Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

I get that we’ve collectively reached the point of despair where we’re willing to say things like “I don’t care if they have to delete rez to do it, I just want Mercy to feel engaging and impactful again,”


It’s the equivelant of asking for a amputation just because you’re sick of walking with a limp.

It would be so much easier and better to just move rez back to Mercy’s ult where it belongs, instead of scrapping it entirely. The Old Devs may have been too stubborn to do so, but they’re gone now.

There’s new blood in charge of the dev team, and they’re making a lot of mouth noises about wanting to make supports more fun to play. We’ve got a fresh start with new devs, who haven’t done anything stupid to indicate a callous direguard for their support playerbase… Yet.

Now’s the time to ask for what we actually want, not just what we’re willing to make heavy comprimises for out of sheer desperation. Who knows, we may actually get it.


Unlikely, as new devs have same hearing issues old devs had.

That still follow same old directives.

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Mercy feels worse in every way.
Movement is worse
Somehow even player targeting feels worse.

I feel like my healing is impactful many times in every game, and juggling low health allies is still pretty common. Its concerning seeing that other Mercy players are feeling so negatively.

Could someone give me a TL;DR?

Why won’t I feel so negative? Mercy was pretty much dead to me after rework, because only option for me to win on her was constantly respawning allies, until numbers overcome stupidity.

She effectively lacks tools to win in ranks, where brute force wins everything.

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I mean, I hit GM in season 4, T500 in season 6, then never bothered with comp again until OW2, where I’m GM again with 60% winrate.

She doesn’t lack the tools that I need to win ranks. I can’t be the only one.

I’d be willing to review Mercy gameplay to help individuals see if there’s something they can do to improve.

I know that pairing with smurfs can get me through those ranks, but have no desire to go that route anymore.

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I just solo q climbed from Gold 2-GM5 in support, and from Gold 2 to Diamond 3 in Open Queue.

Other people can do this as Mercy too. I am not the best Mercy player.

Sorry, not interested anymore. Overwatch has, perhaps, most unsatisfying grind ever. Not even MMO games, that are famous for requiring long grind, are that unsatisfying.

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I disagree. This season my only goal was to hit Diamond in role queue. After hitting Diamond the goal moved to Master. After hitting Master the goal became GM. The T500 grind is something I’ll reserve for next season.

It was very rewarding to me.

I don’t find ranks rewarding. Period. Just more BS, more concentrated efforts to eliminate specifically you, and even less fun to be had.

Well I certainly can’t force you to find joy in anything. What is it that would bring you joy while playing Mercy?

I personally love juking the best players in the world, especially when they’re trying so hard, maybe even streaming so their viewers can see it. I like outhealing the other top supports. Having the fewest deaths in the lobby. So many fun things

Imo it’s much more fun to play in a Masters lobby than a Gold one. You can rely on your team much more. Communication is better and they generally know how to play the game well as a team.

I don’t want to give the impression that I think the grind is all sunshine and rainbows, because it’s not. It’s up to each individual to find ways to have fun, or to find something else. Burnout is real.

Bringing back my ability to win games via numbers. Since I have no issues with surviving myself, but I have issues with teammates absolutely refusing to retreat from lost battles.

No one hunts me, because they don’t need to, as my heals are easy to kill through and my teammates probably unbinded S button on their keyboard.

I know, that I can’t hope for teammates to be smart, so at least give me ability to bring them back repeatedly, until they finally make it, or I end up dead.

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That’s a rank thing. While it always exists, the higher the rank, the less you see this.

If I need to reach high ranks just to get to enjoy game, then screw that game.

If all games followed that kind of “design”, I probably wouldn’t be playing games at all by now.

I mean, you complain about bad teammates, well the way to avoid them is to attain a higher rank than them. You can’t just be gold, then decide “I don’t want to play with other golds, put me in GM already.”

Show that you deserve better teammates/higher rank. Earn it.

Not going to. I am immune to such “baits” from games - either you give me decent teammates from the start, or I am just not playing.

I see the issue, which people willfully ignore, that the game has a system to rank you as an individual around a design of a team game. This doesn’t really work very well in any activity.

It would be fine, if game actually worked with retarded teammates.

But for me Overwatch was worse, than playing GTA Online heists with randoms. Which by itself can be really stupid experience, like stealing plane, when no one knows, how to fly it.

TF2 players aren’t bright ones either, but game, at least, was designed around not having best and brightest on your side.