New dev update is just salt in the wounds

If you actually had more than two braincells, you’d realize its not even a buff, its a partial nerf revert. They nerfed her heals from 60 to 50, increasing the time it takes to charge her ultimate. And all they did was increase her valk healing back to her previous numbers and correct the charge rate that they screwed up. Its not a buff. Its a net nerf still.

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I guess it means that the Mercy Nerf Train has finally ended its run.

Dunno how much this will help her abysmal pickrate at GM, though.

Her winrate is also below 50% in all tiers atm so I wonder if this will do anything to that.

I am just happy that they are doing something. If they are making small adjustments towards making her a bit more balanced, at least they’re moving in the right direction!

Yay now to have decent healing I need to activate my ultimate! So amazing and not insulting at all! Plus I can have my easymode even faster! Which is good because I am a very simple zombie unable to think. /s

I hate it rework/revert her already ffs.

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Except when players actually group up to maximize it’s effectiveness, it is just a big old “HEY WE ARE ALL TOGETHER ULT US NOW” and Valk can’t do anything about that.
If anything, it just makes it so people who can’t get a grip on her base kit have a nice little crutch to help them not learn anything.

Look itd take months even a year if they literally go threw old coding just to find mass rez to give it back to mercy I understand mercy mains wanted an e ability but to be honest nagging at Jeff’s througt isn’t gonna help or fix anything I play mercy myself and I’m on ps4 yes most are saying its not a buff but be glad that you can heal 60 during ultimate.

We heard that you didn’t like Mercy’s recently changed healing output and felt as though it was too slow, not giving you enough room to damage-boost your allies. We have heard your complaints, so we’re reverting the healing nerf and giving Mercy 60 healing per second again… but only during her Ultimate! Gotcha, losers!
Blizzard, 2018


That is literally saying “Be glad that you can heal more on the part of your kit that it takes no skill to do such healing on”.

There is less player skill to be shown through Valkyrie then outside of it. But yeah, let’s put the reward on Valk and continue to not reward player skill.

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Well its true yes the angel needs some love but so do the tanks I get rag dolled almost every time by cc. And I’m not really all about skill yes its a good thing but its annoying when everyone wants skill. I personally thank the devs for their work

Nobody wants mass rez back either.

Except 60% of the community, acording to a recent survey.

I don’t care about your World Cup Viewer, Fix Comp.

As a player who liked Mass Rez better than Valk i accept this change. Finally Valk has more impact and can charge faster so Mercy could be more useful in 3+ tank metas.

Maybe stop then?

I just don’t think it is right that they made the already mechanically easy hero, easier across her entirety. It ruins part of the games competitive nature by making her succeed without much effort on the part of the player, especially for E Rez and Valkyrie. They undermine the values that you learned from the base kit and the skills and thought processes you did learn through Mass Rez.

I think skill can appear in different ways and just because mechanically she was easy, I don’t think the rework kept the part of her that allowed her to show skill and instead stripped her of that and lowered her skill ceiling.

I loved old Mercy because I could do what I love, which is support but I could do it without being punished by being inconsistent. I love consistency and control. This is what old Mercy allowed me to do, because with all the thoughts and plan I made with use of Rez, I could turn a fight based on my own awareness of every other player around.

E Rez simplifies the thought process. Safe or not?
Valkyrie, removes her weaknesses which you work hard to overcome with the tools you are given in her base kit just by being skillful even if she is mechanically easy.

So I can agree, I don’t want her to be mechanically challenging because it interferes with the part of being a support that I love, being a reliable helper that can make the team excel. I don’t agree that she has to have the abysmal skill floor she was given with the rework, because it does nothing for her except make her tough to balance.

She’s not getting reverted bub, no matter how many times you beg, try and justify Mass Rez or act like Blizzard is going out of their way to personally victimise you it ain’t going to happen.

im curious (especially now that its been a year)…how many people think there are wounds to begin with

I just don’t understand. We are loud, obnoxious and unreasonable, WHY is Blizzard not listening to us!!! Mercy should be the focus of the dev team, not any other hero, but ONLY MERCY!

This is not called being entitled, I am just mad at Blizzard for ignoring their first priority!!!

Valk makes mercy difficult to kill with hypermobility,hyper self healing,multi target healing/dmg boosting,and higher fire rate +infinite ammo.

No other support has this much utility for an ult.

Now she will get it faster and her healing got reverted.

I don’t see the problem. When enemy Mercy ult during a team fight it makes your team decide whether to use ults thats could help later. Or use time and resources aiming at her and not her team. Its a good ult.