Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Couldn’t care less about it. I need high value from her in tiers, where players suck. Except Mercy can’t make them not suck.

Can I make tank not suck as Ana, for example? Of course I can - they still do not take cover and do not dodge, but as long as I got massive heals to pour into them, it doesn’t matter.

Can I make DPS not suck as Mercy, supposedly DPS-oriented support? No - they still die with 55 hps on them, more often, than once every 30 seconds, and still miss most shots with damage boost. And Valkyrie doesn’t address that either - if player sucks with my average supporting, Valkyrie won’t improve them.

Well if you don’t care about my opinion or about high elo, I don’t know what much else to say. The game is balanced around the top, not the bottom, that’s proper design.

If you can’t get value out of Mercy, there’s plenty of content out there showing you how and what you can.

That’s not an issue with Mercy or her kit but with player ability.

That’s again not an issue with Mercy or her kit. That’s player skill (or lack thereof).

I’ve got nothing more to add to this unfortunately and I am not really interested in a protracted debate that doesn’t really result in anything but going in circles.

The proof is in the pudding as the saying goes, Mercy has been healthy and viable everywhere including high elo and OWL.

Other than that, I hope you get what you want in PvE Overwatch 2 where they can experiment and add broken or unbalanced abilities.

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Yes, it is. Because it’s what it supposed to be doing - making bad player into good players. I am good at surviving, but it’s NOT enough to succeed in this game.

So far only “fix” I found is bringing smurf player with me. Since I have to ensure, that somehow tools at my disposal are enough at least for 1 player, and even then, attempts to spread them(heal/boost multiple teammates) simply makes them insufficient even for smurf.

That’s entirely your own interpretation of the role.

I am actually surprised you would so casually admit to essentially cheating. So basically from what I understand as your argument - you resorted to cheating in competitive by queuing with a higher rank smurf player to carry you and that still wasn’t enough. So therefore it must be an issue with Mercy’s kit.

I’ve absolutely climbed ranks solo with Mercy with no problem. I don’t really have anything else more to say.

I think this topic is exhausted personally so I am going to respectfully walk away.

I wish you all the best and hopefully you get Mass Rez in the PvE mode of Overwatch where balance is not really critical. Have a good day / evening :slight_smile:

Because I do not view it as cheating, merely as avoiding stupid restrictions, that weren’t even supposed to be there. My only regret is that it requires hard pocketing…but if there is only 1 player, that thrives with such healing and makes good use of boost, it’s acceptable deviation from usual “save everyone” routine.

It was enough to climb, luckily, but it clearly isn’t what I am supposed to be doing. And since I can’t magically make 55 hps and 30% damage boost enough, I have to approach problem from different side and bring in players, that do work with it.

except she objectively has less self agency for value even when compared to other supports.

e.g. other damage boosts (or even heal boosts) allow the user to actually boost their own shots to get more value from the ability themselves. not to mention opportunity wise, many of the heroes of those other boosts can simultaneously provide their base value and get boosted shots at the same time, if not have burst options to have more leniency in being able to do so (i.e. able to “catch up”). that’s not the case for mercy’s damage boost (regardless of valk).

and it really should be very obvious how all the constraints/limitations on res makes it’s opportunities of use depend much more on everyone else in the match than mercy’s. i.e. because of cast time + slow + long cd + etc.:

  • can only do los/corner res if the corpse is near cover which is determined by the corpse’s player and enemies
  • if away from cover, either:
    • get teammates to cover you and/or
    • hope enemies are negligent.

of which the number and strictness of conditions/constraints/limitations on it simply are a lot higher than plenty of other support abilities. like even bap’s lamp and ana’s anti don’t have as many limitations to the point whereby it’s much reliant on everyone else’s inputs to get an opportunity of use.

she objectively doesn’t have much agency over her own value compared to other supports.


