Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

I know I just asked a few days ago but has anyone figured out a way to make Pacify work on console yet?

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From personal experience, I find it can be quite easy to assume a hero is bad from what others say if you haven’t played in a while. I was playing Paladins and Fortnite more then Overwatch before the Halloween event and my placement matches. I try to play Monster Hunter, but I don’t think I have the patience to grind Monsters or gather materials. Hopefully, Blizzcon gives us a new healer or tank that helps Mercy. I think Roadhog could be changed to heal teammates with his self-heal, which could help compensate for Mercy’s lack of burst healing.

I also looked at the video, and if I had to sum it up, it’s playing around with the awareness of the enemy team, much like how a flanker like Genji and Tracer does. This means the ability to move in and out of the vision of the enemy, and to constantly confound them with regards to where the Mercy is positioning.

Lol, never exclusively pocket. :wink:

The choice of support varies depending on team composition. In classic 2-2-2 compositions where the goal is to “poke-chip-pick”, Mercy heals during the retreat phase of a poke, damage boosts DPS going for chip damage, and resurrects enemy picks against allied teams. Mercy+Zen is the preferred lineup in these compositions at the moment (as an aside, let Zen heal in between fights to build up his ult quickly).

OTOH, for brawl compositions like GOATS/Slambulance (i.e. supports and tanks, no DPS with the possible exception of Doomfist), Ana/Moira is preferred paired up with a Lucio.

On Dive, it depends on who your fellow support is. The current meta favors Mercy+Zen, with Mercy alternating between healing the dive elements and babysitting Zen.

In gold tier where the compositions are messy, hmmm, just play it by ear. If you think the tanks are doing the heavy lifting, use Ana/Moira/Lucio. OTOH, if the DPS are doing their jobs really well, play Mercy/Zen. TBH, anything goes in messy team compositions. :grimacing:

Yeah, that’s why it’s not a good idea to use Moira as a main healer in prolonged poke situations. Runs out of pee real quickly. :smile:

No idea, although I’m sure Blizzard will work it out if Pacify becomes an ability on a Mercy rework. Does Blizzard have a bad record when it comes to aligning the PC version of the game vis-a-vis the console version, Crusher? Any delays?

Its not as much of a grind as you’d think. Not until you hit end game at least.

Actually, Valkyrie makes:

This more prominent.

And this:

You do this more now for E Rez. Hide and Rez for Mass Rez was more rare than E Rez’s is.

Hardly, Valkyrie removes Mercy’s weaknesses and make people garbage a learning her base kit.
GA management and usage, chain beams, being as far away from the fight as can be. Before Valkyrie, these were her constant challenges and they were good. Valkyrie makes it so you don’t have to focus on any of that when it counts.

This was always the case with old Mercy, in fact it was more prominent then because Mercy didn’t have Valk, which meant ONLY A SINGLE TARGET BEAM. This was a greater challenge that rewarded better Mercy’s.

Old Mercy was doing it without the super jumps we have now.
Old Mercy had a crappier GA and still Mercy’s survived and made themselves untouchable.
But now we have Valk, where it is Q to escape and be as far away from the fight as you damn well please.

Not when your boosted target dies from sustained fire and you can’t save them.
Which is the same issue we have with E Rez, there isn’t much time to use them anymore, because people will get hurt and you can’t fix it.

So powerful, they broke the rest of her kit to try and keep it. It’s time to let E Rez die, because it has made it so they nerf parts of her that were in a good spot. And the ultimate level punishments on it show that it is too strong on an E and makes her kits feel clunky and disgusting.

