Why I still have yet to accept/enjoy any of the Mercy changes

Hey all, you’ve probably seen my Mercy posts before on the forums, and already know how much I despise the Mercy changes!

Here are the Mercy changes if you do not remember:


So, I’ve played my fair share of Mercy after the latest nerfs, and even played a game of competitive. This healing nerf has honestly made Mercy much weaker then she already is, her ultimate was already overpowered easily by burst damage, and other ultimates, and now she can no longer outheal a Winston.

Friendly Reminder!

Remember, Winston deals 60 damage a second, Mercy heals 50hp/s second now.

Winston targets 3 people, Mercy can POSSIBLY target her entire team during her Ultimate, but Winston targets three people, dealing 60 damage, easily overpowering Mercy’s ultimate. Does Winston’s damage output need reworked though, even though it might have been his fault for not targeting the healer first? Is this fair to the Mercy mains, to have one of the least impactful ultimates in the game?

I obviously understand the fact that other healers needed a spot in the current meta, I think everyone does, but it doesn’t mean we should make other heroes absolutely unfun to play as, or unusable to a point.

Mercy is the only pure healer, does absolutely no damage (unless that’s what they’re trying to do after this nerf). The other healers require reloading, recharging, or has a good amount of healing put on a cooldown. During mass resurrect time, I liked to think that Mercy not having an E ability was the consequence to having a good ultimate, good healing output, and good mobility.

[details="Here are some other support heroes with the same “consequences” "]

  • Ana has an amazing healing output, pretty good damage, sleep dart, and her biotic grenade. They’re all pretty powerful abilities when used in the right hands, correct? Well yeah obviously, but there has to be a “consequence”. It’s the fact that she doesn’t have great mobility. She is fine, trust me, I’m not a gold border for nothing! :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Zenyatta has a very powerful ultimate, great damage output, and a discord orb. The consequence to having all of this is he doesn’t have the best healing output, so he can’t usually solo heal.

  • Lucio has pretty good damage, great mobility, the ability to boop people away/off maps, and a speed boost, pretty good healing being able to boost it quite a lot as well, and a pretty good ultimate. The consequence is having many of his things ranged, and must be used aggressively often.

  • Brigitte has great damage output, somewhat good mobility, and really good healing output when used in the right hands. The consequence(s) is the fact that her healing is set on a cooldown, or requires the Brigitte to do damage, so she often has to get into melee range of the enemy.

But of course I forgot… Mercy is the easiest hero in the game!! Because she doesn’t require aim right? Well you’re wrong.

  • Mercy NOW requires no skill in the fact that resurrect is not earned, as long as the Mercy knows how to use walls the their advantage they will be fine. Plus to make this even better, her ultimate is just an “easy mode” of everything she already does! Just… y’know… easier!

  • Old Mercy required skill in the fact that she had to heal to earn her ultimate (resurrect). If she did not, she would not be able to resurrect. Plus there were many different outcomes with this ultimate, making it one of the hardest ultimates to use in the game.

    • There are currently 28 heroes, Mercy used to be able to resurrect up to 5, there are many different maps, many different situations, different heroes, with different ultimates, with different skill levels. Mercy mostly relied on the ultimates her teammates had, and their skill levels. If she solo resurrected someone, she relied solely on that person’s skill on that hero, making it very hard to use due to the risk reward.

“What if that person has their ultimate? Or what if they don’t?”, “Is this a hero they know how to play, are they going to be able to do any damage, or get any picks?”
These are just a few questions a Mercy would need to answer, before the 10 seconds on the respawn timer. But there are also questions like:
“What would happen if that was a bad resurrect, what about good?”, “Should I wait to see if anyone else dies with them?”, “Should I save my resurrect for later in the game?”, “What if the enemy has ultimates, should I wait for them to use them?”

But wait… I hear them already, the people who say they enjoy Mercy how she is now!!
I would like proof please, give me gameplay, hours, healing, damage, etc…
She is more brain-dead then she ever was before. Her ultimate is just getting rid of all her weaknesses, not powerful and game changing like they should be. I find nothing that seems… looks for specific book to look for a synonym of complicated
Abstruse… I find nothing that seems to be abstruse about Valkyrie, or even current Mercy. Everything is just made simpler, a quick, messy idea of an already trashed ultimate.

Plus y’know… aim isn’t the only requirement in this game. There is also positioning, game sense, and needing the ability to learn the basics of other heroes to learn how to deal with them.

Mercy's Resurrect!

So, it is able to be prevented, but it is clunky, slow, and basically just a self-stun for 2 seconds. No Mercy wants to use it, but when people always ask about resurrect, we are often forced to use it.

So I was looking for the season Valkyrie came out, and somehow I got a tab asking what a Torbjorn is, I looked obviously, but it has nothing to do with Overwatch.

Remember that this is also a very fast paced game and being slowed down by 75% for 2 seconds can really affect the entirety of the game.

What we can do about Mercy!
  • We can most obviously revert her, and not change her at all.

  • Revert her, add line of sight restrictions, a small cast time and remove invulnerability and instead possibly add damage reduction.

  • Keep her as is, and keep nerfing her because she still outshines all of the other suppports because of her resurrect on a cooldown ability.

  • Remove resurrect outside of Valkyrie, only being usable during her ultimate, and replace resurrect with another ability (cleanse, burst heal, etc…).

So yeah! I took a lot of time, ples no toxic? If you’re going to be toxic, I’m going to be toxic back…

Hope you all have a great day though! :smiley:


This is actually an extremely well put together post.

Yes something had to be done, she still was/is a “must” pick due to her kit. Not her HP/s. HER KIT. Res is the real issue here, not her HP/s.

Now they’ve taken a character known for pure healing, nerfed that aspect but ignored the true issue of Res being on E. Her healing even at 60/HPs put her near the middle of healing output vs ana, moira, and hell even brigitte (BURST heal). Now that lucio has a huge radius buff, even he can see great HP/s with amp to an entire team not just a single target.

Mercy healing feels underwhelming now and just adds to the mounting “this hero is becoming more unfun and boring to play” category.

We get it, Mercy is strong and it’s no secret. We all can agree she had to be dialed back some, again… We just want it done correctly. Stop attacking her actual healing, and deal with the 800lb elephant in the room, RESURRECT.

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