The Mercy Rework - Part 1: An Introduction

Because said ultimate charges rather quickly, and better sustain is countered by better damage DPS offer.

It took specific circumstances to make DPS obsolete and create Goats. If Widowmaker wasn’t so good, that it would counter any attempts to pick DPS, for instance, Goats would be exclusive to team, that invented it. If resurrects weren’t mostly gone to counter Widowmaker, it also wouldn’t appear.


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You are not charging ult faster than a team that has better overall utility in the neutral fight, because they have no reason to fear going in. They’d just run over the team with mercy.

The specific circumstance was Brig. She was the missing piece from Slambulance. The line about widowmaker countering dps picks is just pure nonesense…

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No, it’s not. It’s exact reason, why Goats lasted so long - any deviation from them simply caused enemy team to pick Widowmaker and keep DPS dead.

Without resurrects, you rely on tanks to survive. Relying on tanks means sticking together, as most other supports are best in close groups, unlike Mercy. And, since main vulnerability of close groups is getting hit with ults, you pick supports with strong defensive ults.

now what’s wrong with mercy?

she objectively doesn’t. the only real thing she has agency over is her mobility and her heals. however everything else in her kit she has very little control over.

meanwhile other supports have much more self agency over their abilities.
e.g. for most boosts like discord, window, nade, etc. the user is able to capitalise on the boost themselves.
or alternatively, for many of the abilities that aren’t so loaded with prerequisites that they rely much less on others’ inputs to get an opportunity and execute the process to get value unlike res (e.g. if you want to land ana’s nade, you can walk around obstacles, abuse trajectory to bypass obstacles or even shoot barriers blocking you if needed to, all very largely independently, and once it lands the value of nade is immediately attained rather than being gatekept by others’ inputs).


You are forgetting that the reason for Widow being amazing is Mercy to begin with, damage boost for faster 1 shots and Rez on E which is the most crucial part. Without the rework we wouldn’t have had double sniper/moth meta.

She was amazing even without Mercy.

Not really, early in the game sure but dive made her unplayable except on certain maps.

No, it didn’t. And double sniper meta ended, when Hanzo ult no longer could be boosted. Nothing to do with resurrect.

“Unplayable” Widowmaker was so “unplayable”, that team without good Widowmaker of their own had to come up with entirely new comp.

Uh yes it did. You are mixing up your timelines, the meta that ended when dragon strike couldn’t be boosted was when everyone and their nan played Hanzo and Zarya for guaranteed team team fight wins.

You forgot to mention the part where Brig was introduced and stopped dive from being played. The crucial part that actually made the entirely new comp.

No, it wasn’t crucial part. Without Brig, it would be Goats with Moira. As whole “DPS got massive damage and we need massive sustain to handle it” issue wasn’t resolved.

Absolutely not, they tried that and it was worse, that’s what I’m refering to as Slambulance. Brig was the missing link to make a tank and support only comp work.

Still, it was working decently. Until RQ hits, and new meta is double barrier. Same idea, adapted to new limitations.

Not it wasn’t working, it was niche and was very counterable.

You wish. It was supposed to be countered by multiple DPS comp, but one was too unreliable in countering. Like original Goats too, btw - massive sustain is to be countered by massive damage, yet somehow it didn’t work.

Find me the stats then. You are just making things up to support your narrative that MR is a godsend ability to fix everything.

Because it is godsend ability to fix common mistakes, like trickling in one by one.

Rez on E does that as well. Better even.

No, it doesn’t. As you have to fix mistake for whole team tricking in one by one and dying.