I still play her and my friends are so sad, they are sad for me. My friends are DPS or tank mains and they were so heart broken for me. They constantly pour compliments in my direction about my Mercy but after the healing nerf, they feel so bad for me. They will see my healing beam pop up on them and still end up dying and they know there is nothing I can do. They see me work my butt off to help them succeed. They see me use everything I can in her kit to help them, as I always have but now with the healing nerf, it’s like my identity when playing her is gutted.
Which was something I thought the rework had already done by giving me Valkyrie to baby sit me and E Rez to remove thought from making rez choices. There is no skill with this Mercy, she is but a thoughtless imitation of what the old Mercy was. E Rez is “woah a team mate died, will I live if I go for this rez?”, if the answer is no then there is no rez, if yes then there is. It doesn’t matter who that person is. Most of the time it is a DPS or your other support or off tank so long as your main tank is still standing. If you main tank goes down, which is often the case under your new healing, there is no time for a rez, it will get you killed.
Show me where there is decision making and thought outside of living or dying that makes it any where near superior to the thought processes you went through for mass rez? Keeping in mind I already made the point that you will rez anyone who dies so long as you are safe.

Show me where Valkyrie doesn’t hold your hand and do everything you can already do on Mercy’s base kit, as long as you had 60hps?

Until she got her rework, she never was.
But there aren’t enough skill varied supports, which means many people are stuck on the supports they choose. There is no halfway point from starting at Mercy or Moira and moving onto Ana. There is no support that has a few aim skills to help you learn Ana.
This is a problem and why Mercy or Moira are used so often at lower ranks, because they can’t move up to Ana gradually via other supports.
People also play Mercy because there is no other dedicated to the team style support who is a pacifist. This is a personality aspect people like about Mercy, they relate to and make them want to play her when they play support. If they wanted to deal damage, they would have picked anything else. But they choose her for support because they damn well want to do that.

She’s not fine.
Valkyrie and E Rez undermines the skills Mercy players learned and it makes her unfun and unengaging to play. It lowered her skill ceiling dramatically. This rework is a disaster and caused her to have nerfs that have now ruined her.
:clap: MAKING :clap: A :clap: MECHANICALLY :clap: EASY :clap: HERO :clap: EASIER :clap: IS :clap: NOT :clap: OKAY :clap:


Happy one-year anniversary <3


While I don’t believe in the apcify E (I want a defensive anti-CC power so we can rework Mercy and stab the stun meta at the same time)
But the simplest way to make it work on console (any E) is make it only usable while the staff is out
Then you can bind it to the reload button.

I doubt it, not because I don’t trust Blizzard, but because there is no open button to move it too that wouldn’t harm the usefulness of the ability.

This doesn’t work either. In order to press reload, we have to use our right thumb, which we also use to use our right joystick, which is what allows us to aim. By binding it to reload, it means that we would have to try to aim first then hope the enemy walks into our cross hair.

It’s an open button so it could work with something more instant cast (I’ve been proposing an idea for a 2 second buff to the beam that applies immunity to all negative effects for 2 seconds for example)

I myself am not really a big fan of pacify, reducing outgoing damage is great and all but if damage boosts can be without cooldown I feel like a damage reduction should be similar which means mechanic for new hero not Mercy

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That sounds a bit weak to me personally.

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Except flankers can really cause damage, if you leave them unchecked. Mercy can’t. It works for now, since old habits of “omg it’s Mercy stop her before she resurrects everyone” don’t disappear instantly.

Targeting second healer, instead of Mercy, deals much more damage to team over time. And if Mercy is trying to resurrect that healer, she just made herself into target, allowing to get rid of both enemy healers at once.

Mercy truly became healer for the healer, healing and boosting more useful healers.


Yeah but it easier to deny the suggestion and pass it onto a new hero


That’s actually appropriate in the meta at the moment. IMHO, one of the reasons JJonak is so strong as Zen is because of the damage boost he gets from Ark playing as Mercy.

TBH, I think it would be a bad move for Blizzard to continue neglecting issues related to Valk on ult, and resurrect on E. I don’t like pocket strategies, I prefer abilities that encourage multiplying her presence via active GA usage, and as hellsqueen put it:


I was going to write an essay as to why you’re wrong. But I decided it would be a waste of time as I clearly won’t be able to change your mind. So I thought I would just link this video: Mercy is NOT that BAD! - YouTube

Issue with pocketing comes from fact, that it breaks rule #1 of good healer: you heal everyone. You don’t focus on one teammate longer than necessary for them to be fully healed/get kill with damage boost.

