed (gamesense and mechanical) to eat a key ult that isn’t horribly telegraphed is really high which is why you don’t actually see it often (but a lot of people like to pretend it’s happening left and right) and only see it a handful of times in pro play.


It’s actually the opposite. I’ve found that the average console player is slightly better than their PC counterparts. While pointing with a mouse is easier, PC people have much more limited movement since they can only move at 45 degree angles without a joystick, which means they’re more likely to never learn proper positioning. They seem to try to win every fight by outshooting the other team. Just my experience so far, though.

The long and the short of it is that DM has much less counterplay, because it has much more up-time and has the ability to project and protect not only herself but teammates as well. Genji gets Deflect once every 8 seconds, and it’s a smaller overall area of effect, so it’s much easier to bait out or avoid. Also, Genji has much less health than DVa, so when you do bypass DM/Deflect, the Genji’s generally in far more trouble than DVa would be, and Genji can’t Deflect and attack at the same time–DVa can.

Also I think it’s a stretch to say that people have a problem with DM but not also Deflect… lots of people have had problems with Deflect in the past, and even now, I’ve seen plenty of people who feel it makes Genji’s kit too forgiving

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I have hundreds of hours in this game and almost all of it has been at 3900-4100 SR. Put down console all you want, but the people I play with on a daily basis are much, much better than the people that 99% of the players in these forums have ever played with. Maybe instead of trying to discredit me because you don’t like what I’m saying, you could actually listen to what someone with my experience is saying and try to learn something. I have nothing to gain by trying to trick all of you.

Genji deflect doesn’t have half her range and is way harder to deflect an ultimate rather than just eat it.

again, your making it out to be unreasonable that a tank can do these things. shouldnt a tank be able to protect herself and her team more effectively than a dps? whether you consider dva an off or main tank, she still is a tank, so her job is to protect and defend the team/herself. for this kind of role, isnt it more effective to have a tool big enough to protect multiple people from multiple angles?

I think it helps if you read that little paragraph after the one you cited. A lot of the folks who complain about DM also seem to complain about Deflect. It’s not “ohh DM is so much better than Deflect, nurf!!,” it’s “both of these abilities are bologna.”

Also, personally, where DM becomes a little ridiculous IMO is that DVa is not practically inhibited while using it, and she already boasts very strong mobility and offensive power. She, in effect, possesses one of the single strongest abilities in the game (for reasons I listed above), which in vacuum is fine. Combine with her incredible damage output and elimination scores, which for a tank is very high and is even higher than many DPS (is it really reasonable that a tank out-performs a DPS while possessing robust tanking abilities?), and her mobility, which is second best in class, only surpassed by Hammond, and you’ve got the ingredients for a hero which people will quickly find intolerable. Naturally, they’re going to latch onto the strongest part of her kit and cite it as the problem.

If DVa didn’t have better-than-DPS levels of offensive power, or more restricted mobility? I doubt people would have as much an issue with DM in its current state (or even before the 2 second downtime nerf)

your definitely right there, i can attest to the damage aspect. very often i get gold elims/damage dealt, even while trying to protect my healer. but i ask this in reply: would we be in this place of dva doing too much damage if people didnt cry for a dm nerf a year ago? people cried for a nerf, it was cut in half to 2 sec, and blizzard gave her more dps to make up for it. before that she was fine damage wise was she not? she was used mainly for defense instead of defense and offense.

basically if people would have learned to play around dva then (like they should’ve before this recent patch) then we wouldnt have the dps.va we have now.