Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

I have a respectable amount of hours on Mercy, I mained her for a long time but I also play all the other supports. I don’t need to spectate you to know that you are not as impactful as you think you are because Mercy doesn’t have anything in her kit to boost her healing beyond her ultimate which only boosts it up to her old stats which back then when you couldn’t heal them, Rez was the fall back to saving what you couldn’t heal. You lost two players but still had enough team up to safely bring them back, okay do that.

Yes, she has old heal with chain beams but that’s BORING AS HELL. Juggling is part of her skill expression so why did we get chain beams. Why didn’t we get a single stronger beam?

Mercy’s kit is rough as hell and because of all the nerfs required to get the reworked version to a state people playing against her didn’t hate, it feels so disconnected from itself.

Her only role in high ranks is right click and stay alive so your Sojourn kill time is even faster. She shouldn’t be considered good because she can piggyback off Sojourn’s success, because that doesn’t make her fun or good.

I got to GM. I still have a 60% winrate. I was impactful.

Amount of hours doesnt equal skill.

Okay and that is the rank where people can aim and everyone and their dog is using Sojourn and can actually aim and can aim on stronger supports.

Your right click actually impacts the player you’re are boosting in that rank but that doesn’t stop you from being more of a spectator than a contributor to that match.

Mercy isn’t good or impactful, her team mates are. Mercy is considered “good” when other characters that compliment her right click are considered good. That doesn’t make Mercy good, fun or engaging.

There is a difference between synergy and just being only good because something else is.
Pharah and Mercy have good synergy because it’s easier to heal her with someone like Mercy, it’s good for Pharah. That doesn’t mean Mercy is good either and you can still heal Pharah with Ana or Kiriko.

Mercy has always been considered good when something that benefits from her right click is even strong/OP/meta. That doesn’t mean she is good. If Mercy were disabled and that character was still strong, still saw incredible usage, Mercy wasn’t ever the strong part of it.

The extremely shortened version that leaves a lot out: Before she was reworked, there was actually a lot more complex descision-making involved in playing Mercy optimally than there is now. She actually even used to be able to carry bad teammates to some extent, provided that you got really, really good at her.

The Moth Rework (which turned rez into a single-target cooldown, and replaced it with Valkyrie as her new ult) DRASTICALLY reduced the amount of meaningful descisions Mercy can make in her moment-to-moment gameplay. It dumbed her down quite a bit from the perspective of OG Mercy mains.

To add insult to injury, all the hard nerfs the devs inflicted on Mercy in attempts to balance rez as a cooldown ability ended up putting a hard cap on how much impact a Mercy player is “allowed” to have on their own initiative. It’s why there’s so many complaints about Mercy feeling like she’s powerless to change the course of a match on her own.

Mercy got done so dirty that peeps still be mad 5 years later.


“mErCy iS fInE Doh!”
Says the Gold/QP console mercy mains who only hold right click + shift, I got to the point where I dont even play support at my rank because it sucks so bad, let alone Mercy, Mercy and brig is just a GG insta-lose since one sucks at their job, and the other just makes the match a 4v5 every game, outdated heroes ruin the new game.


Thank you! I agree fully and Mercy is so bad right now that I fear seeing her on my team. I will never tell anyone to switch, but inside I wish most Mercy players would.


of the original thread?
mass res is back w cast time
valk is gone
e ability is pacify (reduce enemy damage) and a skill shot


This is meaningless. The #1 tank NA for a while this season has been a Doom OTP. That doesn’t mean that Doom isn’t in need of changes/buffs (which he is now getting, along with Mercy, in a week).

I was 4300 when Mercy had 50 HPS and was trash. Doesn’t mean she wasn’t trash. I was just still abe to make use of the hero.


Hey forgive me but what does “OTP” mean?

One Trick Pony.

Basically someone who will only play one hero and never switch.

Thanks. I’ve been wanting to ask but didn’t wanna seem like a complete noob. :wink:


It’s cool, I ask about stuff all the time :slight_smile:

If they’re never going to change her back, which at this point is basically a certainty, they should at least give us an option under communications to report rez cooldown.

Fact is that rez is still her ultimate in the sense that it’s the ability teammates care about, whether it’s on Q or E notwithstanding. No one other than the Mercy player cares when Valkyrie will be up, making the ultimeter report button superfluous. An option to report her rez CD to the team with a single button press would be a major help in so many situations.

That would mean admitting their failure with Valkyrie, and developers would sooner jump off roof of their own HQ, than do that.


Oh hey, Mercy got changed.

Aaaaand it’s garbage.


honestly, i’ve been hoping that this thread would get some kind of acknowledgement after all these years, even during my long periods of time away from these forums i’d be thinking about it sometimes, but nope.

they’re either: avoiding this thread like the plague or have yet to even see or look at it at all, thinking that it’s “just another mercy thread” despite how huge it has been. and dear god, it’s really hard to believe that they’ve seen this thread at all ESPECIALLY after this patch.


I’m with you. (let the flames begin)

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Uwu advance happy new year to all troops still left,:relieved::beers:

Also yo blizzard want to try to acknowledge the biggest thread in overwatch forums after all these years.


Youre partially correct, the mods actually merged all threads from 2017/2018 that was complaining about Mercy (there was a LOT), into this one giant megathread to cope with the fact that people were not happy with “mercys current state”, it was soft censoring because the devs never saw it, since the only way the devs actually get any idea of how the community actually feels is if the entire community comes down on them, or Flats complains about something.

Never will happen, not now, blizz will cope by saying nothing since theyve dug themselves too deep of a hole to get out of now


Actually, that never happened with this thread. It happened to three other - ahem - “official feedback threads” that collected 20,000 replies each (plus 7-ish megathreads on the old OW Forums with 1,000 - 7,000 replies each). I created this thread shortly after the moderators stopped enforcing the yeet-it-into-the-megavoid rule, so the contents of this thread are entirely self-contained.