But, since you can’t defend team from high damage anymore, you have to pocket healer that can: boost their damage and ensure their survival, so real healer will do your job. It sure must be great, being a sidekick to real hero…


Tell that to all the people whinning “But muh unostoppable genji blade” every time I try to sugges it in threads about my proposed Mercy rework.
I also proposed adding Damage resistance to the ability in other places as well, there are lots of things we can do but the geneal idea is a 2 second bonus to whichever beam she’s applying and CC esistance being chief among the bonuses

Yes! We said that so many times yet people still dont get it.


You think it is fine that they wanted to make Mercy more complex and engaging and to do that, they give you Valkyrie which literally takes away from player skill?

Beam juggling and prioritization show how much more skill one Mercy has over another. I cannot tell you how many times I hear my friends whining to me during any given game where I am playing something other than support and hear them complain that people are bad supports and they particularly complain to me more if it is a Mercy, complaining that they never get healing. This was before the healing nerfs. There were Mercy’s who had zero awareness and would hardly spread their heals in the base kit and only ever managed to heal anyone else with Valk. At the end of the game, their heal percentage is atrocious and you can tell Valk was the only reason they even made it above 10%.

I dislike seeing people who clearly have no grasp on her base kit, getting to still have an easy time just by pressing Q on her. She is already mechanically easy and becomes more rewarding when you master her base kit. Valkyrie rewards even the worst damn players of her I have ever seen. That’s not okay.

So I stand by what I said:

She was OP because every aspect of her kit was too easy to succeed with and it allowed even the worst players to get by without knowing how to use her base kit well. Then they nerfed it and still, the huge E rez reward remained and people with no grasp on her base kit were baby-sitted by valk. The healing nerf crippled everyone harshly, the people who are fantastic Mercy players are still able to play her and her base kit, but they feel the struggles that they went through back when she already had 50hps and they all knew it wasn’t enough. We want her to go forwards as a character, not backwards. Valkyrie and E rez are Alpha concepts for pete’s sake. And 50hps was a small part of why she was in the gutter back in the day.

50hps puts her closer to Zen in healing compared to Moira.
Numbers wise she is closer to an off supports healing than a main support, who she is supposed to contend with.
Zen is 30hps
Moira is 80hps (not including extra stuff she can just throw out there).

Heck, Zen and Lucio combined can pretty much do her healing output on a single character and then Lucio can boost it and nearly match her on mutiple people and the orbed target in the Lucio aura gets about nearly as much healing as Ana can do. And then you get two saving ults.

How does any of this sound like it makes Mercy balanced? It just sounds like Mercy isn’t in a spot where she is optimal for anything.


No… Just no.
Mercy’s skill ceiling is alsmot the same as her skill floor now. And that was already the case with the first version of Valkyrie. This rework did nothing than removing thought processes from her.

While E res is really harder to use, it’s still way easier to get value out of it than it was with Mass Res. The only thing you need in your head with E res is “Res everything you can, but only if it’s save to do so.”. That’s not only limiting the amount of situations in which you can use res to a very samall minimum, it’s also more gambling than actual strategic play. If the enemy is smart, they will always just camp the dead guys, making Mercy’s kit 25% just useless. And even if they don’t camp the dead teammates you never know if someone will just dash directly to you, because he was just waiting for you.

So… Not only do you have an ability which is more gambling than anything, you also have no more thought processes than “Is it save?” needed. On top of that you never have to think about it being wasted. You get it back in 30s anyway.

And Valkyrie is legit nothing than an easy mode for her base kit. Because a good Mercy player would be able to move just as good as well as heal and dmg Boost just as effective without Valkyrie. And Dps Valkyrie is just pointless. All it need is one smart Tank. Same with ress in Val.

The only thing which is still really skillful is her base kit. That’s about it. She has no Ult (which if used has barely a strong effect or any diversity) and her E ability is better used not used at all.

And in terms of Balance… Mercy is just in a horrible place. She is by far the weakest support. Swapping from Mercy to any other support (Or just removing her from the team) while always net you way more power to push/defend, making everything easier. That’s far away from being fine.