  • she literally has 0 mechanical/possible input in the actuation process for boosted damage

    • it doesn’t matter if you’re smart in abusing corners for cover while boosting or stupid in standing in the open while boosting, it has no baring on whether the boosted is more or less likely to hit shots to get boosted damage.
    • and before anyone goes “but you can choose who to boost” as a counterargument, here’s an analogy of why that’s a fallacy:
      • you betting on a horse in a horse race from the sidelines from whatever info you got is not the same as you actually participating in or even you sabotaging/rigging the horse race.
  • opportunities to res are hard dictated by everyone else’s inputs as explained above

  • valk not only still has all of the above problems for self agency for value, but also retains the problem of being unable to chain boost, res nor pistol if the team sponges too much damage to a degree with little leniency (i.e. no parallelisation of actions nor burst to “catch up” on heals if you really want to force out one of those other use cases unlike bap’s window or moira’s coal).

uuuh moira and lucio have about the same skill floor and they both have much higher self agency for their own value compared to mercy’s for her kit’s value.

uuum… maybe you’re just not creative enough to come up with a solution :man_shrugging:


My preferred idea is above in this thread, so here is what it is:

  • damage boost is replaced by damage resistance;
  • E res is replaced by giving teammate free flight for 5 seconds;
  • Valkyrie chains effects of free flight on whole team;

It does achieve following things:

  • Mercy gets something to handle burst damage;
  • No more complaints about reversed kills;
  • More tactical opportunities for teammates;

If you aren’t allowed to resurrect whole team to make them survive ult stack, you can simply make them fly away from danger.

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Then you do care about whether or not I care about it. If it’s important for other people to hear, then you care about other people receiving it.

Whether or not it was the only reason doesn’t matter when the developers themselves were adamant that it was a valid reason. Thus, it is a valid reason now.

There’s a lot more people who preferred Mercy 1.x than people who preferred 2.x.


Ever heard of flankers?

Which are safely ignored, unless they pack significant firepower.

Mercy can be safely ignored, unless you somehow have difficulties killing through 55-60 hps.

Idk what rank you play at, but ignoring flankers is an easy way to get yourself killed. Especially Tracer or Sombra.

Killing a Mercy is a good way to end a teamfight, and Valk almost completely denies that option

Killing her teammates is good way to end a teamfight, and unlike chasing Mercy, it doesn’t require good aiming either.

Flankers mostly ignore me, because they are fully aware, that I would simply fly away from them. Instead they target someone less mobile, being fully aware, that said player a) expects flankers to target me and b) I can’t do anything about it.

What happens, for instance, if Genji decides to use Dragon blade to get me and I use Valkyrie? Nothing unusual - he just proceeds to cut through my teammates instead. One isn’t dumb enough to waste his ult on mobile target flying high in the air, when he got plenty of targets, that aren’t even going to turn around, before being sliced in half.

No srsly what rank do you play at.

Because not only do I always get chased as Mercy, its commonly known amongst the community that Mercy is a high priority target. The only place I can imagine people not chasing mercy is, like, Gold or below.

And they should. If your Ashe kills the enemy Mercy but died in the process, that’s a win for you.

Mostly Gold and Plat. Chasing me actually makes enemy lose game there.

Mercy was high priority target, when she had her old ult, for obvious reasons, but now she can’t throw a wrench into your plans, if you decide to steamroll her team.

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I’m diamond and I’m literally playing a game rn where a tracer won’t leave me alone

Guess she isn’t very smart, as she can easily gun down whoever you support, and then throw pulse bomb at you, if you attempt to resurrect.

It’s easy to blindly follow “kill supports first” rule, without ever measuring, if killing them actually matters, or you just wasted your time.

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This thinking is why you’re gold/plat. Not a joke, just a fact

It works out for me, as enemy team doesn’t bother to catch me. And I can’t really blame them for not following “kill support first” rule, as they simply do what’s natural - my heals aren’t great obstacle, that demands extreme measures to be removed.

… but … but your heals should be massive obstacles, especially if you’re playing mercy O.o